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Accepted 76561198048814170 MiniUzi (SR SCAMMER)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by MiniUzi, May 30, 2012.

  1. MiniUzi

    MiniUzi New User

    steamID: MiniUzi
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44274221
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048814170
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048814170
    Long story short okay what happend was im kinda new to trading and i finally got a bills and my point of trading was to get new steam games so i traded a it for red orchastra to diago a admin on source rep everything thing was okay i was play red an diago was doing what evar and tonite i was playing css and i recieve a msg from diago saying hay so i responded with hay then he said the bills is gifted at the tim ei was not aware of "gifted" items so i replied with a ? and he replied with i want 8 keys and i was confused he failed to tell me what was going on and insted starting to say if i dont give him keys ill get banned from steam rep yet again i have never used source rep so i wasnt worried i thought i was just gettin scammed and then i went to trade again on outpost and to my aware i was banned and there was screenshots of our convo and i was upset because i havnt doen anything and no im banned from most of my fav servers and i actually really upset like im been a victim to bully i believe cause what does gifted mean i dont under stand and him forcing me to giv eme 8 keys and the most expessive thing in my bp isnt tradbel till 12/6 sop how was i spose to giv ehim keys so he retalieted with a gtfo an dbam i was banned please replie i hav ealready add som eadmins thank you iand i really wish i can just trade again :(
  2. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    I am Gamers UN Network Admin.

    MiniUzi just contacted me.

    He is known to me on our trade servers as a regular and is not a trouble maker and I do not recall having to censure him for anything.

    Our network treats Steamrep tags as gospel, and your decisions are followed.

    I am only posting here to say in the kids defence, unless there is a log to prove otherwise, that he is likely to not have known hat was gifted, however I do not know him well enough to vouch for him or comment further. As I explained to him, no matter what Steamrep decides, he needs to repay the amount in question.

    * I do not post ever on steamrep, and do not have time today to read your rules, I hope my input here is helpful and adheres to guildines you may have.

    MiniUzi: vangaza please help me
    [WP] VenGanZa: What?
    MiniUzi: do u know diago
    MiniUzi: source rep admin
    [WP] VenGanZa: nope
    MiniUzi: well do u know any source rep admins?
    [WP] VenGanZa: I do not go near it, nor use it
    MiniUzi: well he said if i don tgiv ehe 8 keys i will b ebanned from all trade servers and outpost and sourc erep
    MiniUzi: and now i am
    [WP] VenGanZa: ?
    [WP] VenGanZa: What did you do?
    [WP] VenGanZa: Why did you owe him keys?
    MiniUzi: sold him a bills
    MiniUzi: and he said its gifted?
    MiniUzi: an di dont know what that is
    [WP] VenGanZa: You are steamrep tagged
    [WP] VenGanZa: You need to appeal
    MiniUzi: yeah
    MiniUzi: i did
    [WP] VenGanZa: Nothing I can do
    MiniUzi: no on e
    MiniUzi: no on ereplaied
    [WP] VenGanZa: We use steamrep pluggin, you are perm banned auto
    MiniUzi: i know it sucks im so upset
    [WP] VenGanZa: Where is your thread on steamrep? The appeal?
    MiniUzi: ill send link
    [WP] VenGanZa: You will need to repay the keys obviously irresespective of outcome of appeal
    MiniUzi: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198048814170-miniuzi-sr-scammer.4951/
    MiniUzi: i dont have any keys
    MiniUzi: i bought a game
    [WP] VenGanZa: Tough ttties
    MiniUzi: then what do i do
    [WP] VenGanZa: How do I know?
    [WP] VenGanZa: Borrow some?
    MiniUzi: man this sucks
    MiniUzi: what does gifted mean
    [WP] VenGanZa: Means it isnt worth f✿✿✿✿✿✿ 8 keys
    [WP] VenGanZa: is dirty
    MiniUzi: how
    [WP] VenGanZa: Bro I am busy
    [WP] VenGanZa: I dont not have time
    MiniUzi: so i was scammed then i accidently scammed him
    [WP] VenGanZa: I just logged on machine ffs
    MiniUzi: i know im sorry
    MiniUzi: i thought u would know soemone sorry
    [WP] VenGanZa: I am going to post this chat log and some comments from me on your appeal
    [WP] VenGanZa: Whatever happens will be up to Steamrep staff who handle such things, but win or lose the appeal, you need to repay the keys, that is the correct thing to do.
    [WP] VenGanZa: You ban with GamersUN is permanent unless you win the appeal and your tag is lifted/changed
    Mattie! likes this.
  3. MiniUzi

