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Pending Report: 76561198107943737 - (Team Dream Fortress / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS, May 27, 2014.

  1. {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS

    {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198107943737 (Team Dream Fortress)

    Victim profile: 76561198061940927

    What happened? Description:
    WARNING: This has happened to me before, and i caught the previous guy, I was just messing around with him.

    So this guy named Team Dream Fortress added me saying he wanted to buy my Unusual Modest for 30 buds and my 3 buds for 18 keys each. I checked his backpack, and he had no keys, so i was a little suspicious at the beginning. He said that he had to buy the keys off steam market. He said that he was afraid that I was going to back out so I had to give it to one of my trusted friends. I knew something fishy was up, so I asked one of my trusted friends (Dynastes) and he chatted with him there. He said that he would buy the keys after I traded my friend (Dynastes) the Modest and Buds. He then proceeded to have one of his friends (Roady)

    | steamname: Unknown
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:87532647
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198135331022
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198135331022

    add me and he had changed his name to Dynastes. I check his previous name history and it did not match my friends previous name history. He kept on sending me trades to try and trade my stuff to him to him, which was in my friend's account. After I confronted him about his impersonation, he proceeded to remove me.

    These reports seem very much like mine:


    Provide Evidence:
    KiϞg: hey
    KiϞg: how can i help you?
    Team Dream Fortress: hi there
    Team Dream Fortress: im buying earbuds or unusuals
    KiϞg: ok
    Team Dream Fortress: what do you sell
    Team Dream Fortress: what do you have ?
    KiϞg: checkmy bp
    Team Dream Fortress: how much for earbud and the 2 two unusuals
    KiϞg: offer
    Team Dream Fortress: may i know their prices base on your own market selling?
    KiϞg: id sell the earbuds for 18-19 keys
    Team Dream Fortress: and for the two unu?
    KiϞg: no price on either
    KiϞg: just offers
    Team Dream Fortress: no best offer yet or ?
    KiϞg: no set price on them, i consider all offers
    Team Dream Fortress: wait a sec
    KiϞg: ?
    Team Dream Fortress: 3 buds for
    Team Dream Fortress: unu hat?
    KiϞg: which
    Team Dream Fortress: ''Fit For A KiϞg; The Only KiϞg''
    KiϞg: your kidding right?
    KiϞg: ive bene offered 20+ pure
    Team Dream Fortress: okay i offer 30 buds
    Team Dream Fortress: deal ?
    KiϞg: sure
    Team Dream Fortress: and how many buds
    Team Dream Fortress: do you sell
    KiϞg: 3
    Team Dream Fortress: for 18 keys?
    KiϞg: sure
    Team Dream Fortress: so 54 and 30 buds?
    KiϞg: sure
    Team Dream Fortress: Alright but wait i need a proof
    Team Dream Fortress: so i can be safe
    Team Dream Fortress: we will use your trusted friend to hold the buds and unususals before i buy at market
    KiϞg: ok
    Team Dream Fortress: ok can you link me his profile so that i can add him now
    KiϞg: sure lemme get him online
    Team Dream Fortress: okay
    KiϞg: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dynastesc/
    Team Dream Fortress: ok wait, can we trust this ?
    KiϞg: yeh
    Team Dream Fortress: ok hold on
    Team Dream Fortress: king
    Team Dream Fortress: can you check him in my friendlist if he is your trusted friend ?
    KiϞg: yeah i guess
    Team Dream Fortress: alright
    Team Dream Fortress: I will invite him to our group chat nd i tell him to invite you for a trade before i buy the keys and buds
    Your chat with Team Dream Fortress is now a multi-user chat.
    Dynastes. entered chat.
    Team Dream Fortress: invite him to trade
    Team Dream Fortress: let me know if its done
    Dynastes.: ok
    Team Dream Fortress: done ?
    KiϞg: hey man, thanks for giving me all the proof so i can report you to steamrep, i know this scam inside and out, enjoy !
    Dynastes. left chat.​

    Attached Files:

  2. {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS

    {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS New User

  3. LuLz. Shakespeare

    LuLz. Shakespeare New User

    God damnit the same thing just happened to me! I didn't get any proof, but now I am down two buds. fml...
  4. {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS

    {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS New User

    That sucks man, hope you get your items back.
  5. GambiT

    GambiT Banned on SteamRep

    same with me.. he failed

    Attached Files: