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Need More Info Report: 76561198034399097 - (dante_ / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Spud, May 18, 2014.

  1. Eoj Nawoh

    Eoj Nawoh Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    You can attempt to have the chat log opened if you manage to somehow get your chat history with him.

    Essentially, you'd need to be able to get the message window to open somehow.
  2. Spud

    Spud New User

    One other problem is that, dante_ doesn't respond to anything I say. I've been asking him to unblock me and Random, so Random can get their chat log back. Unfortunately, he just hides every comment and ignore me. If he isn't guilty on the charges, why block and ignore me and Random?

    Attached Files:

  3. Spud

    Spud New User

    I forgot to include these screenshots.

    Attached Files:

  4. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    I do not know why anyone would block and/or ignore you but this report lacks the vital evidence. I am going to leave this report open until May 26th 2014, if no other evidence is provided, the report will be concluded based on the evidence that was already provided.
  5. Zemnmez

    Zemnmez Partner Community

    BSoD contacted me about this report. I have a method for retrieving those chat logs, I have added http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/346314 and will help him get the history.

    Edit: I have the screenshot now, I don't want to post it here, though. Whoever this concerns, contact me for it.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    Mattie! likes this.
  6. Randommagic/랜덤매직

    Randommagic/랜덤매직 New User

    here is the chat log.

    Attached Files:

  7. Spud

    Spud New User

    Hello, thankfully you guys didn't close or archived the report. Can we get any reply on the situation of the report? I mean, I'm thankful it isn't closed even though you said it will be on may 26, but 7 days has passed and we have no conclusion to this report. I'm sorry if I seem late aswwell, because my internet provider limited my subscription and I was only able to go online and play games on steam. I hope the fragment of the chat Zemnmez managed to scrap will help out.
  8. Seishi

    Seishi New User

    Hey guys!
    This dante_ guy added me today in the hope of buying my own unusual for that one +1 bud overpay, which always leaves me a bit skeptical
    so after speaking to Spud, i did a bit of fishing, would this in any way help your cause?

    This was done in two parts though, took a little bit to get him talking
    but frankly these screenshots point out that he has not even paid half of the proposed offer here: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/19836418
    and feel free to ignore this:
    To voice my own suspicions, this guy said ~15, to give us a range that throws us off because it's rounded down, but seems awfully close to the nuts 'n bolts reggaelator.
    I personally am of the opinion that this guy took advantage of the two reggaelators, and tricked the official owner into giving the wrong one.

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  9. [KSG] Pebbingpebbs

    [KSG] Pebbingpebbs New User

    Hey guys, Dante_ posted on my quicksell trade earlier and wanted to sell the reggaelator for 1.5 which is a decent price... However I did some research on it as any responsible person would and saw this report. Im not sure if this helps but, in my eyes it shows that he is trying to get rid of it pretty quickly.
  10. [KSG] Pebbingpebbs

    [KSG] Pebbingpebbs New User

  11. Spud

    Spud New User

    Thank you for not taking his offer ^^ He's been desperately trying to sell the Reggae for weeks now, but I make sure to comment on every trade he makes for it, because he instantly closes every trade I comment on.
  12. Spud

    Spud New User

    Hello, it's almost a month since you guys responded to this report. At first, I was hoping things would be straightened out during the first week with dante returning the hat, but now, I've lost all hope about that. For weeks, I've been hovering over dante and the trades he make for the reggae to make sure he won't sell it, but it seems he sold it using an alt account. I'm really depressed that we were unable to get a conclusion before he sells it, but I haven't lost the will to get him mark, even though it seems the hat is gone. I may have failed from stopping him to sell it before he gets tagged as a scammer, but I won't give up until he gets what he deserves. I've put the Steam profile, Outpost profile, and the history of the Reggaelator. You can clearly see it went from dante's hand to the alt, then back to dante.

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  13. Spud

    Spud New User

    Kinda confusing that I said he sold it using an alt account then saying it went from dante's hand to the alt, then back to dante, but I am certain he sold it since I can't find the hat anymore in either bp. I will try to see who currently owns it since it's confusing that the items history says dante was the last owner, but it isn't in his bp anymore, and I can't find any Aces High Reggae for sale on the market.
  14. Spud

    Spud New User

    UPDATE: I managed to find out who currently owns the Reggae. Yes, I know this doesn't provide any evidence whatsoever, but it can say that dante_ was really desperate to sell it, since every trade he posted it on found out on what he did, and declined his offers. Ever since, he was unable to make any trade for it on outpost using his main account, since I've been commenting on every trade he makes for it, and he closes it down. I contacted the current owner of the reggae, I asked him who and where he bought it from, he said he bought it on a trade server from a guy named " JustPervent |Плюха|" the same same of the person I accused of being dante's alt account. During our chat, he was really stubborn when I was trying to ask him the name of the person he bought it from. I'm not accusing him of anything, but it seems he and dante_ are close friends since he knows all about this report, but still bought the Reggae. I really hope any of you reply back, whether it be good or bad news, It's alright for me, as long as I know you guys are still handling this report.

    The picture of the updated item history of the reggae, and my chat with the current owner will be provided

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  15. SUNSPY™

    SUNSPY™ New User

    Hi admins, didn't want to bother you by adding so I'll post here

    This guy has offered me a trade, the hats he's offered are
    Raincatcher Antifreeze
    Raincatcher Something Burning
    Crown C9

    I can't see anything suspicious about them from a quick look at the histories and TF2OP but I'd appreciate if someone else does
    Not comfortable trading with him unless YOU tell me it's ok.. would appreciate a heads up if or when this will be resolved ! THANKS

    P.S. I'm no judge, and it's your site, but "all trades are final".. morally a terrible thing to do, most of us wouldn't, but thems the breaks.. the conditions of trades on Steam are clear, you're suuposed to check before you hit trade.. am terribly sorry for the victim though, but like all mistakes in life the important thing is to LEARN and not make the same mistake again. Hopefully some good luck will come his or her way too
  16. SUNSPY™

    SUNSPY™ New User

    Ignore my post, sold my hat for something else and blocked the guy when he re-added me :D

    Whoever got ripped off, add me I'll donate a few small items