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Declined 76561198015037332 (Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads]) Spy-Crab Unusual Scammer

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ebilcookies, Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. ebilcookies

    ebilcookies New User


    steamID: ebilcookies
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44362461
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048990650
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ebilcookies
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048990650


    steamID: Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads]
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:27385802
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015037332
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198015037332

    Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of this event but I can take a picture of my trade history if that would help. I also have several people who can confirm this event occured.
    http://gyazo.com/3ec42f39b808f7a53ebe1a6bcb8de3a8 (Screenshot of Trade History)

    So, I met this guy on an Unusual Trade Server (Ip; and we agreed on spy crabbing our Unusuals. (My Bubbling Rimmed Raincatcher and one of his, don't quite remember) We spy-crabbed two rounds. I lost the first and I lost my Raincatcher and then we agreed on going a second round where I quickly won but he ran off. It was dumb of me not to use a middle-man but I had a bunch of people watching so I didn't think it would be an issue. However, never the less he ran off. I have a copy of the chat below through the entire 2nd round.

    "Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : CRAB!
    Pus[h] : hoho
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : NO
    ebilcookies : 0-1
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : 1-0
    Player ®TEA-BAG® Hale Sup? joined team BLU
    Player T4P The Great One was automatically assigned to team RED
    T4P The Great One : hey guys
    Player Marz zung joined team BLU
    LordGadeia has found: Bonk! Atomic Punch
    Pus[h] : haha
    (Voice) TheRetroHero: MEDIC!
    ebilcookies : 0-1
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : crap
    ebilcookies : 0-2*
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : 2-1
    Pus[h] : 2
    ebilcookies : 2-1
    T4P The Great One : Buying earbuds
    (Voice) TheRetroHero: Help!
    Aim at someone and type !bp or !backpack [playername]
    ebilcookies : intense lol
    Pus[h] : 0
    T4P The Great One : anyone got buds?
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : ikr
    (Voice) TheRetroHero: MEDIC!
    ebilcookies : stop pushing us :|
    ®TEA-BAG® Hale Sup? : what are u crabing?
    Electrix : doc go away
    ebilcookies : unusuals
    ebilcookies : doc like honestly
    ®TEA-BAG® Hale Sup? : ohh ok
    Electrix : doc go away
    ebilcookies : gtfo
    ebilcookies : I win
    Electrix : y so mad
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : YOU SCAMMED DOC SO IM SCAMMING YOU
    ®TEA-BAG® Hale Sup? : anywant want to spycrab my unusual?
    ebilcookies : gg
    ebilcookies : :|
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : BYEBYE
    Player Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] left the game (Disconnect by user.)"
    Also, he says that I scammed Doc but that isn't true. He's a friend of mine and simply screwing around. I can bring him in if that is absolutely necessary as well as Electrix who also saw this event unfold.
    Their profiles are listed here respectively; http://steamcommunity.com/id/Damaniac (Doc), http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058785126/ (Electrix)
    This is my first time reporting a Scammer so I'm sorry if the formatting is off a bit. (also please ignore the random people in the chat)

  2. Electrix

    Electrix New User

    Saw the whole thing unfold, 1st round went to fat lad, 2nd round went to ebil, fat lad ran off after losing, making him the scammer in this situation.
  3. [Doc] Assassin

    [Doc] Assassin New User

    Im a friend of ebilcookies, He told me he was spycrabbing his unusual so I joined his server in an attempt to keep that from happening by saying "oh hes a scammer he stole my unusual". I saw everything Electrix said, also later traded him, heres the chat:
    : Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads]: WHAT?
    [Doc] Assassin: Hey 17:52:12
    Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads]: IM NOT GIVING IT BACK 17:52:13
    [Doc] Assassin: Ok well... 17:52:17
    [Doc] Assassin: you can get banned for scamming, everyone in the sever has reported you 17:52:
  4. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Unfortunately, without screenshots, this is all hearsay and there is nothing the admins can do.
  5. ebilcookies

    ebilcookies New User

    That's quite a shame :( If one of us could talk to him and get him to admit that he ran off with my unusual (hopefully without him realizing what our intentions are), and we took a screenshot of that. Would that be enough evidence to get him tagged or anything?
  6. ebilcookies

    ebilcookies New User

    I've got more information. I followed him today into this server and had this long talk to him and while he didn't notice, I switched to his team, only to see that he was willing to pay people on that server to testify his supposed innocence.

    "(TEAM) Fat Lad [The Fattest Of Lads] : i dunno either, but im gonna give you free stuff and add you.
    [SpawnProtect] Your Spawn Protection is now Disabled
    Pyro [BOT] : SCRAPBANKING [also: selling anything on page 2 of bp] :: !bp pyro

    (TEAM) [2013]Batta Swing : mostly cause I dont think you spycrab a unusual again
    Zee : S> Texas Half Pants (2 keys) B> Bombing Run, Teddy Roosebelt, Prairie Heels Biter, Wingstick, Pip Boy. Trade me!
    Zee : !thirdperson
    Bloaty The Pizza Hog has earned the achievement Pilot Light
    Patchouli Knowledge : WTB Pink paint!

