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Accepted Report: 76561198122572000 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by weasel *Fanatics, Jan 11, 2015.

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  1. weasel *Fanatics

    weasel *Fanatics New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198122572000

    Victim profile: 76561198042964293

    What happened? Description:
    Trying to scam me through a trade offer where he claims that my knife is his and he is "donating" it to me.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Shouldn't be much any more evidence required as it is pretty clear.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    lol. none of you guys can take a joke. I made like 5 prank offers and every one of you is telling me to die, get cancer, f✿✿✿ off and goes to cry here. enough said.

    no one would fall for that. this can't even be thought of as a scam.

    get a life, seriously.
  3. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    he added me, here's exactly how our little chat went:

    16:04 - weasel: how does it feel to be poor scum?
    16:04 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: ?
    16:04 - weasel: gl with steamrep report
    16:04 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: ?
    16:04 - weasel: btw i hope u get cancer and die :^)
    16:04 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: ok bro
    16:04 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: u cant take a joke
    16:04 - weasel: german low lifers
    16:04 - weasel: god
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: im reporting u
    16:05 - weasel: get cancer
    16:05 - weasel: please
    16:05 - weasel: for what
    16:05 - weasel: wishing u cancer
    16:05 - weasel: gl
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: for insults and being dumb
    16:05 - weasel: >for insults and being dumb
    16:05 - weasel: you are the dumb on
    16:05 - weasel: one
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: yeah?
    16:05 - weasel: no one else
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: i made a joke
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: if u cant take it
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: get a life
    16:05 - weasel: i made a joke
    16:05 - weasel: :DDDD
    16:05 - weasel: you try to scam people
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: lol
    16:05 - weasel: "i made a joke"
    16:05 - weasel: god ur just
    16:05 - weasel: as dumb as every german
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: no one would fall for that s✿✿✿
    16:05 - weasel: even worse i guess
    16:05 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: maybe a dumb f✿✿✿✿✿ like u
    16:05 - weasel: still you try it
    16:06 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: racist moron without a sense of humour
    16:06 - weasel: you actually do think that people would accept
    16:06 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: your hand is your best friend, right?
    16:06 - weasel: well u germans have pretty cancerous humour then
    16:06 - weasel: if u call that humour
    16:06 - weasel: i made a joke hehe :DD !!!
    16:06 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: bro
    16:06 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: u got a big epeen
    16:06 - weasel: im not ur bro
    16:06 - weasel: u got cancer irl
    16:07 - Bewegungsunschaerfe: go kill urself
    16:07 - weasel: i hope u die
    16:07 - weasel: kid
  4. weasel *Fanatics

    weasel *Fanatics New User

    so what are you trying to imply with these chat logs, i have to use harsh words when talking with mentally ill people, and just noticed you have -10reps in csgolounge so you have probably been trying to scam there aswell, it just doesn't work like "i made a little joke" you can compare this your garbage to that if you kill a people, you dont afterwards say "i made a little joke hehe xDDD wheres ur humour"
  5. Ursus

    Ursus New User

  6. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    here's what's really funny. who's the mentally ill one: a person who makes a little prank or the one who add the pranker, the very first thing he says is "how does it feel to be poor scum?", proceeds with "btw i hope u get cancer and die :^)", all without me having said anything offensive and tops it off with "german low lifers"? Seems pretty clear to me. There seem to be something really wrong with the given individual if that's the way he begins a chat.

    now, my csgolounge is there because for a few weeks, I had some offers on lounge that 'respected traders with a lot of rep' didn't like. To be perfectly clear, I was offering relatively cheap skins (in the $5-10) with 3 expensive stickers (each about $10) and wanted $15-20 in return. For some reason, a lot of them just drove by, left a reply like "Your offer is bullshit, stickers don't mean anything, -rep, f4g". That's all on a highly subjective market where the worth and beauty of an item is mainly in the eye of the beholder. It's called supply and demand. I don't go around to an Audi car shop (not comparing myself or traders with rare items to Audi, just trying to illustrate a point to those who still haven't got it) and tell them that they're scammers and their cars will never sell because a 10 times cheaper car can still get me from Point A to Point B. That was confirmed by me actually selling one of these items. I know this may all be hard to believe, but it's actually true.

    just to illustrate the irrelevance of csgolounge rep:
    1) +rep is being given for cases worth 0.05 cents - easily verifiable.
    2) some fake exterior scammers (the real bait and switch scum) have a lot of +rep even though all they do is try and exploit people's inattention and impulsiveness - easily verifiable too.

