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Accepted Report: 76561198066265426 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ๖ۣۜVox™, Nov 16, 2014.

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  1. ๖ۣۜVox™

    ๖ۣۜVox™ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198066265426

    Victim profile: 76561197995232897

    What happened? Description:
    Saturday (15 november), a guy called Eriksson ( http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122005972 ) added me on steam. We spoke the next day : on sunday. He told me that he added me because he was interested to offer on my Sunbeams Brotherhood of Arms. He first offered his Vintage Shortstop and his Searing Plasma Noh Mercy. Then there were several misunderstanding, he claimed that he didn't offer that and meant to trade for my BoA either his shortsop or his Noh mercy. To me the offer was kinda low, even if he did both. Later the same day, he told me that he could get a Scorching Noh Mercy for his Shortstop (like 1:1). It didn't seem very legit to me so I came to talk to Lategum, the only person who could be interested by a Vintage Shortstop (as he owned several ones in the past and still have own) and who owned a Scorching Noh Mercy. Lategum was already in my friendlist I first met him in a unusual trade server, we already negotiated for my Sunbeams Brotherhood but it didn't led to a deal.
    Lategum told me that he would trade Eriksson for his vintage shortstop + 10 buds pure. Here is one thing that didn't match with what Eriksson told me. Meanwhile I was speaking with Lategum, I also spoke with Eriksson. I asked Lategum what he sold his shortstop for : he replied that he sold it for a Secret Team Captain and a Blizzardy Storm Hazmat (I have no proof of it tho as it was in the chat that is now unavailable because it is too old). Later, I noticed that it was a lie. Lategum owned them all anyway because every item he mentionned appear in a same thread on TF2 Outpost http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/23600185 . I don't think that it was a legit trade, it is more about faking past offers I guess. They might probably be friends and wouldn't mind to swap their items into eachother's account.
    I came back to Eriksson several times to negotiate with him, it was pretty hard to because there were a lot of misunderstandings, that's something you can notice in the chat.
    It was also hard for me to believe that Eriksson could afford the Noh Mercy because besides the Searing Plasma Noh Mercy, he didn't have anything to add on top of the Vintage Shorstop although Lategum was looking for Shortstop + 10 Pure buds.
    I asked Eriksson how he could get it, he replied me that he could buy these from the steam community market (I have no proof of him saying this as it was in the older chat that isn't available anymore).
    We came back to the deal of the Vintage Shortstop + Searing Plasma Noh Mercy for my Sunbeams Brotherhood of arms.
    I finally considered it because, and only because Lategum said that he was interested to get the Shortstop if I added some on top of it (the final deal was Shortstop + 6 keys + Haunted Phantasm Jr Chieftain's Challenge + Haunted Phantasm Jr Hetman's Headpiece) for his Scorching Noh Mercy. I developped the idea of gathering several Noh's in order to sell them to finally cash out of TF2.
    I was busy and asked Eriksson to send the trade offer to make the trade as quick as possible with Lategum so I wouldn't risk anything for long. But he didn't send one but asked me to send one, that was something that I wasn't confident with. When I had spare time, Eriksson and I made the trade (proof in the trade history). Before and meanwhile we were doing it, I asked several times if Lategum was here, ready to trade the Scorching Noh Mercy for the said deal. When I got the items, I traded Lategum but he didn't answer. Then he told me to send a trade offer and added "I'll accept once I'm back at the pc"... That sentence didn't reassured me to be honest. I've been waiting for the whole hour that he said he would take to get back on pc. He launched TF2, I talked to him, even tried to join his session but he closed it quick and went offline a few minutes later, he did not answer me since.
    Concern Eriksson, it is the same. They did not block me but both stopped answering my messages or went offline. I've been scammed. Here are provided the most recent chats I had, one with Lategum and the other with Eriksson. I wish I could get my Brotherhood of arms back or get the said deal Lategum spoke about for his Scorching Noh Mercy. However, I'm aware that Steamrep can't do anything concerns that. My report concerns two persons. That is why I have the exact same description for each Lategum's and Eriksson reports.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Down there is the first part of the chat I had with Eriksson and Lategum. I'm using two screens that is why it is displayed like that.
    View attachment 170043 Down there is the second part of the chat : View attachment 170088
    Then it is the third and last part of the chat : View attachment 170103
    I also uploaded the discussions I had with them in text documents, they are attached files. Here are the screenshots of the trade history with each concerned hat.
    View attachment 170109 View attachment 170110 View attachment 170115
    I watched the Steamrep guide on Youtube, concern the last part which asks for "Proof that you verified the identity of the person" I'm not too sure about how making them because it is said in the video that there would be a short tutorial concern that part. If you need me to do something more (with a specific way), tell me. I've taken screenshots of me being on their steam profile page to try to prove that I'm talking of these 2 persons and that they weren't impersonated.
    View attachment 170137 View attachment 170135

    Attached Files:

  2. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I would say, all things considered, your proof of identity is reasonably covered. That part of a report can be tricky, but there are enough pieces here to tie both accused into this report.

