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Accepted Appeal: 76561198025421694 - (Hadjii / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Hadjii, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198025421694 (Hadjii)

    Appeal Plea: N/A. There are no offenses listed at all.
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Wrong Alt - Alternate account is not my account
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    So I was playing New Vegas today, and after I finished, I went and looked at my invites. I get about one invite a month from people who want to buy my Aces High Cosa Nostra Cap, so I check their reps on SteamRep, and for some reason, 9 times in 10 they're banned.

    Anyways, so I check out this guy who sent me a friend invite.

    On his page, it lists an alt account. Out of curiosity, I click on it and go "wat".

    My curiosity very rapidly changed into alarm. Apparently, I am not who I thought I was! And so I have now registered with these forums and am now trying to get this sorted out. Now there are only two questions.

    1. How do I prove that I am not aiRmaN?
    2. Why did the investigating admin somehow think I was?

    Well, one oddity that I'm curious wasn't noticed is that this account was made over two years before that account, and yet is only steam level 6 while he's level 20.

    Also, based on the hours of games played, it looks like we're both main accounts.

    He (She? well, it says maN...) has over 2000 hours on Garry's Mod, 350 on CS:GO, 267 on CS:S, 213 on TF2, and various other games, including it looks like 35 hours on NBA2K14.
    I have never understood sports games. He's got more time on that than GTA IV. Lolwut.

    I have 538 hours on TF2, 169 in New Vegas (go NCR!!!), 142 in Terraria, 98 in Star Wars Battlefront 2 (classic game) though I would have more but I play a special modpack that unfortunately doesn't add to my playtime, 85 on KSP, and probably the biggest contrast, 6.6 hours in CS:GO. Mainly because I ragequit because the AI is a bunch of aimbots that love one-shotting you through walls with AWP's.

    Looking at differences in inventory is also relevant, I think.
    (side note : holy crap, keys are at 16-17 ref! I really need to get back into the market... ooh, gives me another idea on how to show my innocence!)

    I have a rather considerable backpack size, with a great bounty of items, and many sandviches. ... I need moar sandviches.

    This guy's backpack is almost empty, but is full of a bizarrely large number of cosmetics for having almost no weapons.

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/hadjii_colgate/inventoryhistory/ is my trading history. Aside from a few presents to friends, I don't think there's anything really weird looking. Oh, and the TF2WH stuff. I can't find a way to give a public link to my tf2wh history so I'm attaching a screenshot. Oh, and I've done stuff on scrap.tf but those trades are fairly obvious.
    View attachment 189656

    I guess this doesn't matter a whole lot, seeing as how I've done no trading for 2 months, and not sure how much to do in the future, but it really bugs the crap out of me that I have been rolled in with such a person as that when I'm the one getting "please let me scam you of everything you own" requests every once in a while.

    I don't really know what else to say, and I don't have any chat logs or anything because the only contact I've had with this guy is they sent me a friend request which has been ignored, and now blocked, and looking at their page on SteamRep and on the Steam Community and stuff now while trying to find evidence.

    Umm. I just got a friend request from "Riley". Attaching a screenshot now.
    View attachment 189657

    I thought I recognized that name, and I looked at the thread and WHADDYA KNOW, ITS THE SAME RILEY.

    At this point I officially have no idea what the cuss is going on. Like, I was already a little weirded out when I learned out of the blue that I'm banned on SteamRep and now I've got an invite from the guy that got the scammer guy banned and it's 4:38 pm and STILL too early to deal with this.

    Un-ban me, please?

    And also an explanation of how I got mixed up in this, please, because the first and only mention of me that I can find in that thread is my SteamRep data block information thing.​

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  2. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @Hadjii,

    Read this topic: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-tips.66354/
    And please pay special note to the following point(s):
    #7: What are Alts

    You shared IP's with the other account for over a year.

    You June 27, 2013 till Sept 19, 2014
    Airman: Aug 12, 2013 till Okt 15, 2014
    And its the location from which you posted above post.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  3. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    I have the same IP as them? >_> what


    sometimes I use my neighbor's wifi because my sister sucks up all the bandwidth with Netflix

    oh dear

    I guess there's nothing for it, then. Unless someone happens to know an IRL Phoenix Wright or something, I'm dead.

    Okay, possible new information. I just asked mom and June 27th of 2013 is around the time when we got a new ISP because our old one ran out of business.

    random side story that has nothing to do with this : something like this happened on Wikipedia where an edit was made by our IP address and it was not one that anyone in my family would have made.
  4. Riley

    Riley Caution on SteamRep

    Im talking to Hadjii right now and airman sent me this i dont know if they are the same person or not, im talking to his "alt" right now and airman is playing a game

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  5. Riley

    Riley Caution on SteamRep

    how does this werk

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  6. Riley

    Riley Caution on SteamRep

    how does he play a game and message me on both accounts the the same time? im pretty sure this guy isnt the same person

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  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Not hard at all actually, vmware, different device, sandboxed, sometimes users lend out the accnt to a friend in an attempt to fool us as well. As for the user in question, no clue, was just pointing out its not hard at all to be on 2, 4, 8, 16 accounts at once.
  8. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Well, now that another Admin has replied, it's time for me to unload the crapton of screenshots that reveal all the developments that have happened.

    Riley and I are friends now on steam, and have had a very long conversation.
    At Riley's urging, I am now friends with and talking to aiRmaN too, at least for however long it takes to get this mess cleared up.