    Now, as to why my offer can't even be thought of a scam, in my honest opinion:
    1) first thing you see is that I'm offering nothing in exchange for your knife (your specific knife, which you no doubt already have a good notion of)
    2) even before you click on the trade, there's a warning message in red that you, the person that has been sent this offer, won't get anything in return
    3) once you open the trade, you can clearly see the offer all over again, with yet another warning message appearing to make you wary of potential scams
    4) you have to confirm the whole thing before you click on accept

    what would I have done if someone had accepted it? given it back. yeah, a 300$ item.
    do I care about being flagged on steamrep? not really, I'm not that big of a trader, I trade in the sub-50$ range when I've won a bet and gotten a skin I don't like. if it really hindered me, I'd just do the trade on another account. it's just a hobby for me.
    why am I going out of my way to write this down? to warn people that while there's actual scams going on and little to nothing is being done about them (for example the bots adding everyone and sending them .scr steam stealers, the fake exterior scammers, ...), what's being done in this thread is not actually helping someone not to get scammed. and last but not least, to point out the revolting behavior and toxicity of some traders who literally treat people with smaller inventories like 'die Untermenschen'.
  7. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    Just one last thing, I'm quoting from the f-o-g.eu thread and Ursus' post:

    "Then obviously deletes me from friendlist."
    An outright lie, this never happened. He's still in my friend list.


    This should be enough to prove that, I hope.
  8. Ursus

    Ursus New User

    Relax puppy... it was copy paste from my template scam report that's why it was there.

    Besided - f-o-g report is already through. You're going down.
  9. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    Wow. I've awoken the monster in this man child. The world is about to burn to ashes.
  10. weasel *Fanatics

    weasel *Fanatics New User

  11. weasel *Fanatics

    weasel *Fanatics New User

    Also this, you just made clear you are only into scamming people instead of "little jokes xDD" no f✿✿✿✿✿✿ one would ever give back a knife after succesfull scam and also 300$.. ok.
    it's not the way i treat people with smaller inventories, thats the way i treat scammers whose iq is smaller than their shoe number
  12. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    I don't think anything more needs to be said.

    "pathetic animals" - wow
    "whose iq is smaller than their shoe number" - hm, seems like calling people names makes your IQ higher. You can't even write English properly, you don't understand basic grammar. That's hardly a sign of a high IQ, not understanding and adopting simple rules.

    You're the one who keeps calling me names without stating any proper arguments and you've been doing that since you added me, without me having done anything to warrant that. You haven't rebutted any of the things I said, instead you keep spewing insults at me. You're a primitive racist bigot, obviously (that's not an insult, that's an accurate description of you based on what you've written here and in our steam chat).

    "no f✿✿✿✿✿✿ one would ever give back a knife after succesfull scam and also 300$.. ok"
    I would, because it was all a prank and I'd feel very bad after stealing a knife from someone, that's why I would give it back, unlike you, a person who has no moral principles. On top of that, it's not like I need the money badly, so there'd be absolutely no reason for me to keep it.

    "acts like he would've been the victim"
    You wanted to say with your broken English that I'm acting like the victim? No, I'm just trying to defend myself and make sure the Steam community doesn't get overrun by people like you. Would be a sad day for everyone, indeed.
  13. weasel *Fanatics

    weasel *Fanatics New User

    its just a sad day for everyone when a filthy german like you opens his mouth
  14. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Unfortunately we are a bit too serious for those "jokes". Oh, btw, he's not German, he's a Czech (most Germans don't learn English whatsoever anyway).