    What you have here looks like a glimmer drop scam, so I'm marking it as ready for review by an admin. Your screenshots show, among other things, LateGum's agreement to trade his Noh Mercy. There is a little bit more investigation that needs to be done in order to prove this, and apply a tag, but that evidence is beyond my ability to get.

    Full SteamRep block of Eriksson, for searchability purposes:
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating, SteamRep Partner Members, SteamRep Partner SCAs).**
  3. [OPST] Polipolop

    [OPST] Polipolop New User

    Lategum and Eriksson are friends, that's why they did that. I have no real proof about them being friends, but I've had Lategum in my list and he had a secret TC and some other stuff he was brokering for Eriksson. When I asked him how he got them, he just answered me "I'm brokering for my friend".
    This is really low for that kind of traders to fake offers that much.
    http://outpost.gg/ga/gleks9.pn proves it a bit.
  4. ๖ۣۜVox™

    ๖ۣۜVox™ New User

    When I published the reports on Steamrep, it was Monday 17 November at 2:00 am. After I turned off my computer, I checked my phone and figured out something. I have access to the chats that I had with Lategum and Eriksson on the Steam Mobile Application. Some parts of the 2 conversations that I had with them were unavailable on computer that is why I mentioned, in the concerned parts, that I had no proof of what I said because the chat was too old. I do not have the whole conversation that I had with Lategum on Sunday but I have some that are older (the oldest being the 16 October 2014).

    Here are each chats that are still available on the Steam Mobile app :



    If you attentively read the whole conversation with Lategum, you would notice that I haven't been very interested by the Vintage Shortstop itself in the past. Also, please, consider that I have forgot the fact that he owned the Secret TC / Searing Noh / Blizz Hazmat / 2 vintage shortstop at the same time once (some weeks before the scam occurred). I only figured out once I've made my research.

    I can now prove the part that says that Eriksson is able to get earbuds through the market (and not the community market, my fault) http://i.imgur.com/lZf2ORu.png . I don't know if it helps a lot here but it is at least proven.

    In the following part of my reply, I will try to prove that Lategum and Eriksson are sharing their items with each other in order to fake offers or mislead people (and it concerns me at least). In fact, I'm the victim of a frame-up. They also seem to be involved in trading with scammers.

    First of all : I don't have the full chat with Lategum and Eriksson that I had on Sunday. Some parts of them are available on the Steam Mobile Application but the beginning is missing. In fact, there isn't the part that tells about the fact that Lategum sold 1 of his 2 vintage shortstop for a Secret Team Captain and a Blizzardy Storm Hazmat.

    However, I do have screenshots that proves that he used to own the Secret Team captain, Blizzardy Storm Hazmat and the Searing Plasma Noh Mercy at the same time.

    It is proven by these screenshots :

    If you see the beginning of this conversation, it




    Then, by checking the Searing Noh, Blizzardy Hazmat and Secret TC history, you can notice a few things :

    -Lategum traded his Searing Noh to Eriksson --> http://www.tf2outpost.com/item/440,3165511517,361,5

    -The Secret TC was multiple times traded from Eriksson to Lategum and one more time back to Eriksson. You can also notice that the secret TC has been duped 5 times http://www.tf2items.com/item/3045531649 . If I'm not making any mistakes, every time an owner of a Duped TC trades his item to someone else, it appears in everyone owner's history. One dupe of the Secret TC went through a scammer backpack but isn't in it anymore.

    ( Scammer's bp http://www.tf2items.com/profiles/76561198066478249/ and reputation http://steamrep.com/search?q=76561198066478249 ).

    The only persons that appear after the scammer's name are Weebly, Eriksson, Lategum and someone called Y152 who seems be the new and current owner of the dupe that was owned by Lategum (Y152 is the person who Lategum bought the Scorching Noh from).

    Weebly still owns his dupe (11/18/2014), it currently appears in his backpack : http://www.tf2items.com/id/Weebster/ .

