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Archived Report: 76561198082883266 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by creamy, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. creamy

    creamy New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198082883266 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198082728105

    What happened? Description:
    He asked me to trade 2 of my unusuals for pure and I went along with it knowing he already had a few reports on him. He wanted to check if they were duped or scammed so he asked if i could trade them to my friend so he could then check with my friend if they were duped. So he made a group chat with me and a cloned version of my friend and sent me a trade invite to get my unusuals. I never traded him though and the other account never said a word to me, it jut invited me to trade thats all. This guy already has a few reports on him also​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here is my chat with the accused:
    essinH <3: hey?
    essinH <3: kabuto
    essinH <3: ?
    creamy: sounds like it
    essinH <3: and dome?
    essinH <3: how much?
    creamy: well im not accepting bp.tf price for the kabuto because i dont mind having it
    creamy: and the dome around 1 bud
    essinH <3: okay
    essinH <3: how much is our price?
    creamy: if you do the 2 buds on the dome i can give you some keys back
    creamy: let me check how many keys i have
    essinH <3: so how much kabuto?
    creamy: 30 keys?
    essinH <3: hmm
    essinH <3: can do 2 buds and 5 kkeys for both?
    creamy: hold on
    essinH <3: why?
    creamy: im checking something
    creamy: yeah i think i would need more
    creamy: for both atleast
    essinH <3: hmm
    essinH <3: 2 bud an 8 keys?
    creamy: so 2.4 buds?
    essinH <3: yep
    creamy: hmm
    creamy: is that the highest you can go?
    essinH <3: maybe
    essinH <3: let me think okay?
    creamy: ok
    creamy: are you going to buy the keys off the market?
    essinH <3: yeahp
    creamy: if you do 2 buds 10 keys i will accept it
    creamy: i'll brb ok
    creamy: alright so what do ya think
    essinH <3: hmm
    essinH <3: bro can you prove me your item is not duped and not from scam?
    essinH <3: i just want to be safe
    creamy: yeah
    creamy: check on outpost
    creamy: or..?
    essinH <3: man i need a proof myself
    essinH <3: :(
    creamy: ok
    essinH <3: i just need to be safe on this one
    creamy: ok yeah
    essinH <3: you have a friend that can help us prove this?
    essinH <3: you have a friend that you trust online?
    creamy: yup
    essinH <3: i need a record for this, i will let you transfer your item on your friend inventory, i will record transaction, if i can see it in his inventory, you can get it back, that's why we really need a friend that you trust here
    essinH <3: you have a friend right?
    essinH <3: who is your friend?
    creamy: want me to send you his link to add him?
    creamy: i'll just send him yours actually
    essinH <3: if can
    essinH <3: if can
    essinH <3: im looking at your list of friend now
    essinH <3: who is your friend?
    creamy: sanji
    essinH <3: okayokay
    essinH <3: mind if i add him?
    creamy: i think hes gonna add you
    creamy: but sure
    essinH <3: hey?
    essinH <3: he added me
    creamy: ok
    creamy: tell him whats up then
    essinH <3: accept
    essinH <3: accept
    creamy: ok
    creamy: yeah retry
    essinH <3: hey?
    essinH <3: bdw?
    essinH <3: you sell all your unusual?
    creamy: yes?
    creamy: no just those 2
    essinH <3: because
    essinH <3: im interested
    essinH <3: :(
    essinH <3: im buying and sellig unusual
    essinH <3: and i saw you have a lot
    creamy: yeah i know
    essinH <3: so im interested
    creamy: but i like all of them sorry
    creamy: but the 2
    essinH <3: its okay
    essinH <3: done trade?
    essinH <3: stove pipe?
    essinH <3: plsplsplsplsplspsl
    creamy: no sorry just these 2
    essinH <3: okayokay
    essinH <3: :c
    creamy: we finished trading
    essinH <3: its in his invent?
    creamy: not anyore he sent them back to me
    essinH <3: -_-
    creamy: isnt that what he was supposed to do
    essinH <3: i told you i need to record it on his inventory
    essinH <3: i was still looking at yours
    creamy: ohh
    creamy: why though
    essinH <3: after you trade
    essinH <3: that's the time i will look at his invent
    essinH <3: trade him again pls?
    creamy: wait why though
    essinH <3: man
    essinH <3: i need a record
    creamy: whats the record prove though
    essinH <3: just in case i got a problem later on, there is something who can back me up
    creamy: i dont get it
    essinH <3: i need to see if your item is tradable and is safe
    essinH <3: but
    essinH <3: you already traded back
    essinH <3: how can i see it in his invent?
    essinH <3: tsk
    essinH <3: can let him hold again pls?
    essinH <3: i will do 2 buds and 10 key
    creamy: well obviously its tradable
    essinH <3: as our deal
    essinH <3: can do the trade with him again?
    creamy: ok
    creamy: ok we did the trade
    essinH <3: let me check 1st
    creamy: do you see it in his invent
    essinH <3: zzz
    essinH <3: its still in your invent
    creamy: ?
    essinH <3: zzz

    Chat with my friend:
    essinH <3: hey?
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: hey
    essinH <3: can you hold your friend unusual?
    essinH <3: just return it after im done record okay?
    essinH <3: you there?
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: yeah i hold them
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: sometimes
    essinH <3: dont scam him
    essinH <3: i want to buy his unusul
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: me and him are best friends
    essinH <3: you have it?
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: not yet
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: trade glitching
    essinH <3: okayokay
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: i sent them back to creamy
    essinH <3: you have it?
    essinH <3: wait
    essinH <3: dont trade back
    essinH <3: i need to record it on your invent
    essinH <3: tsk
    essinH <3: trade him again
    essinH <3: told you
    essinH <3: dont return unless im done record
    essinH <3: return it if i say return okay?
    essinH <3: im still recording on your invent
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: ok boss
    essinH <3: got it?
    Sanji {biohazard badass}: got it​

    Attached Files:

  2. Jpam

    Jpam New User

    He sounded like a ✿✿✿✿✿✿ haha
    Trying to distract you while setting up his evil bot.
  3. nubblits

    nubblits New User

    plz ban the scamer or fake account or like Ip ban him

    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    I need the Mulit-chat showing the impersonation of your friend.
    I need the Steam id block for the impersonator.
    I need the Steam id block for your friend.
  5. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    This thread has been archived since the requested information was not provided. If you obtain the requested information, please create a new report.
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