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Pending Report: 76561198147620029 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Perplexion ™ IDLING, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Perplexion ™ IDLING

    Perplexion ™ IDLING New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198147620029

    Victim profile: 76561198067583646

    What happened? Description:
    I am submitting this for a friend, this is not my report.

    Coal asked his friend, Zodiark8 if he wanted to buy an unusual off of him, this was declined but Zodiark offered to find someone for him.

    TheNewLeaf added Coal the day after, offering 10 Mann. Co Supply Crate Keys in return for his unusual.

    NewLeaf offered to give him 5 keys then, and 5 keys the next day.

    After that, a user called Kool Kid added Coal to tell him the unusual was no longer in NewLeaf's possession and that Zodiark owned it.

    He was unblocked from NewLeaf and he also took one of Kool Kid's unusuals too.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Before I begin, I volunteered to submit this on behalf of Coal, due to him not being familiar with this website or how to submit a report.

    My information
    | steamname: Eent
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33173510
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026612749
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Eent
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026612749

    I'm merely relaying an email that was sent to me by the victim.

    "Several months ago, I made a trade with the user zodiark8 (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Swagoroony/). He is the one that currently owns my scammed unusual, Unusual Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet.

    I wished to sell my Unusual, because I decided I didn't want it anymore, and asked zodiark8 if he would like to buy it. He said that he didn't, but would ask any of his friends if they would like it.

    The following day, a user known as TheNewleaf (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198147620029/) (at time of writing however, he has changed his name to RoadtoBuds) added me, saying that he was zodiark8's friend, and wished to buy it from me. We agreed on the payment of Ten(10) Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys (Key).

    TheNewleaf said however that he could only pay 5 Keys now, and asked if I would accept 5 now and 5 the following day.

    I asked zodiark8 if he was trustworthy, and zodiark8 said that he was, and had done this with him twice so far.

    I agreed to the trade and took the 5 keys then, and waited for the rest of the keys tomorrow.

    Later that evening, a user named Kool Kid (http://steamcommunity.com/id/bwahahowdy/) added me, and informed me that the Unusual was in the possession of zodiark8 (A screenshot is below which confirms this) and told me that I had been blocked (I had been) and that he would not finish my payment.

    The following day, TheNewleaf unblocked me and we spoke (Screenshot below) which shows that he did not deny scamming me out of my unusual, and also said that he took Kool Kid's unusual with Kool Kid claiming that TheNewleaf borrowed it.

    Screenshot Order:

    1. zodiark8's current ownership of the item.

    2. The Unusual in question

    3. Proof of purchase from the Steam Community Market that I purchased the Unusual

    4. Proof of purchase of the Team Spirit item that was applied to the Unusual.

    5. Proof of trade. Note the gift tag in all cases.

    6. Lack of denial when I accuse TheNewleaf of being a scammer, and his admittance of manipulating Kool Kid.

    7. Kool Kid's ignorance to TheNewleaf's plan."

    And the chatlog between the two:

    You added Unusual Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet 8:10:46 PM
    TheNewleaf: these are my last ten keys... 8:10:55 PM
    Coal: Well I hope you enjoy the hat! 8:11:26 PM
    TheNewleaf: Well i kinda wanna unbox too 8:11:44 PM
    TheNewleaf: Should i buy this 8:11:54 PM
    Coal: you have a 1% chance to unbox an unusual 8:12:00 PM
    TheNewleaf: How about this. i get paid tomorrow. ill give you 5 now and 5 tomorrow. i wanna show it off 8:12:45 PM
    TheNewleaf added Mann Co. Supply Crate Key 8:12:49 PM
    TheNewleaf added Mann Co. Supply Crate Key 8:12:49 PM
    TheNewleaf added Mann Co. Supply Crate Key 8:12:50 PM
    Coal: no 8:12:50 PM
    TheNewleaf added Mann Co. Supply Crate Key 8:12:51 PM
    TheNewleaf added Mann Co. Supply Crate Key 8:12:52 PM
    Coal: Im not taking half pay 8:12:59 PM
    TheNewleaf: Im paying half 8:12:59 PM
    TheNewleaf: talk to zodiark 8:13:08 PM
    TheNewleaf: i do this with him all the time 8:13:19 PM
    Coal: hang on 8:13:54 PM
    TheNewleaf is ready 8:16:06 PM
    Coal: full payment tomorrow 8:16:17 PM
    TheNewleaf: half today 8:16:25 PM
    Coal: I wont 8:16:28 PM
    TheNewleaf: Why?? 8:16:41 PM
    TheNewleaf: did you not talk to him? 8:16:46 PM
    Coal: I did 8:17:11 PM
    Coal: but its still a chance I dont want to take 8:17:19 PM
    TheNewleaf: What did he say? 8:17:22 PM
    TheNewleaf: Dude do i have a scammer tag? No 8:17:31 PM
    TheNewleaf: im not a scammer 8:17:35 PM
    Coal: You dont 8:17:36 PM
    TheNewleaf: Zodiark trusts me 8:17:42 PM
    Coal: Here's the thing 8:17:47 PM
    TheNewleaf: and he has 4 unusuals 8:17:51 PM
    Coal: it's not THAT valuable 8:17:56 PM
    Coal: I know 8:17:58 PM
    Coal: But look at it from my perspective 8:18:13 PM
    Coal: somebody that says half payment tomorrow for your unusual with only the word of one other person he 8:18:54 PM
    Coal: traded with once as support? 8:19:01 PM
    TheNewleaf: Ive bought one of his unusuals before like this. a way more expensive one. iand i know your perspect 8:19:03 PM
    TheNewleaf: perspective, i got scammed out of it a day later 8:19:13 PM
    Coal: Then if you know my perspective I want you to understand that this trade can wait 8:19:28 PM
    TheNewleaf: You also have to understand my perspective 8:19:49 PM
    Coal: so then why can it not wait until tommorow? 8:20:11 PM
    TheNewleaf: i have rep from one of your friends. a trusted friend 8:20:22 PM
    TheNewleaf: because i have friends that only get on once a month 8:20:32 PM
    TheNewleaf: i want to be a doosh and show off 8:20:43 PM
    TheNewleaf: and unbox 8:20:52 PM
    Coal: friend? Zodiark? 8:21:12 PM
    TheNewleaf: Yes. in fact ive done this twice with him 8:21:32 PM
    TheNewleaf: ive gotten a pro killstreak and an unusual 8:21:44 PM
    Coal: ok 8:21:46 PM
    TheNewleaf: both times ive paid out 8:21:50 PM
    Coal: whats the most valuable item you own thats not strange? 8:22:00 PM
    TheNewleaf: or else he wouldnt be confirming this with me 8:22:06 PM
    TheNewleaf: Keys. i trust people too much and get scammed outta my nice stuff 8:22:26 PM
    Coal: how much is your unusual worth? 8:22:53 PM
    TheNewleaf: it was worth 4 buds before it got scammed. havent checked the prices since then to be honest 8:23:23 PM
    Coal: can I see it? 8:23:48 PM
    Coal: unready your trade 8:24:00 PM
    TheNewleaf: ive said multiple times someone scammed it outta me8:24:04 PM
    Coal: wait 8:24:12 PM
    Coal: nvm 8:24:15 PM
    Coal: I wanted to hold something as collateral from you then realized holding your unusual was suspicious 8:24:39 PM
    Coal: as f✿✿✿ 8:24:42 PM
    TheNewleaf: yeah. lol kinda very suspicous 8:25:18 PM
    Coal: sorry 8:25:23 PM
    TheNewleaf: Its fine man i understand suspicousions. if you want i can give you my phone number 8:26:37 PM
    TheNewleaf: to help ya trust me more 8:26:44 PM
    Coal: alright 8:27:16 PM
    Coal: Ill trade 8:27:19 PM
    TheNewleaf: 9194187821 8:27:24 PM
    Coal: im saving this chat log too 8:27:27 PM
    TheNewleaf: Alright 8:27:36 PM

    This is everything that was sent to me, and there will be screenshots added too.

    I understand that there are no screenshots for the trade agreement, but there is no denying of the scam, and he also admits to another scam.

    Again, this is not my report, I'm merely submitting this on behalf of Coal.

    Feel free to add me or Coal if you have any questions, thanks.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Coal

    Coal New User

    Can confirm, thanks man!
    Perplexion ™ IDLING likes this.
  3. Perplexion ™ IDLING

    Perplexion ™ IDLING New User

    also, upon further reflection (which I should have noticed automatically), it looks like Zodiark and NewLeaf are the same people. Just a thought, but I'd look into it!

    Thanks again!