    MiniUzi New User

    Just adding to my proposal i honestly i had no idea what gifted meant, im new to trading and only thought there was dirty .
    I only retaleted cause i was scared when diago threatend me cause i thought he was trying to scam me.
    And lastly please have the leniency to let a new trader like me to have no scammer tag so i continue trading to get diago his keys back cause i very muchj so intend on it first ill do id get them keys
    so thank you :)
  4. MiniUzi

    MiniUzi New User

    Hay its been a couple of weeks and no one has replied i just really want to get back into to trading ty.
  5. 2610tommy

    2610tommy New User

    Shouldn't Diego check for himself if the bills where clean or not?
    If you made the trade on tf2outpost i dont see the reason at all why you got banned as it states if hats are clean or dirt when you move your mouse over it.

    Gl with your appeal.
  6. MiniUzi

    MiniUzi New User

    Hay can someone please take control of this case please
  7. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I'll be taking the appeal.

    To be clear:
    Dirty: Gift wrapped, gifted, higher craft numbers, uncraftable, untradable. Any non-color status that cant be rubbed off.
    Color status: Vintage, unique, Strange, Genuine, Unusual etc.
    Things that can get off: Name Tag, Description tag, paint.

    Things that cannot get off: Gift wrap text. (this case)

    1. Did you repay Diego the price difference? While he demands 8 keys, it should have been the price difference. Trade cannot be undone for the game is now linked to your account. So either the price difference must be met, or you swap the hat for a "clean" one. This has been mentioned above as a action to do. I give you a week to repay. In a week the appeal will be evaluated. Payment in keys and refineds are fine, other items only in convenience of Diego.
    2. On the point of Diego "should have checked", tbh, high traders like diego do loads and loads of trades a day. The seller of the dirty has also the obligation to name this. This is the grounds for the ban.
    3. Please be open on your actions instead of no answer on what your actions are going to be.

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  8. MiniUzi

    MiniUzi New User

    Thank you for taking this appeal and when it happend and i was talking to some people there did tell me that the best thing was to give him back 8 keys so i tried and he wouldn't add me as a friend so i just gave up cause if cant get the tag removed whats the point you know what im saying so um just add me so we disscus thank you so much :)
  9. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I've talked to Diego, he no longer has the "dirty" bill's, so you owe him now 4 keys. Invite him and get that over with. He'll reply here that he got it.
  10. MiniUzi

    MiniUzi New User

    Ok added him and i have the metal waiting so does this remove the tag or is it just for good will.
  11. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Its a requirement for any appeal to have paid back victim. Otherwise I cant even start considering.
  12. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I do like to finish this in a timely matter, there are loads of other appeals to look into. But Having too many appeals "open" at the same time means only that I would have to acquaintance myself to it again.

    Therefore I set a limit of 7 days from now to get this appeal finished, in whatever way that is.
  13. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Any progress?
  14. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I have not heard any for 6 days now. 1 day left.
  15. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I asked diego, he didn't recieve the keys. As that was a requirement on the appeal, the appeal is denied.
  16. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    re-opened, as it seems he had the invite to the wrong one.

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  17. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    After chat with appealer & Diego:
    - Appeal granted, as per request of Diego.
    - Tag lowered to SR Private Caution (visible admins only)