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Pending Report: 76561198083531074 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by HapEv (o‿O), Aug 5, 2014.

  1. HapEv (o‿O)

    HapEv (o‿O) New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198083531074 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198097167659

    What happened? Description:
    Hello. Just to clarify I DID NOT GET SCAMMED YET!!! So here's what happened with dubs. He saw me on a boom! unusual trade server and added me. He offered me his disco beat down tough muffs for my cloud nine bot dogger. WHO DOES THAT??? 1.2 buds for 10 buds??? Anyway, from the start I felt it was a little sketchy. He said he wanted to trade but he was trade banned. He said he could gift me his unusual but he didn't want to be scammed so he wanted a trade middleman. He said we would use this guy named Glitchybitchy. He showed me a fake screenshot of a middleman list (screenshot of it below). I looked at glitchbitchys steamrep and it said "Banned for Impersination with intent of scam". Also his inventory was private. Then I knew that dubs did not want to fair trade. I have multiple screenshots below named according to what they are.
    Conclusion: Dubs is a professional scammer and we need to do something about him.​

    Provide Evidence:
    The "Evidence of him wanting to trade" pic shows that he lies in the beginning and that he wanted to do the trade

    The "Dubs Profile" pic shows that dub is trade banned

    The "Glitchbitch Profile" shows that glitchybitchy says hes a admin and middleman"

    The "Fake MM List" shows the fake MM list that dubs showed me
    The "Real MM List" shows the real MM list on steamrep

    The Glichybich steamrep shows glitchybitchy's steamrep

    The Glitchybitch no items in inv shows that glitchybitchy has item inventory hidden​

    Attached Files:

  2. =PB= THE CROC

    =PB= THE CROC New User

  3. =PB= THE CROC

    =PB= THE CROC New User

    He was a middle man for him before he quit
  4. Scorchen

    Scorchen New User

    You know it's still sad that he still attempts this.. he now uses his fake 'middle man / admin' friend to help him.


    Dub Bozz Cat: Hello sir
    Dub Bozz Cat: u have a channel?
    Scorchen: I have a youtube account but I dont upload
    Dub Bozz Cat: oh
    Dub Bozz Cat: i was just wonerin
    Scorchen: Anyways, how may I help you?
    Dub Bozz Cat: well im interested in ur tree
    Dub Bozz Cat: i think i can offer disco beat down tough stuff muffs all class
    Dub Bozz Cat: pretty even trade
    Dub Bozz Cat: What do you think?
    Scorchen: hmm
    Scorchen: I can do that.
    Scorchen: Send me a trade :)
    Dub Bozz Cat: hmm
    Dub Bozz Cat: but the thingi s
    Dub Bozz Cat: my brother got me a trade ban for 3 weeks
    Scorchen: really?
    Dub Bozz Cat: yeah
    Dub Bozz Cat: he left spycrabs
    Scorchen: wow
    Dub Bozz Cat: it ends in like 1.5-2 weeks
    Dub Bozz Cat: but we can still do this now
    Dub Bozz Cat: if u wanted
    Scorchen: Can we?
    Dub Bozz Cat: yeah, i can send my unusual to u through steam. Like how u send steam games
    Dub Bozz Cat: kinda like gifting
    Dub Bozz Cat: it wont be gifted though
    Scorchen: what do you mean?
    Scorchen: the scm?
    Dub Bozz Cat: i just send it to u
    Dub Bozz Cat: scm/
    Dub Bozz Cat: ?
    Scorchen: steam community market
    Dub Bozz Cat: no its just like games
    Dub Bozz Cat: select the person from my list
    Dub Bozz Cat: and send it
    Dub Bozz Cat: u get the mail
    Dub Bozz Cat: and open it
    Dub Bozz Cat: like a game
    Scorchen: oh
    Scorchen: well shall we?
    Dub Bozz Cat: i was thinking
    Dub Bozz Cat: so i dont have to be worried about losing it
    Dub Bozz Cat: we could use a steamrep middleman
    Dub Bozz Cat: so i send it to him
    Dub Bozz Cat: and he trades u it
    Dub Bozz Cat: 1 on 1
    Dub Bozz Cat: for tree
    Scorchen: umm
    Dub Bozz Cat: that would be way easier
    Scorchen: it takes hours to get a steamrep middleman
    Dub Bozz Cat: lets look around
    Dub Bozz Cat: shall we?
    Scorchen: Sure I guess
    Dub Bozz Cat: maybe one is open
    Scorchen: I've never heard of sending unusuals through steam before
    Dub Bozz Cat: yeah
    Dub Bozz Cat: not many people do
    Dub Bozz Cat: soo
    Dub Bozz Cat: i found a guy
    Dub Bozz Cat: bbg admin
    Dub Bozz Cat: and middleman
    Dub Bozz Cat: ill screenshot his profile
    Scorchen: I'm a very trustworthy person, but me just telling you that isn't enough. It's better to be safe I guess.
    Dub Bozz Cat: it is
    Dub Bozz Cat: i screenshotted his profile
    Dub Bozz Cat: http://gyazo.com/28c00c8e92eddbdafabc913055d302cb
    Dub Bozz Cat: with gyazo
    Dub Bozz Cat: i added him
    Dub Bozz Cat: he accepted
    Dub Bozz Cat: too
    Dub Bozz Cat: ill invite him to this chat
    Scorchen: k
    Dub Bozz Cat: so we can talk all together
    Scorchen: I wanna check his entire background before I give him my tree.
    Dub Bozz Cat: ?
    Dub Bozz Cat: he said he doesnt have alot of time
    Dub Bozz Cat: :/
    Scorchen: Dont you think we can just wait the 2 weeks or so..
    Dub Bozz Cat: i cant :/ i have other offers man
    Dub Bozz Cat: i kinda wanted to do this now
    Dub Bozz Cat: really want to actually
    Scorchen: his background isnt so clear http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198102393624 and he's banned on tf2op http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/76561198102393624
    Dub Bozz Cat: all admins get reported
    Dub Bozz Cat: u know that
    Dub Bozz Cat: he has to go
    Dub Bozz Cat: come on man
    Scorchen: you know what
    Dub Bozz Cat: just lets do this
    Dub Bozz Cat: i wanna do this trade
    Scorchen: hell no.. http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198083531074
    Dub Bozz Cat: i know
    Dub Bozz Cat: im banned
    Dub Bozz Cat: i told u that
    Dub Bozz Cat: okay then
    Dub Bozz Cat: fair nough
    Scorchen: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198083531074-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.73105/
    Dub Bozz Cat: thanks for ur time
    Scorchen: wow
    Scorchen: dude stop trying..
    Dub Bozz Cat: i made 500+ buds
    Dub Bozz Cat: doing this
    Scorchen: nice life.
    Scorchen: bye.
    Dub Bozz Cat: no wait
    Dub Bozz Cat: ill let u join
    Dub Bozz Cat: my group
    Scorchen: Sorry, but im not too interested in scamming.
    Scorchen: I dont want to end up like you..
    Dub Bozz Cat: lol
    Dub Bozz Cat: alrighty dawgie
    Scorchen: goodbye.
    Dub Bozz Cat: cya man
    Dub Bozz Cat is now Offline.
  5. DoktorDiscord

    DoktorDiscord New User

    If anyone besides the OP has issues with the user (who is both SR and Valve trade banned), feel free to initiate your own thread. Tacking on your problems to this one makes it more difficult for admins to add offenses to the perpetrator's SR page.