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Declined Report: 76561198015791902 (Kaspersky)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Gentlemen, Jun 12, 2012.

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  1. Gentlemen

    Gentlemen New User

    steamID: Billie Joe
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:9999999999
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/id/eddietjon/
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198028575894

    steamID: Kaspersky
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:66666666666
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ruslan_online/
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198015791902

    http://i.imgur.com/Ysh6h.jpg - trade log

    Chat log:
    Billie Joe: Hey.
    Billie Joe: You are underpaying.
    Kaspersky: ?
    Billie Joe: You pay only 10.66 ref.
    Kaspersky: wait
    Billie Joe: http://tf2b.com/tf2/76561198028575894
    Billie Joe: Check my bp
    Billie Joe: The 16 new things.
    Billie Joe: Oh wait.
    Billie Joe: Oh wait.
    Billie Joe: Oh wait.
    Billie Joe: Yeah.
    Billie Joe: You're underpaying.
    Billie Joe: I'll be glad if you add 2 more ref.
    Billie Joe: But if you don't.
    Billie Joe: So.
    Billie Joe: Your decision?
    Kaspersky: u blaim not me
    Billie Joe: Ok your choice.
    Billie Joe: Scammer.
    Kaspersky: ?
    Kaspersky: u blaim im scammer?
    Billie Joe: But at least you underpay in the first place.
    Billie Joe: But you admin you underpaid?
    Billie Joe: *Admit
    Kaspersky: dont can
    Billie Joe: You've paid me 10.66 ref for 5 keys.
    Billie Joe: While it should be 12.66 ref.
    Billie Joe: I am not referring you as a scammer or such.
    Billie Joe: But you offered less than I want.
    Billie Joe: You agree?
    Kaspersky: this ok?
    Billie Joe: What ok.
    Billie Joe: Of course I'm pissed.
    Kaspersky: dont u
    Billie Joe: Of course not ok.
    Billie Joe: You should pay me 2 ref.
    Kaspersky: if i dont want pay?
    Billie Joe: What can I do.
    Billie Joe: Go to your place and kill you?
    Billie Joe: It only about yourself.
    Kaspersky: )))
    Billie Joe: Billie Joe: You want to trade or what?
    Kaspersky: no(
    Billie Joe: I see.
    Billie Joe: Kaspersky: sry(
    Billie Joe: Well that not the way you feel guilty.
    Billie Joe: I can't say 'Sorry I've scam your whole backpack'
    Billie Joe: Right.
    Billie Joe: It's just about your moral values.
    Kaspersky: yea
    Kaspersky: yea
    Billie Joe: Kaspersky: yeap
    Billie Joe: 2 ref for your moral.
    Billie Joe: Quite cheap.
    Kaspersky: yeap
    Kaspersky: bb
    Billie Joe: Have a nice day.
    Billie Joe: Kaspersky: u too great man

    Desc: He add 12 ref, and ask me what I need more. I said (Thinking that the 10 ref is 12 ref already because he had taken out the 2 refs), he still needs to add 0.77 ref. (Because 2.55 x 5 = 12.75). And he asked for a 1 scrap discount. In which I am ok with that. And then he add 1 rec, 1 scrap and 2 weapons (Which he switch it to uncrafts). And I ask him to pay 1 scrap more. Then he give me 2 more weapons. And we traded.

    Afterwards he found out about the fraud and the scammer refuses to trade it back

    In this case, Billie is my friend who had reported this so i offered my help.
  2. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Do you happen to have screenshots of the trade window to prove that he switched out 2 refined? Also transcripts of chats alone are not enough to go on. If you happen to have one of those please provide that as well.
  3. Gentlemen

    Gentlemen New User

    Sorry but i don't have a trade screenshot. He quit the trade window afterwards.
  4. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Unfortunately, without screenshots, there is not enough evidence to go on to mark this person as a scammer.
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