    What I'm trying to prove here is that Eriksson may have bought the Secret TC from the scammer and then traded Lategum who kind of brokered it. Even if I can't prove the fact that Lategum said that he sold his shortstop to Eriksson for a secret tc + blizz hazmat (because I didn't launch the steam mobile app meanwhile we talked about it) I still think that they were both involved in fishy activities. Even if it doesn't have a direct link to my case, I'm just doing research about each hats Lategum owns.

    - The blizzardy storm Hazmat Headcase never went through Eriksson's backpack, noticeable here http://www.tf2outpost.com/item/440,3155054336,783,5

    Note that what they have done (a frame up that led to a scam) seemed to be planned as they created a bp.tf price suggestion a few hours after they got the BoA : http://backpack.tf/vote/id/546903bab98d8872468b4671

    It didn't succeed and they failed (16 negative votes out of 18).

    Their price suggestion wasn't very acceptable as Lategum had a B/O of 75 buds on his Vintage shortstop : it was written by Deduction in the price suggestion but here is a screenshot that I made http://i.imgur.com/IKKje3K.jpg

    After they got the hat (i use the word "they" because to me they are clearly partners), I took the screenshot of the notes that were available Monday evening (17 November, around 9 pm) http://i.imgur.com/2Vzpbiy.jpg (by the way I figured out how to crop my left screen on the screenshot). You can notice that Lategum raised his B/O by 5 buds (from 75 to 80). These notes are still on the site at the time I write this. I made another screenshot in case you doubt about the last screenshot being legit http://i.imgur.com/GaOf876.jpg .

    Lategum answered me this http://i.imgur.com/64ySzx2.jpg

    Lategum said that he got offered 70 "pure" on his Noh Mercy. I assume that "pure" are earbuds. I don't think that the "offer" he mentioned was legit as he says that it is a "private deal". By the way such an offer and a price settled at 85, he would have taken it instantly, wouldn't he ? The next day (Wednesday 19) he told me that it the one who offered "is getting it soon" http://i.imgur.com/rb9DbPj.jpg

    By the way, if someone were collecting 70 buds on the Scorching Noh, wouldn't he come here first http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/22555365 ? I'm wondering this because That One Guy is clearly looking for 70 buds and has this post opened for 2 months now.

    Eriksson removed me from his friend list (11/18/2014).

    The following part contains proofs that Lategum and Eriksson are sharing their item. It might be in order to create fake offers and / or to make people believe what they sold their stuff for is true :

    -- http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198122005972?time=1415347200 Eriksson owns vintage earbuds the 7 November. Lategum told that he bought, himself, the Noh Mercy for the earbuds in the conversation we had, evidence here :

    - http://i.imgur.com/BrnNBfB.png

    - and there (top of the chat) http://i.imgur.com/JohAF9a.png

    To me, this constitutes a proof of the fact that Eriksson and Lategum are freely sharing their items. It isn't something bad in itself but I assume that they want to create frames-up from there.

    -- http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198122005972?time=1415520000 the 9 November, Eriksson owns a Searing plasma Noh mercy. I guess that it was bought from the unboxer who has a private BP ( http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561197998831486 ), that last one might have received the Vintage earbuds in exchange.

    A weird thing happened in his backpack : 2 vintage shortstops come out of nowhere, might be another proof that Erikkson and Lategum are sharing their items and are partners.

    There's nothing new in Eriksson's backpack until the 15 November : http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198122005972?time=1416038400

    only 1 vintage shortstop remains in his backpack but he still have the Searing Noh Mercy.

    Here is the whole discussion available that I had with Lategum http://imgur.com/a/glgeV#23

    It starts the 16 october when we were negotiating about my Brotherhood of arms and ends when the trade with eriksson was made. There is a missing part (maybe one of the most important tho), you can notice it because it starts when we were already discussing : http://i.imgur.com/8NO3yo1.png

    Here is the chat with Eriksson http://imgur.com/a/0k7qo#11 . The beginning is also missing as you can notice.

    Concern the part where I said that they were involved in trading with scammers :

    --Eriksson bought the following Vintage gibus hat http://www.tf2items.com/item/3170324453 (isn't duped ) directly from a scammer http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/285768 and https://steamrep.com/?id=76561198061436237

    -So did he for : http://www.tf2outpost.com/item/440,3029319084,30030,5

    http://www.tf2items.com/item/3169180734 it isn't duped

    -So he sold this http://www.tf2outpost.com/item/440,2746036688,863,1 to the same guy who he bought the gibus from.

    -So he bought this too http://www.tf2outpost.com/item/440,2758259822,378,5

    Doesn't seem duped (tf2 Op thread, 3 months old)

    -Unless it is duped, it also applies here http://www.tf2outpost.com/item/440,2745491105,158,5

    I stopped my research after finding these.

