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Archived Report: 76561198060920357 (A hidden figure)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Wheatley, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Wheatley

    Wheatley New User

    steamID: Wheatley
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50327314
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060920357
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060920357

    steamID: A hidden figure
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:25886545
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012038818
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198012038818

    I met him interested in buying some of his unusual via paypal. After i came to the knowlage of him being an attempted scammer, i politly withdrew my offer of 45 usd. He then said "Let me show you how easy it is to be banned for attempted scamming" So he put up a pic of what i said, although i did say it, it alone looks bad. So he basicly is trying to get me banned though i did nothing wrong. Not sure if he accualy sumbited a report, but just in case, i posted this.

     3:26 PM - A hidden figure: What were you looking for
    3:26 PM - Wheatley: just browsing
    3:26 PM - A hidden figure: Alright
    3:26 PM - Wheatley: i like the tossle
    3:29 PM - Wheatley: hm
    3:29 PM - A hidden figure: When I started my server about 6 months ago I lost intrest in tf2 and I still had stuff I didn't sell. I'm looking to get cash out of it, whether it's entirely worth it to me or not
    3:30 PM - A hidden figure: I might bundle the unusuals and say 100 for all of them
    3:30 PM - Wheatley: wanna buy my frry fukka plantets for 26 keys, and a vintage tossle, and s caber?
    3:30 PM - A hidden figure: Its hard enough getting rid of unusuals at the moment
    3:31 PM - Wheatley: i dont even see
    3:31 PM - Wheatley: ur unusuals
    3:32 PM - A hidden figure: uhh. Check again
    3:32 PM - Wheatley: what page?
    3:44 PM - Wheatley: back
    3:44 PM - Wheatley: sorry
    3:44 PM - A hidden figure: Oh
    3:44 PM - Wheatley: how much
    3:44 PM - Wheatley: did u say for hotties
    3:45 PM - A hidden figure: What sounds fair to you
    3:45 PM - A hidden figure: It's probably worth 1.5 buds
    3:45 PM - Wheatley: idk
    3:45 PM - A hidden figure: Ill get a price check then
    3:49 PM - Wheatley: how much are buds?
    3:49 PM - Wheatley: like 33 arnt they
    3:49 PM - A hidden figure: Yeah
    3:49 PM - Wheatley: hm
    3:50 PM - Wheatley: ill give you 50 flat.
    3:50 PM - A hidden figure: for the hoodie?
    3:50 PM - Wheatley: yes sir
    3:50 PM - A hidden figure: Alright
    3:50 PM - Wheatley: accualy
    3:50 PM - A hidden figure: Yuo
    3:50 PM - Wheatley: 45
    3:50 PM - A hidden figure: Fine with that
    3:50 PM - Wheatley: okay.
    3:50 PM - A hidden figure: You're using Paypal?
    3:50 PM - Wheatley: i dont have an rep
    3:51 PM - Wheatley: but im not a marked scammer.
    3:51 PM - A hidden figure: I guess this counts as rep of some sort. Heres the serer I own's forum with a page on donating. I'd ask you to send it to the same email
    3:51 PM - A hidden figure: http://raidprint.com/articles.php?article_id=2#content
    3:51 PM - A hidden figure: to the same Paypal email
    3:52 PM - Wheatley: llol 250k
    3:52 PM - Wheatley: wut
    3:52 PM - A hidden figure: It's a garrysmod game mode
    3:52 PM - A hidden figure: It's RP
    3:52 PM - Wheatley: oooh
    3:52 PM - Wheatley: lol
    3:52 PM - Wheatley: i thought u ment donate 250k
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: i was like wut
    3:53 PM - A hidden figure: No, that's some of the stuff they get
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: yeah
    3:53 PM - A hidden figure: 250k is in game money they get for donating
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: iv seen gmod gameplay
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: eh
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: by the way its not me im speaking for
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: its one of my friends
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: he'll give me the paypal money though
