1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

SteamRep needs to have more of a 'reputation' system.

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by -[PI]-3.14, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. -[PI]-3.14

    -[PI]-3.14 New User

    Steamrep needs to categorize different offenses into reputation points.
    Like the global banlist for minecraft, MCBans.

    What it does, say, a user is an alternate account, he loses, say, the same amount of points that his alt had lost, say that his alt has a 3/10 reputation. And if the alt loses another 3, the other alt would also lose 3 points.

    Alt1 - 3/10 points
    Alt2 - 10/10 points

    3 days later

    User1 reports Alt2 for alt account

    2 days later
    Alt1 - 3/10
    Alt2 - 3/10

    Here is an example of the plugin:
    A Global ban is a ban that effects a user on a permanent scale by reducing their reputation from 10 downwards with every ban, the deduction depends on the server's own reputation. For the reason that, when users reach 0 reputation they get banned from accessing any MCBans server, there are strict guidelines that regulate the usage of such bans.

    These bans are meant for high severity offences in order to prevent griefers violating the same rules on other servers, and they are always monitored by the MCBans Staff so we can quickly remove any invalid bans.
  2. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    This is the most pointless system I have ever heard. A scammer is a scammer, end of story. You are a scammer and so are all of your accounts since they belong to you. They can't be 30% of a scammer.
  3. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    From gauging your little explainatory, this is just a "by consensus" banning of a account that has been problematic on various reasons on various servers.

    Has nothing to do with verifying why those bans where done, like micspam, destruction on server, being a annoying 11 yo kid, had a argument with a admin, etc etc. While scamming is more black and white issue per case. The measuring is on the other end: the appeals. a offender can appeal, but his chances drop with every reported incident, unless he can prove its innocense (been hijacked etc).

    So no, we cannot work with such a system like that.

    We've been around for more then 3 years now. Every rule we lay down is extensively discussed among admins, and that includes appeals. We discussed a lot of different approaches for bans to be kept by us, various systems of them that we thought off, etc. The longer we run this, the more settled we will be. Maybe not always a good thing, but as I said, at least all the arguments where spoken for it, and if a argument is strong enough to win our admins over, then we'd look into changing.
    Tio José das Vacas likes this.
  4. Eoj Nawoh

    Eoj Nawoh Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    The system that you suggest is more applicable to a ban database that deals with rule breakers or troublesome players, (As MCBans is that, HG uses it on our MC server). However, it would not really work in a system where the database holds one specific goal as per the reason SilentReaper outlined.
    Tio José das Vacas likes this.

    JEFFREYonPC New User

    I'm confused are you saying having an alt reduces your reputation. I have an alt but I don't use it to scam :) and I try my best to link it to me.