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Pending Report: 76561198110344818 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by P1gz, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. P1gz

    P1gz New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198110344818

    Victim profile: 76561198013423985

    What happened? Description:
    This user added me to offer on my Bubbles modest. He offered a Steaming Noble+4keys in items on the first offer. I declined. Later he offered a the noble+ a Strange Frying Pan. I sent a counter offer with that stuff+some steam cards+and 2keys in sweets. This offer was declined. At This point the user swap the modest out for a Green Energy Modest with no sweets added to the noble+S.pan. I didn't re check the modest as this was the 4th re-offer. I sent a Re-re counter adding the Sweets. He Accepted, Instantly Removed/blocked me. And listed the GE modest on outpost. I lost 8buds on this mistake or quick switch.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Showing the modest was bubbling at one point

    then swapped to Green energy

    Chat logs
    *my pc is 5mins faster so the timestamp varies.*

    Outpost trades

    Modest Is bubbling in these images

    Modest gets quick swapped for the green energy Modest.

    Ge Modest on top/ Accepted trade
    Bubbles on bottom offer

    Attached Files:

  2. P1gz

    P1gz New User

    This user shows no interest in trading back. This is my first timed being scammed, and i really just wondered if i can get steam support version of this hat back or am i just screwed.
  3. = ocu = Roland™

    = ocu = Roland™ New User

    Hey, I kept track on this hat from yesterday and now.
    A well notable trader GroovyPanda bought it
    | steamname: GroovyPanda #collecting GE
    | steam3ID: [U:1:92967921]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:46483960
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053233649
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/groovypanda
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198053233649

    Note: I still have no idea if buying a scamed hat is againt the rules. Anyways providing what i found.
    Bought for 10 buds pure
    I still wonder why a such well known trader should trade for a scammed hat.
    Can provide evidence to prove it.
    BP hist of the time of selling : http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198110344818?time=1414220400
    Hist of hat: http://backpack.tf/item/957317296

    Every earbud was from Panda :
    http://backpack.tf/item/220854176 | http://backpack.tf/item/92376844 |http://backpack.tf/item/92017293 | http://backpack.tf/item/93005010 | http://backpack.tf/item/272551703 | http://backpack.tf/item/93881678 | http://backpack.tf/item/271418600 | http://backpack.tf/item/116299409 | http://backpack.tf/item/91750944 | http://backpack.tf/item/92734428

    Thought I should post these. But the hat is obviously scammed from the owner.
  4. [T.B] Dr. NinjaBlack™

    [T.B] Dr. NinjaBlack™ New User

    Please create your own report post, don't reply someone own report post
  5. = ocu = Roland™

    = ocu = Roland™ New User

    Oh, sorry alright, Was new here.
  6. P1gz

    P1gz New User

    Yeah thanks, Groovy did buy this for 10buds, no way he didn't know or just didn't care really i guess. He offered me 11buds for it yesterday.
  7. groovypanda

    groovypanda New User

    Well No i didn't know about this mess until Derelgamer told me shortly after i traded the hat. I was as usual looking for all the available GE hats for my collection and came across this guys trade where he was asking for 11 buds on a clean short history GE modest. At that time his trade was fresh and the very 1st trade with a ridiculous lowball of some 3rd gens. So i thought maybe the guy wants to sell it asap so i sent an offer of 8 pure to him straight away via trade offers which was declined (http://i61.tinypic.com/69qlps.jpg). Do note that on 24th the user neither had any open reports nor an OP Ban. (The guy was banned on OP by garry after i had a word with regarding this issue ). The very next day ,that is yesterday, i tried negotiating him by sending another offer of 9 buds via his trade offer link that i kept with me to which he counter offered me with 10 and i accepted it as it seemed like a very fair price.

    Now about people ,especially pigz blaming me for this saying "Groovy did buy this for 10buds, no way he didn't know or just didn't care really i guess" so yeah i checked SR and OP and that's all i needed to do and i did that. I am just a collector who loves to collect and even this trade was for the same. If i knew that the hat was scammed or something i would have waited for that to resolve.

    Now about the report i am sorry for PiGz loss but i don't really understand how is it a "quickswitch" scam here. Pigz didn't see the hat and effect that was in the offer and he sent a counter offer and that negligence costed him his hat. Now since this trade was through trade offers so the guy possibly cant quickswitch anything at all. He just got a good chunk of profit and he didn't want to return it (which is morally wrong but still its trading and the trade was sent by Pigz only without checking).

    All in all i don't mean to take any sides but i feel this issue is more of carelessness than scamming but up to SR Mods for the way they see it. As per me i paid fair and square for the hat and at the time we started discussions the last owner was clean on the 2 places that matter (SR & OP).