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Accepted Report: 76561198139104248 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by kaybee, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. kaybee

    kaybee New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198139104248 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198058773350

    What happened? Description:
    Ara, with a steamID64 of 76561198058773350, traded his Purple Energy Flamenco and Haunted Ghosts Flamenco to his real life friend, who he has added on steam whose steamID64 is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059013881. Ara also had the scammer added, whose steamID64 is 76561198139104248. Ara had this guy, 76561198139104248, added for a month because he was "buying" both of the flamenco's. This guy 76561198139104248 wanted Ara to trade his unusuals to his real life friend, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059013881, to prove the hats were "legit" according to PrOfixer (the guy who ran off with the unusuals). Ara's real life friend also had the scammer added. Ara traded both of his unusuals to his real life friend, and the scammer quickly changed his name to Ara's name, as seen in the screenshots provided, and Ara's friend accidentally traded the scammer, and gave the hats to him by mistake. The scammer accepted the trade, knowing both of these guys have very little trading experience, and unfriended both Ara and his real life friend, and proceeded to change his name and make his profile private. Ara does not have the chat history as he turned off his PC and went outside due to being so angry with what just happened. The only evidence Ara has is his inventory history, as well as his friend's inventory history, history of both of the flamenco's, profile screenshots, name changes, etc.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here are the screenshots of both inventory histories, the scammer's name changes, the unusual hat histories, steam profiles, etc.

    After the scammer accepted the trade and ran off with both unusuals, he sold the PE flamenco within minutes, as seen in the screenshot of the history.

    I hope this evidence can do something!​

    Attached Files:

  2. kaybee

    kaybee New User

    Here's the trade chat that I received from Ara's friend.

    Attached Files:

  3. kaybee

    kaybee New User

  4. MF.Snapper

    MF.Snapper New User

    This is the second report for this user and the quick switch scam. Granted improper evidence was supplied last report but KBee has it on lock now. Please get this user marked before they ruin more people's day. So sorry Ara
  5. kaybee

    kaybee New User

    Update on the Haunted Ghosts Flamenco history!

    First person it was traded to after the scam:

    | steamname: Lyndsey House
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:89437677
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198139141083
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198139141083

    Second person it was traded to:

    | steamname: Jizz_Syrup
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52088771
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064443270
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064443270

    Picture attached from backpack.tf history.

    Are these people all related? Are they alts of alts? Looks like Lyndsey House is a phishing account.


    Update on the Purple Energy Flamenco history!

    Person it was traded to minutes after the scam:

    | steamname: U R JUST XP is Quickselling
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:60012712
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080291152
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198080291152

    Again, is it an alt? Lets get these people checked out and tag them if need be! Anyone who is associated with a scammer is just as bad as a scammer, and this act of selfishness was NOT fair whatsoever. Another picture attached for further examination.

    Attached Files:

  6. Jizz_Syrup

    Jizz_Syrup New User

    Both of the alleged above contacted me in response to my quicksell ad on Outpost. After looking it up on steam rep, I saw that Profixer had pending reports. After looking at he reports, I saw that the hat he was trying to sell was stolen. I then decided to get the hat hat as cheap as possible so the owner would have to pay as much. I tried contacting Lindsey through adding on Steam and writing on her wall. They dropped the price from 150 keys to me to just under 120. I know have the hat. I have no intention of reselling this hat. I just wanted to get the hat back for Ara.
  7. Jizz_Syrup

