1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided Report: 76561198129174314 - (zzZZZZzz / [DOTA2] Dota2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by [F2P]๖ۣۜCoCa-CoLa::., May 20, 2014.

  1. [F2P]๖ۣۜCoCa-CoLa::.

    [F2P]๖ۣۜCoCa-CoLa::. New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [DOTA2] Dota2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198129174314 (zzZZZZzz)

    Victim profile: 76561198012817821

    What happened? Description:
    Clever tries to find stupid or Philippines Bootleger arrrrrrrrr :)
    There was a guy, who added me trying to buy my whale blade and unusual courier for 50$ wroth steam wallet money, I thought why not? It's fair, as it is around 29 keys, just what i wanted, but he ended up as scammer, who is not still banned on STEAM REP, so why don't we add this mother slicer here? I hate this dirty scammers! Another lesson for scammers, don't try to scam someone with steam rep link in their descr :)

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Hello
    zzZZZZzz: 25$?
    zzZZZZzz: sir can i offer it?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: What for?
    zzZZZZzz: for whale blade
    ☩ Addlove Midler: And how you want to give me this money?
    zzZZZZzz: by sending the code sir by steam offer sir
    ☩ Addlove Midler: What code? :D
    zzZZZZzz: you dont know how?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Nope, is it like the cards you buy?
    zzZZZZzz: yes sir
    zzZZZZzz: other people buy in steam wallet now
    zzZZZZzz: easy get items
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Yeah, sure, but I don't send my item until I'm sure that money came to my acc
    ☩ Addlove Midler: We can do skype
    ☩ Addlove Midler: I will show screen
    ☩ Addlove Midler: So you make sure I activate it and get money
    zzZZZZzz: hahahaha my pc dont have skype sir
    ☩ Addlove Midler: It's easy to get
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Just download
    zzZZZZzz: btw sir there was a instruction inside
    ☩ Addlove Midler: For what?
    zzZZZZzz: if your money you get
    zzZZZZzz: sir how about this speed demon courier how much for this?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: look man I don't trust random people adding me, coz you can give me used code, etc, so if you want to go first and I will give you screenshot of every step I fill in the form to get money, then I'll do it
    ☩ Addlove Midler: I don't really trade it :C I like it
    ☩ Addlove Midler: And it is reserved for person who wants it really much
    zzZZZZzz: okay
    zzZZZZzz: okay
    zzZZZZzz: okay
    ☩ Addlove Midler: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198012817821
    ☩ Addlove Midler: My steam rep
    zzZZZZzz: first step sir go to www.steampowered.com.
    zzZZZZzz: but after you accept the steam offer sir
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Not after, coz my item will be gone
    zzZZZZzz: theres no money in your account if you dont accept it
    zzZZZZzz: no
    zzZZZZzz: lets try i teach how you can get that okay?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: I'm not stupid :D I know how it works xD
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Ok go on
    zzZZZZzz: yes
    zzZZZZzz: how much your courier sir?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: I don't sell demon
    ☩ Addlove Midler: I do sell the second one
    zzZZZZzz: what you sell?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: It's 22 keys
    zzZZZZzz: ow okay
    zzZZZZzz: the kupu?
    zzZZZZzz: 50$?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: yeah
    ☩ Addlove Midler: ok
    zzZZZZzz: ok
    ☩ Addlove Midler: So teach me how you do it
    zzZZZZzz: done sir
    zzZZZZzz: sir just copy first the vat id iblt number and code
    zzZZZZzz: after you accept the offer sir
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Wait for 2?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: 50 bucks?
    zzZZZZzz: yes
    zzZZZZzz: why?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Need to do calculations
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Wait
    zzZZZZzz: ow just say me the correct price sir sorry
    ☩ Addlove Midler: It's rught
    zzZZZZzz: its right sir?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: And how do i get money?
    zzZZZZzz: just accept the steam offer sir then copy the code vat id and iblt number sir then go to steam market
    zzZZZZzz: just copy paste in notepad
    ☩ Addlove Midler: You know how we do? You redeem money yourself and buy keys :) And I will exchange to the ammount of key you'll get for that money
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Otherwise I would need to report you to steam rep as atempt to scamm
    zzZZZZzz: what?
    zzZZZZzz: i scam you?
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Coz I don't trust this s✿✿✿, I prefer pure keys
    zzZZZZzz: wtf
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Attempt to scam
    zzZZZZzz: wtf
    ☩ Addlove Midler: You trying to by the looks of it
    zzZZZZzz: then theres no item in my inventory then i scam you?
    zzZZZZzz: oh common men
    zzZZZZzz: idont scam you
    zzZZZZzz: wtf
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Ok, redeem code yourself and buy keys
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Ok?
    zzZZZZzz: just say no if you dont want
    ☩ Addlove Midler: And we have deal
    zzZZZZzz: so i decline it if not wtf
    zzZZZZzz: just say no
    zzZZZZzz: bullshit
    zzZZZZzz is now Offline.
    zzZZZZzz: poorman
    zzZZZZzz is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Man you are reported to steam rep :)
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Your account will be marked as scammer
    ☩ Addlove Midler: I have Screenshots
    ☩ Addlove Midler: Of conversation
    ☩ Addlove Midler: And spare time
    ☩ Addlove Midler: So enjoy ;)

    Attached Files:

  2. [F2P]๖ۣۜCoCa-CoLa::.

    [F2P]๖ۣۜCoCa-CoLa::. New User

    Just letting know that it's probably ALT, so that also need consideration :) I dunno where main account is, but if Admins are able to find it, it will be much appreciated
  3. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Thank you for your report! An SR admin will review yours in a while!