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Evidence Provided Report: 76561198111405410 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by LudorExperiens, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. LudorExperiens

    LudorExperiens New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198111405410 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198047946878

    What happened? Description:
    The accused person added me to buy buds. After asking how much I sold them at he told me he wanted me to do some strange trading ritual: I was supposed to trade the buds to my friend before he wanted to buy the keys in order to prevent me to "back out".

    Of course this was highly suspicious as I asked for a price he could get buds everywhere for. I instantly knew he was going to try a scam and decided to play along to get enough proof. I contacted my friend SirBaffles, and asked to help me bust that scammer.

    Long story short, it ended in an impersonating scam as suspected and I got every detail I needed.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Chat with accused scammer:
    19:54 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hi
    19:54 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: how can I help you?
    19:57 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: hi
    19:57 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: do you need keys for your buds?
    19:57 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ye, kinda
    19:58 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: how many keys for it ?
    19:58 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: 19 is my price
    20:00 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: how many buds you have
    20:00 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: just this one
    20:02 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: alright but wait i need a valid proof
    20:02 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: do you have a friend to hold the buds before i buy keys at market?
    20:02 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: wut
    20:03 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: if you buy the keys from the market aren't they untradable for the next 3 days?
    20:03 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: no i can contact some reddit people to buy keys
    20:04 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: do you have a trusted friend
    20:05 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: I cannot really relate to that...I mean if we were trading with cash, I'd understand that middleman, but why do we need one for a simple item for item trade?
    20:07 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: to ensure only
    20:07 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: you wont backout
    20:07 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: do you have a trusted friend ?
    20:07 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: I won't backout from what? Dude, you can get buds for 19 keys anywhere
    20:08 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: yes do you have a  friend?
    20:10 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ok, how are we going to do this?
    20:10 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: can you give me his name or profile
    20:10 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: i will add him first
    20:11 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: I give the buds to my friend, after that you go buy the keys, trade me the keys and you get the buds from him?
    20:11 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: yes
    20:11 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: dont give him yet until i must talk to him
    20:12 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: if we can trust him
    20:12 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: so give me his name or profile i will add him to secure
    20:12 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: sure, one moment
    20:13 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: gonna need to ask whether he is available
    20:14 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: sure no prob
    20:15 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045161722/
    20:16 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: ok hold on i will add him
    20:22 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: tell him to accept me ok?
    20:22 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: im playing  a moment
    20:24 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: Alright, told him
    20:30 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: ok can you check him in my friendlist if its truly him
    20:31 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: looks like him indeed
    20:31 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: okay
    20:31 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: I will invite him to our group chat and i tell him to invite you for a trade while i buy the keys
    20:32 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: let me know if done
    20:33 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: Done ?
    20:33 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: i ask him to show
    20:34 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: ?
    20:34 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: done ?
    20:34 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hold on
    20:35 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: im waiting
    20:35 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: ok
    Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
    20:31 - Your chat with PiKoT^MoVeZ is now a multi-user chat.
    20:32 - Sir BaffIes entered chat.
    20:32 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: invite him to trade
    20:32 - Sir BaffIes: ok
    20:32 - PiKoT^MoVeZ: let me know if done
    20:33 - Sir BaffIes: ok
    20:33 - Sir BaffIes: if he dont send me the keys i will return your item
    20:33 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: Hey baffles, how is rouven?
    20:33 - Sir BaffIes: im playing
    20:33 - Sir BaffIes: ok
    20:33 - Sir BaffIes: pls make it fast
    20:34 - Sir BaffIes: if he dont send me the keys i will return your item
    20:34 - Sir Baffles has been invited to chat.
    20:36 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: impersonating is so easy to find out
    20:36 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: please be more creative next time
    20:36 - Sir BaffIes left chat.
    20:36 - PiKoT^MoVeZ left chat.
    Chat with fake SirBaffles:
    Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
    20:32 - Sir BaffIes had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    20:33 - Sir BaffIes had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    20:34 - Sir BaffIes had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    20:34 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hold on....
    20:35 - Sir BaffIes: ok
    20:35 - Sir BaffIes had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    20:35 - Sir BaffIes: im at your side
    20:35 - Sir BaffIes: dont worry
    20:36 - Sir BaffIes had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    20:36 - Sir BaffIes is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.