    Not sure what else to say here so imma just dump all the screenshots.

    also I accidentally saved riley 3 as riley 2 so if there's anything weird right there, that's what happened, and if anything is misrepresented in the conversation between Riley and I then I think he'll probably speak up, seeing as how he's involved in this now, which I am extremely grateful for because it was looking like I had basically no chance at ever using tf2wh ever again. I guess I'm also lucky that the ban only propagated so fast because somehow it took long enough for me to get my screencap on tf2wh that the next time I did anything on that page suddenly I was banned. Specifically, I tried to change my passphrase because I didn't censor it in the screencap because I didn't want to be denied for censoring that, and then it refused to let me in.

    I don't know if this for sure settles anything but I guess since Riley hasn't given up, I won't either.

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  9. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Also, for some bizarre reason, it still says "aiRmaN is typing..." 30 minutes later.

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  10. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    ok ok ok i know posting a bunch of times like this without waiting for an admin is kinda bad but I should probably clarify that for a while there I thought that Panther had been banned too but then I found out that he hadn't been.
  11. Tina The Fatlard

    Tina The Fatlard Banned on SteamRep

    Yeah um, this is aiRmaN.. This is not my alt at all. Earlier like a day ago. you didn't explain those accounts, i just thought you left them there. I have never heard of this guy, or ever talked to him.
    I think you messed up, and i just barely got a new router in late november.
  12. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Also, Riley would like me to make it very clear that he is the one who reported and got aiRmaN banned in the first place, so he is extremely important and relevant to this whole conversation.
  13. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    In establishing if you are alts or not is that not really important. Thats outside the reach of the reporter.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  14. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Okay. I guess I'll try to simplify my case and make it more readable.

    https://steamrep.com/search?q=hadjii_colgate is me, Hadjii. I joined Steam on 2010-05-16.
    https://steamrep.com/search?q=76561198067072373 is Airman. He joined Steam on 2012-07-13
    Hadjii predates Airman by more than 2 years.
    It is theoretically possible but unlikely that Airman is the main account and Hadjii is the alt given that Hadjii is so much older.

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/westererrern/games/ is Airman's games list.
    According to this, Airman has over 2000 hours on Garry's mod alone, and several hundred hours on other games.
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/hadjii_colgate/games/?tab=all is Hadjii's games list.
    I don't quite have the same amount of time logged as Airman, but still hundreds of hours in multiple games.
    It is, again, theoretically possible but unlikely that Hadjii is the main account and that Airman is the alt given that Airman has thousands of hours logged in-game.

    http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198025421694 is Hadjii's tf2 backpack on backpack.tf, worth over $100 in items, in great part thanks to the following unusual.
    http://backpack.tf/item/3040017391 which was unboxed by Hadjii and has not been sold or anything.

    I have shown that Airman cannot be an alt account of me, and that I cannot be an alt account of him.
    The third possibility, which is that we are both alts of a third account is unlikely, as you probably would have found it considering that you pointed the finger of suspicion at Panthertodd21 and realized, correctly, that he is not an alt. If you didn't happen to read it in my screencap of conversations earlier, Panthertodd21 is my next door neighbor.

    With the backpack, Hadjii is a main account, and since Airman cannot be an alt of Hadjii, Airman must be a main too.

    Unless we're going to say that people are using multiple main accounts, which I think kinda defeats the purpose of alts, we must be different people.
  15. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    I'll rewrite the alts part in our Appeal Tips to better convey what we mean with "alts" and "main", for that is a bit different then conventional understanding.
  16. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Thank you for the clarification of what you mean by "alts" and "main". I hope that it helps a bunch of people besides just me understand what's going on here.

    I shall now explain my understanding of the various accounts that have been mentioned, with giving-away-location permission granted from Airman.

    Hadjii is owned by a 20 year old guy who lives in Layton, UT.
    Airman is owned by a 17 year old guy who lives in Syracuse, UT.
    Panthertodd21 is owned by a 19 year old guy who lives in Layton, UT.

    This would not be the first time I've heard of an ISP assigning 1 public IP address to multiple customers.
    Also, as per your own statement earlier, while Hadjii and Airman shared the same IP for a considerable length of time, for a month or so now, they do not.
    Hadjii and Airman were also probably created under rather different IP addresses.

    This also still doesn't explain away Hadjii being 2 years older than Airman, but being only steam level 6 whereas Airman is steam level 20.

    If push comes to shove, I will willingly pm my facebook to an admin here to prove my identity, unless you're going to say that you can fake a 6 year old facebook profile, which interestingly enough is actually older than my Steam, because I made that profile back when I lived in Tucson, AZ.
  17. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    ISP's don't assign same IP's to multiple customers (only one customer would then be able to use their internet). You used the neighbor's wifi you said earlier.

    Other possibilities are depending on what kind of connection you have. If its via a 3G/4G wireless... then it can be that the ISP has put the users of that behind a proxy and/or NAT. But then we should see way more accounts matching.
  18. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Is the IP address that matches owned by Comcast or Cogent Communications?

    Also, the neighbor whose wifi I mentioned is Panthertodd21, and he's come over to my house a few times.

    And I already know that our ISP puts us behind a NAT or whatever.
    In the attached screenshot, is our router. is our internet phone box thingy. is probably the box thing that we got from our ISP.
    I have no idea what is.
    and is probably a public ip thingy

    so yeah, our ISP is made of routers, apparently.

    So what company holds the IP address that matches, so I can at least know which ISP to dislike forever for this?

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  19. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Cogent. They should give their NAT /Proxy boxes hostnames that reflect their use by them as such
  20. Hadjii

    Hadjii New User

    Riley, please don't post here anymore. Admin already said that you apparently dont matter in this.

    My ISP is not Cogent, my ISP is Connext, and apparently they use Cogent as a backbone.

    The weird thing though is that Airman told me their ISP is Centurylink. Maybe they both use Cogent?