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Pending Report: 76561198032914295 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by Mikisabrobot, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Mikisabrobot

    Mikisabrobot New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198032914295 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198010279125

    What happened? Description:
    I was scammed out of a paypal trade. http://steamcommunity.com/id/fme20x/ was impersonating http://steamcommunity.com/id/fme20xx/ and pretended to be him by linking me his rep page. I initiated the trade and traded him the item by his word for the money alone so I know theres not MUCH i can do since it was mostly my fault for falling for it without doing the proper research. Im just doing all i can.​

    Provide Evidence:
    I can't screenshot the chat because it was a long convo but i copy pasted it below:

    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: can i help you
    FME20XX: Hi there sorry was afk
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: hey
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: can i help you
    FME20XX: Well i am interested disco hive minder but yust curious if you'd take 100 $ for it
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: yes
    FME20XX: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/28842-FME20XX-s-Reputation-Thread/page9
    FME20XX: my rep thread
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: but question
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: this is am alt?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: an*
    FME20XX: yes a storage account
    FME20XX: as i got no space in my inventory anymore
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: and if you dont mind I want to use a middle man
    FME20XX: well i can log in to my main
    FME20XX: if you want
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: as long as i can still use a middle man to make sure is all
    FME20XX: well as you wish but i gotta log in anyways then
    FME20XX: so then brb
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: the forum just told me to take extra precautions cncerning alts, not saying i dont trust you
    FME20XX is now Offline.
    FME20XX is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: nvm man i trust you
    FME20XX is now Online.
    FME20XX: give me your paypal
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: [email protected]
    FME20XX: any notes?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: what do you mean?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: Just say like
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: for the hat
    FME20XX: Like Payment for virtual items etc...
    FME20XX: ?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: Yeah say For the Unusual hat
    FME20XX: okay
    FME20XX: 100 %?
    FME20XX: 100 $?
    FME20XX: i pay fees?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: yes
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: $100 bucks
    FME20XX: okay
    FME20XX: hold on
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: i will intiate trade after i get the money, promise
    FME20XX: give me link to your sourceop again
    FME20XX: was talking to another person
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: ok one second
    FME20XX: and it took a bit while
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: my profile or the thread?
    FME20XX: rep thread
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: oh i uh havent made one yet actually, i just joined a couple days ago and dont really know how rep works exactly
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: want me to make one really quick?
    FME20XX: Well will explain how and what exactly to do after trade
    FME20XX: + will give ya first rep
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: Okay sounds good
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: thanks friend
    FME20XX: so im almost ready yust need an item
    You have accepted the trade request from FME20XX.
    FME20XX: recheck email
    FME20XX: please
    FME20XX: [email protected]
    FME20XX: right?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: yes
    FME20XX: okay im about to ready to send but need the item
    FME20XX: unboxed it?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: yes
    FME20XX: nice ;D
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: did you send the money?
    FME20XX: not yet
    FME20XX: as soon as i get the item
    FME20XX: then ill send
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: send it first then ill confirm
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: promise
    FME20XX: Well can't really do that as you got no rep on sourceop
    FME20XX: well a newbie
    FME20XX: ;D
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: ohhh okay
    FME20XX: no offense lol
    FME20XX: so i pay fees right?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: yes
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: no pay as goods and services
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: ...money please
    FME20XX: rechecking
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: ??
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: sigh.. dude please gimme the cash ok
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: friend if you dont message me or give me money in the next 5 minutes, Im reporting
    FME20XX: where?
    FME20XX: hold on
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: great....
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: i should have known better
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: oh well... you live and learn...
    FME20XX: true
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: Best believe im reporting you though
    FME20XX: where/
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: everywhere
    FME20XX: steamrep.com
    FME20XX: ?
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: Everywhere I can
    Joseph Joestar[Mik]: I hope it was worth it

    As you can see, I originally didn't trust him because he said it was trading account. I should have stuck to my original intention not to trade him but when I saw the rep link he sent me, I thought it was actually him and reconsidered without thinking. I know. Stupid. But Like i said here, Im new and an easy target. Anything I can do to take action would be welcome.

    Further Evidence:

    View attachment 107646 View attachment 107647 View attachment 107648

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  2. GambiT

    GambiT Banned on SteamRep

    He almost got me too. 1Untitled.png

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  3. Billy The Kid

    Billy The Kid New User

    Same here, he had a friend this time that impersonated a skial admin/ middleman.

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