    My personal opinion is, that if you are making jokes, the other party must know you well enough to know you where making a joke (takes 2 for a joke). Apparently you did this with people you didn't know. What if those you did this with had accepted it for they didn't pay attention who the beneficiary was? You would have given it back? I don't think so. If therefore the other party takes this "joke" as a scam attempt, it basically is.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Let me ask this: Who are these?
    | steamname: jokondra
    | steam3ID: [U:1:141295551]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:70647775
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198101561279
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198101561279

    | steamname: WbuldogCZ
    | steam3ID: [U:1:192103708]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:96051854
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198152369436
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198152369436

    | steamname: Pišk0t_CZ
    | steam3ID: [U:1:183036346]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:91518173
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198143302074
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198143302074

    | steamname: dejvi44849
    | steam3ID: [U:1:185814133]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:92907066
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146079861
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198146079861

    | steamname: Pertmon
    | steam3ID: [U:1:135512396]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:67756198
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095778124
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198095778124
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
  15. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    sorry, but you're just a milder version of weasel. you're basing my nationality on my IP address, I assume (that's may a little bit smarter than on my nickname, but it can be easily faked and I don't see how it's relevant at all. Let's say I was a Russian. Would you treat me differently? What kind of a website is this, anyway?), and generalize ("most Germans don't learn English whatsoever anyway") without having any evidence. Let me guess, you know 11 Germans and for 9 out of them, this statement is true, therefore, I can apply it to all Germans. Is that your logic? I hope you prove me wrong, because if this is the way you think and you're the main admin of this site, its legitimacy is very questionable.

    Even the trade description was so ridiculous - it's my birthday, that's why I'm giving you a knife (that sounds like a company offering you products, not like a person talking to a stranger) and a random "Thank Jesus" at the end. Don't forget we're talking about a rare item here, everyone will pay attention to the trade when such items are concerned. If you can't see from the alone that this was supposed to be a joke (to be precise, a prank), well, I don't even know. Lock me up for my scam attempts (i loled just now), serious man.

    "You would have given it back?" - yeah, knives aren't attractive to me at all, the value is quite small ($300 I think? Don't know, not an expert at all. Hardly makes a difference) and most importantly, I wouldn't want to have that on my conscience. If that means anything to you at all. I have some moral principles. Is it that rare? You're making it seem as if you were teasing me with millions of dollars. Never made a steam scam, never will.

    Are you asking if I know any of the steam profiles? No. Never heard of any of these guys. At first glance, they look like they might be scammers (shady profiles and why else would you refer to them?). I have no idea at all what the connection is between me and the mentioned profiles. Go ahead and tell me the story behind these profiles, then.

    Ever heard of the book The Trial written by Franz Kafka? There's a lot of similarities between this witch hunt and what happens in the book. Except that there's next to nothing for me at stake, because this is a steam profile. I recommend you read it.
  16. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    No, I'm not basing you on a address. The accuser named you German, I corrected that, for you aren't.

    And what you call a "witch hunt" (lol), is daily fare here. And regarding those steam accounts, all those accounts where in use at your address. With the data I have, I can't consider them anything but alts of yours.

    And regarding those "moral principles" of yours that you talk about, those would have stopped you to make these kind of "jokes". As for "nothing at stake", if that would be true, you would not be here. I've heard of the writer, not of that particular book. We'll see if I pick it up from the € 1,- bin in the bookstore.
  17. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    "all those accounts where in use at your address"

    oh really? you mean a real-life address based on god knows what (the IP?), an email address (I used a 10minutemail temporary address to register to this forum as I have no desire to stay here at all) or an IP? Well, I can tell you that none of these accounts is mine. I have 7 alt accounts afaik (can't remember, I barely use them), but none of yours was a hit. Your data must be really misleading (!!!). Tell me what you've based this on, then.

    If these witch hunts are daily fare here, you're wasting your time doing unproductive work instead of stopping scammers. The scr steam stealers worked flawlessly for how long, 6 months at least? No investment needed at all, no risk involved. Do you realize how many people were scammed and infected that way? what do you guys do here, insulting the accused (or at least tolerating unwarranted insults) over pranks? wow, you're the real hero! Only recently has Captcha been added to make this scamming method a bit harder (I mean, unless the captcha cannot be circumvented, which I doubt, it was a poor choice imo. A PIN would've been much better.)