    3:53 PM - Wheatley: so dont worry bout that
    3:54 PM - A hidden figure: Should I add him?
    3:54 PM - Wheatley: nah
    3:54 PM - Wheatley: he doesnt like the whole trading thing he just wants the hat
    3:54 PM - Wheatley: i like trading though
    3:54 PM - Wheatley: :)
    3:54 PM - Wheatley: its alot of fun
    3:54 PM - A hidden figure: It used to be :/
    3:55 PM - A hidden figure: As long as I get $45 to my paypal I don't care who you give the hat to
    3:56 PM - A hidden figure: Nonetheless, that link was to show you I use [email protected] for transactions. It's a buiness account. It's not something I would scam you if I were a scammer
    3:56 PM - Wheatley: well the thing is
    3:56 PM - Wheatley: ur rep is a scammer.
    3:56 PM - Wheatley: so your going first =\
    3:56 PM - A hidden figure: Want to find a middleman?
    3:57 PM - Wheatley: not really
    3:57 PM - A hidden figure: Does your friend have rep? He doesn't have to go through you then, that would be easier. Can I talk to him?
    3:58 PM - Wheatley: o he doesnt.
    3:58 PM - Wheatley: no.
    3:59 PM - Wheatley: this is just sounding like it shouldnt go down lol
    4:00 PM - A hidden figure: If that's how you're feeling
    4:00 PM - A hidden figure: I can give you some other evidence by the way
    4:02 PM - A hidden figure: http://puu.sh/CUpX This is my Paypal transactions from my server
    4:02 PM - A hidden figure: Up to today
    4:02 PM - Wheatley: but
    4:02 PM - Wheatley: this isnt tf2 trades.
    4:03 PM - A hidden figure: http://puu.sh/CUrj
    4:03 PM - A hidden figure: You know I don't care about tf2, why would I jeopardize my paypal account I use for practically a business
    4:04 PM - A hidden figure: Oh well, I only figured it might have some credibility to you
    4:04 PM - Wheatley: if you dont care about tf2
    4:04 PM - Wheatley: why aree you a scammer.
    4:05 PM - A hidden figure: Check the date of the ban
    4:05 PM - A hidden figure: It was months, months and months ago
    4:05 PM - A hidden figure: Its the only thing on my rep, and it wasn't even a scam, it was (attemtped) scam.
    4:05 PM - A hidden figure: that's what I'm banned for
    4:06 PM - A hidden figure: If you're uncomfortable trading with me I'll be giving the items to my brother anyway. People don't have a reason to doubt, but I can't blame them for it
    4:07 PM - Wheatley: well its worse that your not even good at it
    4:07 PM - Wheatley: lol
    4:07 PM - A hidden figure: Not good at what
    4:08 PM - Wheatley: scamming
    4:08 PM - Wheatley: attempted
    4:08 PM - A hidden figure: To be honest your story yourself is too unreliable
    4:08 PM - Wheatley: im aware
    4:08 PM - Wheatley: which is why i said its starting to sound like this is too risky on both our parts
    4:10 PM - A hidden figure: If you want to see how easy it is to be banned for (attempted) scamming, I could post this conversation on Rawr and you'd be banned.
    4:10 PM - Wheatley: attempted scamming?
    4:10 PM - Wheatley: i havnt done anything.
    4:10 PM - Wheatley: Lol
    4:10 PM - A hidden figure: Exactly, you dont have to have done anyhing
    4:10 PM - Wheatley: all i did was entertain the idea of buying it for money
    4:11 PM - A hidden figure: That's why it was attempted
    4:11 PM - Wheatley: Lolz
    4:11 PM - Wheatley: threatening me = this conversation is over
    4:11 PM - A hidden figure: Yup
    4:11 PM - Wheatley: coulda just said no thank you lol
    4:11 PM - A hidden figure: You'll understand the fun in a day or two
    4:12 PM - Wheatley: kik
    4:12 PM - Wheatley: lol
    4:12 PM - A hidden figure: Tell me what this looks like http://i.imgur.com/7gICN.png
    4:12 PM - Wheatley: lulz
    4:13 PM - Wheatley: im not buying ur unusual
    4:13 PM - Wheatley: Stop threatening me
    4:19 PM - Wheatley: lol
    A hidden figure is now Away.
    A hidden figure is now Online.
    A hidden figure is now Offline.
  2. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    I'm not seeing any direct scam attempt. Harassment is not a markable offence, and therefore to my knowledge there is not much the admins can do.