    Jizz_Syrup New User

    Sorry early morning for me and I'm still not up. JohnSniper was the one who contacted me saying he was selling for a friend. JohnSniper was the one who first contacted me saying he was quickselling an unusual for his frend, Profixer. After looking up both of them on outpost and steamrep, I saw that the item was freshly scammed. I tried contacting Kaybee soon after this but she did not accept the friend request nor respond to my message on her wall. It was then I decided to get the unusual for Ara with no intention of profit . I wanted to get it for as cheap as possible so Ara wouldnt have to pay as much from somebody trying to make a profit. This is where the Lindsey account comes in. This negotiation took place over several hours. I kept saying to them that I didn't want it because Profixer was marked and I wouldn't be able to sell on Outpost. Finally, they went from wanting 150-140-120 keys. They said that was the lowest price and that they would trade to an unmarked account, Lindsay. I then bought the hat and added ara. Woke up this morning and had ara and kaybee added. Kaybee proceeded to accuse me and assault me when i was trying to explain the situation. I talked to ara about it. He understands the situation. I told him I have no intention on selling it but holding it for when he can pay me back. He said he only has 5 buds. I honestly didnt think doing a nice thing for somebody would turn into this. I guess now I ll just not try to help. I m going to lose 1 bud and sell it back to Ara for 5 buds. The scammers deleted me off their list and I cant pull any chat logs up. I can screenshot the trade if needed. Please let me know if there is anything i can do to help end this.
  8. TheOneHodortoRuleThemAll

    TheOneHodortoRuleThemAll New User

    I have the exact same thing occur. I recognized it as a scam attempt but it actually occur and have the entire chat log with JohnSniper + "Madd Matt" or now known as Lyndsey house (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198139141083).

    Below is the chat log:

    Tuesday, July 15, 2014
    JohnSTF2Sniper: hi
    JohnSTF2Sniper: you still trading your unusuals?
    Hodor: Yes
    JohnSTF2Sniper: can you send me your outpost link?
    JohnSTF2Sniper: so i can check it
    JohnSTF2Sniper: hold on nature call
    Hodor: http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/31279
    Hodor: http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/31279
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i am back
    Hodor: Mmm I linked it
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i want to offer on pullover
    JohnSTF2Sniper: mix in pure
    JohnSTF2Sniper: keys and buds
    JohnSTF2Sniper: 7 in buds and 70keys
    Hodor: Sure I'll just hop online
    JohnSTF2Sniper: ok great
    Hodor: ok
    JohnSTF2Sniper is now Online.
    Hodor: http://backpack.tf/item/2541565014
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i can see its pretty clean
    Hodor: yup
    Hodor: short history too
    JohnSTF2Sniper: can you do the last proof of record that i need before we do the trade?
    Hodor: last proof of record?
    JohnSTF2Sniper: do you have any real life friend who can hold your unusual for a while? your friend will be the proof of evidence that i need so that if anything goes wrong within or
    trade then i can have good suporting evidence for this
    trade and send a good report on steam
    JohnSTF2Sniper: due to i already experince glitch on trade
    Hodor: uh
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i just want to assure if does happen again
    JohnSTF2Sniper: then i can have a good supporting evidence to report on steam so they can fix it
    Hodor: i have no irl friends on this account and im not sure what you mean
    JohnSTF2Sniper: any friends will do just make sure he can be trusted
    JohnSTF2Sniper: you will let your friend hold your unusual for few mins 2 will be the max
    Hodor: i dont get how it will work though
    JohnSTF2Sniper: after i am done doing proof of record then he will trade it back to you
    Hodor: like why would that make a difference
    JohnSTF2Sniper: that you would be my proof of record just incase the glitch i experince happen again
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i already lost 2 buds and 1 unsual on trade due to the glitch
    JohnSTF2Sniper: and still steam is feguring how it happen
    JohnSTF2Sniper: so if that happen again then i can present then good supporting evidence on this trade
    Hodor: Im sorry but I am not going to do it for this trade, you can get proof from other trades
    JohnSTF2Sniper: just incase it would happen again
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i will not risk again my trade
    Hodor: Neither will I
    Hodor: i dont trust anyone on my friends list
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i see
    Hodor: That evidence makes literally no sense either
    JohnSTF2Sniper: hmmm
    JohnSTF2Sniper: it will make sense
    JohnSTF2Sniper: your friend that i am asking will be the witness on this trade
    JohnSTF2Sniper: thats why i need real person for this trade
    Hodor: I have no "real" people on this list
    JohnSTF2Sniper: this is your not main account?
    Hodor: It is
    Hodor: But I dont play with irl people
    Hodor: they all play league
    JohnSTF2Sniper: but anyone of they got steam?
    Hodor: maybe but I keep it seperate
    Hodor: This is my tf2 account
    Hodor: thats it
    Hodor: and i dont play any other steam stuff
    Hodor: so is my main
    JohnSTF2Sniper: its ok with me if they dont play.. as long as i can make screen shoots on ther inventory with your unusual that can be proof of record that i need
    Hodor: I dont have any of their steams.
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i see
    JohnSTF2Sniper: hmm
    JohnSTF2Sniper: lets think other way
    Hodor: Not trying to be difficult but
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i really need to have this to assure our trade
    Hodor: Why can't we just trade
    JohnSTF2Sniper: just what i have say
    Hodor: YOu have also have no items in your inventory
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i already experince some glitch on trade
    Hodor: Well I haven't
    Hodor: And im sorry but thats too bad
    JohnSTF2Sniper: they why its privated due to i lose some of it and steam advice me to hide it for a while
    JohnSTF2Sniper: while they fegureout how to retrive my items
    Hodor: well I won't go through with this steam thing. Either we trade or not
    Hodor: I don't see why I have to be the one to do it
    JohnSTF2Sniper: because you got he unusual that i am trading with...
    Hodor: Well YOu have all the pure im trading for
    Hodor: it works both ways
    JohnSTF2Sniper: can we contract the steam admin who i was reporting with so he can help us?
    JohnSTF2Sniper: to assure this trade?
    Hodor: fine
    Hodor: but be quick
    JohnSTF2Sniper: ok hold on
    JohnSTF2Sniper: it was mad matt
    Hodor: I have no idea who that is
    JohnSTF2Sniper: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197975193560
    Hodor: so how is he going to help us
    Hodor: invite him into group chat then
    JohnSTF2Sniper: he accepted your friend request?
    Hodor: No I dont have to request
    Hodor: if you have been dealing with him
    Hodor: then you have him on your list
    JohnSTF2Sniper: yes
    Hodor: you add him
    JohnSTF2Sniper: i will invite him now
    JohnSTF2Sniper: just tlaking to him
    JohnSTF2Sniper: ok i invite him now
    JohnSTF2Sniper: hold on
    Your chat with JohnSTF2Sniper is now a multi-user chat.
    Mad-Matt entered chat.
    Mad-Matt: Good day traders
    Hodor: Hello
    Mad-Matt: How can i help you
    JohnSTF2Sniper: hi sir
    JohnSTF2Sniper: we would like to seek help
    Hodor: Why is your profile private?
    JohnSTF2Sniper: due to i was reporting yout he glitch
    Mad-Matt: Yes i remember you John you had pending report on the glitch right?
    Hodor: WHy would his profile be private
    JohnSTF2Sniper: yes sir
    Mad-Matt: ALL STEAM Admins Privated Profile
    JohnSTF2Sniper: so can you help us sir?
    Hodor: do you think I am ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed?
    Mad-Matt: Yes I could
    Hodor: I went through his steam rep and the real Mad Matt's profile isnt private
    Hodor: Oh nothing to say?
    Hodor: I am submitting this to real steam admins then
    Mad-Matt: Its only on webpage we Allow to see our profile
    Mad-Matt: On Steam its Privated
    Mad-Matt left chat.
    JohnSTF2Sniper left chat.
    Your state is set to Offline.

    Both left the chat after I called them out, and as stated I went onto my comp just to talk out a deal so I went offline quickly after. Apologies for the long chat but these two should be brought down together. Hope this helps, I believe I will make my own report too.

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198139141083 - Of the alleged "Mad-Matt" his recent name is still showing Mad-Matt but he changed his picture though.
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/johnSteward - Our infamous JohnSTF2Sniper
  9. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Never, ever, ever pay a scammer for items. It makes you look like an associate of theirs and it helps them profit. No idea what you were thinking. This is your only warning you'll get about this kind of thing. Be very carful not to do business with scammers.
  10. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello kaybee,

    Your report was accepted for this user, but they were already recently banned today. We've added the offense to our notes as further consideration during an appeal. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accused's profile
    2. Click More drop-down located at the top right of the page
    3. Choose Report Violation
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click Submit Report
    Click here to view the animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Thank you for submitting a report to us.
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