    Chat with real SirBaffles (in German; Translation in the picture that is attached):
    Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
    20:11 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hey
    20:11 - Sir Baffles: Heya.
    20:11 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hast du Lust einen Scammer auflaufen zu lassen?
    20:12 - Sir Baffles: Klingt definitiv witzig.
    20:12 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ich vermute er versucht einen Impersonator scam
    20:12 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: er will, dass ich die Buds einem Freund tausche, dann will er Schlüssel kaufen , mir die Schlüssel geben und der Freund gibt ihm die Buds
    20:13 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: willst du der Freund sein, der gleich impersonated wird?
    20:14 - Sir Baffles: Ich bin zwar gerade mit ein paar Leuten am Reden und ein wenig beschäftigt, aber bei sowas bin ich gern dabei.
    20:14 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ok ^^
    20:16 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: er will dich gleich adden...dass er das wirklich machen wird, bezweifle ich irgendwie
    20:16 - Sir Baffles: Och, mal schauen was passiert. Ich bin optimistisch.
    20:16 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hehe
    20:19 - Sir Baffles: Ach, du hast diesen tollen JOE auch als Freund? Ist das nicht auch einer dieser tollen Leute die mit Fake Steam Websites um sich werfen?
    20:19 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: tut er das?
    20:20 - Sir Baffles: Glaube ich jedenfalls. Kann sein, dass ich das auch total verwechsle.
    20:20 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ja, ist privates Profil, sieht gut aus
    20:20 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: mir ist im Übrigen gerade eine 2. Scammöglichkeit eingefallen
    20:21 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ich tausche dir die Buds, er sagt dir nach kurzer Zeit, dass der Handel nicht stattfinden konnte und ICH werde impersonated, damit du dem Scammer die Buds "zurück"-tauschst
    20:21 - Sir Baffles: Klingt logisch. Hachja, Scammer sind witzig.
    20:22 - Sir Baffles: Mit solchen Scammern hab ich ja lieber zu tun als mit Bots die nur herumspammen. Die kann man wenigstens auflaufen lassen.
    20:22 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: er sagt, er hätte dich geaddet
    20:23 - Sir Baffles: Hat er.
    20:28 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: 3. Möglichkeit: Er hat vor die Schlüssel mit einer ungültigen Kreditkarte zu kaufen und in Buds zu verwandeln. Nach einiger Zeit merkt Valve den Fehler und entfernt die Schlüssel wieder aus dem Verkehr. Durch diesen Dreieckshandel ist es nicht mehr richtig möglich festzustellen, wem die Buds gehörten und er behält sie....wobei ich sagen würde, ein einfaches Weiterhandeln der Buds würde es auch tun...
    20:29 - Sir Baffles: Es wird ja immer origineller und komplexer.
    20:29 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ich habe zu viel Zeit mit Lesen von SteamRep Reporten verbracht...ich kenne zu viele fragwürdige Möglichkeiten zu scammen
    20:30 - Sir Baffles: Möglichkeit 1 und 2 sind ja relativ leicht erkennbar, aber die dritte Methode ist mir sogar recht neu.
    20:30 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: Carded Keys ist der Fachausdruck.
    20:31 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: nah, es ist die einfache Möglichkeit
    20:31 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
    20:21 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hi
    20:21 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: how can I help you?
    20:21 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: Hey not here to trade
    20:21 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: Here to ask you who this guy is
    20:21 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: 7:04 PM - PiKoT^MoVeZ: hi
    20:21 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: Acting very shady in trade
    20:21 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: what does he want from you?
    20:22 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: Buds
    20:22 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: He has like 0.3 hours on tf2
    20:22 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: hm...interesting...yeah, same here
    20:22 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: He wants buds?
    20:23 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: yup...I'll have a look at him. Just try not to trade him unless I say he is trustworthy (but I somehow doubt that)
    20:26 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: is he asking you to trade your buds to a friend as well?
    20:30 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: Yeah delete him
    20:30 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: Scammer
    20:30 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: He makes his friend
    20:30 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: impersonating I assume
    20:30 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: have the same name as your friend
    20:30 - TheGoodestFinestGoodSir: THen ivn to chat
    20:30 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ha, knew it
    20:31 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: er wird dich gleich entfernen
    20:32 - Sir Baffles: Ach wie wunderbar.
    20:32 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: du bist impersonated worden
    20:32 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: aber ziemlich schlecht
    20:32 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137746592/
    20:34 - Sir Baffles: Ich find das irgendwie beinahe witzig. Nach 6 Monaten hab ich wohl glatt vergessen, wie dämlich Trading manchmal sein kann.
    20:35 - Sir Baffles is now Offline.
    20:35 - Sir Baffles is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    20:35 - Sir Baffles is now Online.
    20:37 - Sir Baffles: Awh, und schon heißt er Kill a Watt.
    20:37 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: ich hatte dich zum Chat eingeladen
    20:37 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: wäre lustig geworden
    20:37 - [CLAS] LudorExperiens | LFP HL: 2 Baffles

    Attached Files:

  2. LudorExperiens

    LudorExperiens New User

  3. LudorExperiens

    LudorExperiens New User

    I appreciate your efforts to help me, but usually you make a new report instead of posting in an existing one just so you show it is a new case of scam and not just the one and only.
  4. Sjru

    Sjru User