    By the way, there is still a report here http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198122005972-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.80807/

    --Lategum bought his Arcana Viewfinder



    from a guy who knowingly marked scammers and their alts http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/190320

    Even if this person isn't marked on steamrep, he has a pending report of a year old about the same kind of frame up Lategum and Eriksson did to me http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198044202601-and-76561198055742343.29383/

    It seems that Eriksson and Lategum are trying to cover up their activities by creating a fake video about their "spycrab"

    I took a screenshot in case they remove the video http://i.imgur.com/OGVbapp.jpg

    The quality of the video is pretty low, you can also notice that at 2:03 (here http://i.imgur.com/7lApuzs.jpg ), the server is offering a spycrab plugin in order to record the spycrab events... But they didn't even use it, it would have been much simplier, rather than taking a "tablet" to record, as mentioned in the video description. There is also something fishy about this video, it is written in the description "Eriksson = Arcana virtual viewfinder, Scorching Noh Mercy, Pro. Ks. Vintage Shortstop." I assume that it is what Eriksson crabbed. But how did he get them at the beginning then ?

    I worked on this answer until 10:31 pm, the 11/18/2014, CET then went to bed. I found out about the video on Wednesday (11/19). Note that I'm not able anymore to get hands on the conversations from where I took the screenshots of, it has been wiped off my phone. I think that seeing screenshots from Steam Mobile isn't very common, if you would need me to prove that these are genuine and legit, you would have to tell me how to do so as I already thought about it but didn't figured out how I should do it. If you need more details, feel free to tell me or even adding me as a steam friend. If you notice a non-sense, something being false or screenshots that doesn't match what I'm arguing, let me know.

    I'm now editing screenshots and / or using the Snipping tool from Windows, tell me if the screenshots are still acceptable. I took time to give form to my report, I hope you will consider each of its part. I tried to put as many details as I could. I'm still interested to get the scorching noh or trade back for the sunbeams boa (with a preference for the noh though as it was what I planned to get) but both Lategum and Eriksson declined the trade offers I've sent to them. It seems that I'm blocked by Eriksson as I can't post on tf2 OP : http://i.imgur.com/egQ6cSb.jpg

    I personally asked Lategum if I can trade with Eriksson http://imgur.com/qK9sxsr

    Lategum replied that Eriksson doesn't care. I'm not really playing the double agent but I think that he is kidding me when he said that he "asked" Eriksson.

    Everything that is written above this was made from Monday to Wednesday included. I needed some more evidences to prove my statements.

    Concern the spycrab video, I exactly asked when it occurred. He replied :

    "no idea" ; "some time ago". http://i.imgur.com/AKsd1FZ.jpg

    To be honest, I don't think that you can forgot when you received a Scorching Noh Mercy and an Arcana Viewfinder if you crabbed for them and risked "10k". It is another proof of the fact that he's manipulating people, prices, which impacts people and allows him to make profitable trades due to frame-ups.

    Eriksson self admitted that he's a part of a trade scam and tries to twist the story about it http://backpack.tf/trust/76561198123907426


    Each time I was updating this file, I wrote down here. I don't want you to think that I tried to hide evidences, it is just that I preferred making a complete description with proven statements and it took me several days, I've also been busy this week. Again, I would prefer to get the Scorching Noh as it was planned or get my stuff back rather than seeing them banned. But I wanted to be heard, I think that I've done it right. I want to spread the truth about my case in order to prove that I've been a victim of Lategum and Eriksson. I posted this answer on both reports.

    It is now 10:41 pm (clock of my computer), 11/20/2014, CET.
  5. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    All images need to be uploaded as attachments. Please do not link to 3rd-party sites like imgur or puu.sh for your evidence.
  6. ๖ۣۜVox™

    ๖ۣۜVox™ New User

    I'm uploading here the 15 first screenshots of the conversation I had with Lategum. It starts the 16 October. These are from Steam Mobile though. That is why I have a lots of them. As you can notice, it was very late when I took them. I didn't take enough cautions to see the above text at each new screenshot, sorry, there could be missing parts.

    It should be sorted chronologically.

    Attached Files:

  7. StationACE

    StationACE New User

    This honestly does not surprise me... he's tried to pull these kind of fake current offers and scams with friends multiple times.
  8. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello @๖ۣۜVox™,

    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accused's profile
    2. Click "More" drop-down located at the top right of the page
    3. Choose "Report Violation"
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click "Submit Report"

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Thank you for reporting this user.
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