    I'll leave it open for an admin to interpret.
  3. A hidden figure

    A hidden figure New User

    Thanks for the link on my profile page Wheatley. I was just about to create my own post on the topic.

    Banned for doing nothing wrong? It's an obvious scam attempt. I offer a middleman, you decline. You say it's for your friend (who conveniently doesn't have rep), but he also wants the hat, but I also cannot talk to him? I wasn't even allowed to know the name of the person who was going to buy it. I knew it was a scam when you continued to defend your own rep, but you are telling me it's not for you? Why not give me the rep of your friend then? You offer more than I was asking too, why? I'll post the image. You guys can tell me what it looks like. http://i.imgur.com/5LGwz.png The point I was making to you is how easily it is to be staged and marked as a scammer. I told him I'm alright with not trading if he wasn't comfortable, I wasn't forcing the trade either. I wasn't actually going to post the image because I have other more important things on my mind. But there you go. If you guys didn't know, I got banned for the exact situation, but I suppose this guy will get away with it because Steam Rep ruined TF2 for me anyway.

    If I were you, I would have gotten some actual screenshots too buddy, that's not substancial proof what you have there, for all we know, you edited what I said.[​IMG]
  4. A hidden figure

    A hidden figure New User

  5. A hidden figure

    A hidden figure New User

    By the way, you have no rep Wheatley. You simply have one +rep on your page. What makes you so believable?
  6. Wheatley

    Wheatley New User

    I wasnt reporting for scamming, i didnt know if he could get banned for fileing a false report against me for "attempted scamming" I just wanted to make sure i wasnt banned. And i clearly didnt edit what you said..
  7. A hidden figure

    A hidden figure New User

    So you realize that I'm on to you scamming, and you create a post first so that you look innocent? I was going to report you either way. You shouldn't have incriminated yourself by bringing up your own scam attempt case. Trying to shine your own scam attempt in the light that I'm harassing you doesn't deny that it was a legitimate unusual hat scam attempt. Of course you'd like to feel like the victim when you're not. I knew what you were doing as soon as you said the hat was for your friend who for no reason needed to remain anonymous. You can't say that just because I knowingly let you bait me into continuing when I knew you wanted to scam that you're innocent. I was nearly ready to give you the hat just to watch you leave with it and confirm all my suspicion. But even if I did that, you would have flaunted it and told everybody about it, the same way you did when I sold you the series 40 crate for dirt cheap. Even when I joined the server, one of the first things Wheatley said to me was "Scammer, GTFO" as well as other rude comments. Ungrateful, but it's the internet. I never once scammed anybody, but look at me. "Scammer: Scam Attempt". You have 84 hours of TF2 time buddy. I have nearly 3,000 hours. Which in case you can't tell, is more than 35 times longer than you. I've been trading since the very day trading came out (and yes, there was an era when you couldn't trade!). I am a server owner of a 99th percentile ranked Gmod server. I accept donations daily with a Premier Business account and I have my own website. I manage the server donations and finances. Why would I have risked my own Business PayPal account reputation if I wanted scam you? Maybe you think I just wanted to get it closed, or file tax returns on scams or something?

    FYI: The hats were a Planets Hottie's Hoodie, Blizzard Your Worst Nightmare, and Blizzard Towering Pillar of hats. He was extremely eager to trade, and wanted to purchase them and was quick to offer even though he had no reputation or previous cases of buying hats with real money. Not to mention how quick he was to accept and be ready to have me give him the hat first. He declined a middleman even though I offered for him to provide one. He is a scammer.
  8. Scooty Puff Jr.

    Scooty Puff Jr. New User

    You are not going to get marked for an invalid report unless it was using falsified evidence to mark someone.
    Just because you have reported someone in the past or work with gmod donations does not make you fully innocent. (not that there was an obvious scam attempt)

    Note for admins reading this:
    Wheatley offers $ for a hat for one of his friends that is unknown.
    Hidden offeres to use a mm (marked for fake mm injection)
  9. Wheatley

    Wheatley New User

    I later rejected my offer, because it was to fishy for the both of us. And then this mess started.
  10. Wheatley

    Wheatley New User

    Also hidden, i didnt play on a server with you after i bought your crate 40..(ty for the sapper btw)
    So i didnt give any rude comments to you.
  11. Wheatley

    Wheatley New User

  12. A hidden figure

    A hidden figure New User

    Firstly, I offered you "A hidden figure: Want to find a middleman?" and you declined. If I had intended to be a middleman scammer, I probably would have suggested that I have a middleman myself. Listen, I can't lose this case, no matter what happens I'm going to remain banned from Trade Fortress 2, so I don't care. I've never even created an appeal. But wouldn't it be nice to see the actual scammers put away? How can you blatantly lie and say you didn't play on a server with me after you bought my series 40 crate? You opened it up on the same server as me and I watched you get the strange sapper. You spoke with me after you opened it. You were rude from the beginning, and flaunted the fact you 'scammed' me and got a great deal from me, even though I intended it to be, as if you bought it from a moron. And you were like most people who were very quick to say "Scammer gtfo" as soon as I joined. I guess I should have just let him run away with the hat, otherwise these Admins wont care. You rejected because you knew I wasn't dumb enough to fall for your poor scam attempt.
  13. A hidden figure

    A hidden figure New User

    Why is the fact that I offered to let him find a middleman seem to be more suspicious than the fact that he wanted to rush ahead and trade without one at all, knowing I was marked.
  14. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    First, A Hidden Figure, I don't know why in the world that would make you against SteamRep because we help prevent people from being scammed.

    Now, I am not privy to the case on RAWR other than what is posted. However, it shows in the screenshots that you recommended a middleman who was a) a marked scammer and b) impersonating another middleman. You didn't even have the real middleman on your friends list. You have, however, had the middleman impersonator on your friends list both before and after you got tagged. There is absolutely no way you didn't know that Suicidal Kitten (http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197970916019) wasn't actually Derek. Suicidal Kitten didn't even bother to change his avatar to impersonate Derek- just his name.

    Marking this as archived, though, because no scam actually occurred here. Hidden Figure, if you want to appeal your mark, you are welcome to do so on RAWR as they are the ones who tagged you.