    (TEAM) [2013]Batta Swing : or do i"
    (Sorry for the extra text, I was on this server but I didn't want to cut anything out, so he was going to pay these guys just cuz they've seen each other around and randomly chose to be on his side)

    HOWEVER, he later traded me after threats of him getting banned and I have a few screenshots this time :)

    Here he agrees he'll give it back to me if I delete this post on SteamRep which basically proves that he did do this. BUT THEN, he gives me his crappy N&B Prancer's Pride Unusual Hat instead of mine, trying to say that we never agreed upon what were were spy-crabbing (which we did whom Electrix quickly verified without me even asking really (he mentioned it first) http://imgur.com/k69ll,WAER6,gpn2e)

    Lastly -> http://i.imgur.com/PivQu.jpg
    He said that then quickly canceled the trade, I don't know what he ment by proving his innocence, because he obviously ISN'T, and like I just stated, he canceled the trade, not giving me any Unusual. I can verify that with a picture of my trade history -> http://imgur.com/QAXh8 and if you look in the lower right corner you'll see that I JUST took this so it isn't incomplete or an older version.

    And if you look at his bp here -> http://www.tf2items.com/item/893980433 He has that N&B Prancer's so he can't plee that he was being impersonated or anything. I hope this is quite complete and quickly results in consequences on his end.
  7. [2013]Batta Swing!

    [2013]Batta Swing! New User

    New Evidence has come to life to prove Fat Lad [Fattest Of Lads] is innocent these screens have cant really tell you that hes innocent, as because Fat Lad tried to take them in trade to prove what ebil has said, but on the day of the supposed scam i just said Want to SpyCrab an unususal? AN UNUSUSAL not a specifiic one and then ebil said Raincatcher for Mountain cap? but Fat Lad did not reply and just started crabbing, he admits he ran but the next day he gave ebilcookie an UNUSUSAL then ebilcookie in trade said i'd rather see you get banned than get a crappy unususal.You can Even see this in his own screenshots (screens). again unfortunetley the screens went through the trade so you can not see exactly everything he said but i hope that ebilcookie can admit to his doing of letting Fat lad be banned and Fat Lad can live peaceful, after he gives ebil the unususal of course, screens are right here.
    Sorry but ebil posted enough proof to say that id rather see you get banned on his screen, if he deletes it its to get Fat lad banned. So yeah
  8. ebilcookies

    ebilcookies New User

    Yes, I said I'd rather see him get banned or whatever, especially when he was basically trying to give me that crappy 1 bill's~ worth Unusual to pay me off and try to get me to delete my post on here and avoid getting tagged as a scammer or anything. Even if he had given me my unusual back, i wouldn't have deleted this as that's just stupid, and quite frankly corrupt on my end then.

    EDIT: Also, if you look at the screenshot provided above of my trade history, it proves that I never received an Unusual or ANYTHING AT ALL, from this Scammer
  9. ebilcookies

    ebilcookies New User

    (sorry for double posting, can't seem to edit the above one again)
    ALSO, unsurprisingly, the guy who just commented was the one Fat Lad was talking to and trying to pay in items to take his side as I posted in my post like three up, and you can also see that I haven't edited the post since I posted it so I believe that's even more proof against Fat Lad.
  10. [2013]Batta Swing!

    [2013]Batta Swing! New User

    It's Not our fault you wont accept an unususal, wich is why we're even here so Fat Lad is innocent, and you cant prove Fat Lad is paying me, because you dont have screenshots. Fat Lad is my friend and i was there as a witness.
  11. ebilcookies

    ebilcookies New User

    Not my fault he won't give me my own unusual back and how the f✿✿✿ is Fat Lad innocent when he has my Unusual? and did you not see what I posted above? Don't you think it's just a little bit weird/odd that you show up protecting him after I saw Fat Lad right that on the server that he'd give you stuff and add you etc. and your only defense is that I can't prove it? That's quite a weak argument and anyone with an ounce of common sense could see through your act.
  12. [2013]Batta Swing!

    [2013]Batta Swing! New User

    The reason he said ill give you free stuff is because he was grateful or happy that I was helping him prove his innocence (cause he is)
  13. ebilcookies

    ebilcookies New User

    9/10 If he really was innocent then he wouldn't have to worry at all about having someone like you assist him in proving that fact as it would easily come to light. But just the fact that he wanted me to close this thread, and also him trying to give me that cheaper unusual basically prove his guiltiness as well as the fact that he was desperate enough to give you free stuff in attempts to save himself.
  14. [2013]Batta Swing!

    [2013]Batta Swing! New User

    Are you even listening? he admitted and you said too that it was AN UNUSUSAL random unusual from his backpack, if you cant accept AN unusual then fat lad is obviously innocent because you wont accept your winnings. And again no proof that he's paying me check my bp. I can stop defending but im alredy in this convorsation so ya.Btw he had regstry errors so he cant get on here. And he tried two other times
  15. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    This is a matter of slinging senseless threats. This is not a forum for arguing. I am locking this thread and awaiting an admin review.
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