    If you cannot nip the scam in the bud (I get that you're not Valve and things may not be easy), at least do something useful with your time.

    "And regarding those "moral principles" of yours that you talk about, those would have stopped you to make these kind of "jokes"."

    It seems like you have no understanding of moral principles, because there's nothing wrong with pranks at all. Spice of life, you know. No one gets hurt or stolen from. You should read up on it.

    "As for "nothing at stake", if that would be true, you would not be here."

    quoting from my earlier post:

    "why am I going out of my way to write this down? to warn people that while there's actual scams going on and little to nothing is being done about them (for example the bots adding everyone and sending them .scr steam stealers, the fake exterior scammers, ...), what's being done in this thread is not actually helping someone not to get scammed. and last but not least, to point out the revolting behavior and toxicity of some traders who literally treat people with smaller inventories like 'die Untermenschen'."

    as I've found out, tho, there'd been no point in writing that down, because, no matter what I say, the whole thing is decided. The 'hard' evidence has been presented. I'm a scammer who needs a $300 knife to pay his rent/buy the latest gadget/feel better about myself on the grounds of having an expensive in-game item/what not, I dunno what kids do these days, I made a poor scam attempt (about 5 of them) because I'm dumb as phuck (obviously that checks out, right, hard evidence: "scammers whose iq is smaller than their shoe number") and I thought someone would fall for it. Now I'm clearly making everything up, acting like the victim, I have no moral principles and definitely wouldn't have given the knife back.

    And why would I care lol? I've already said that if it hindered me in any way (doubt it), I'd just trade on another account (wow so hard). Even if my steam inventory got locked, I wouldn't shed a tear. Life goes on, a couple of digital items are gone, who gives a phuck?

    "I've heard of the writer, not of that particular book. We'll see if I pick it up from the € 1,- bin in the bookstore."

    No comment.

    So what I'm dealing with here is a forum full of uneducated people who don't know basic English (a address, accounts where in use, if that would be true) and can't think rationally. I've looked around a bit and it wasn't that hard to see that.

    Let me tell you something: "You grew up on video games, your mommy never took care of you and you've never read a book, filthy Dutchman! Talking to animals, one has to use such words so that they understand what you mean!"

    You find that an ok thing to say? What's wrong with you? This kind of speech (and worse) is exactly the kind of thing you're condoning here by you not having banned weasel for racism and insults a looooong time ago. There was no reason to correct him, since my nationality isn't relevant at all and all it was used for is hatred against that particular nation.

    I'm really glad I don't have to deal with such people in my daily life, cus you'd make me throw up real fast. I might be back for your evidence of those 5 accounts being my alts. Can't wait. LOL. howgh
  18. Bewegungsunschaerfe

    Bewegungsunschaerfe New User

    "and generalize ("most Germans don't learn English whatsoever anyway") without having any evidence. Let me guess, you know 11 Germans and for 9 out of them, this statement is true, therefore, I can apply it to all Germans. Is that your logic? I hope you prove me wrong, because if this is the way you think and you're the main admin of this site, its legitimacy is very questionable."

    not only have you not answered this question (it's kinda OT, but you were the one who brought it up in the first place, bud), but...

    "all those accounts where in use at your address"

    oh really? you mean a real-life address based on god knows what (the IP?), an email address (I used a 10minutemail temporary address to register to this forum as I have no desire to stay here at all) or an IP? Well, I can tell you that none of these accounts is mine. I have 7 alt accounts afaik (can't remember, I barely use them), but none of yours was a hit. Your data must be really misleading (!!!). Tell me what you've based this on, then.

    You have not answered this one, either. This is really bad for the real owner(s) of the 5 mentioned accounts, because if they wanted to trade, they are now banned for not having done anything at all - at least not as fair as anyone knows.

    So this site is even worse than I thought - hypocritical man children with misleading info and pitiful intelligence not paying any attention to the defendant's information, making it hard for innocent (now I don't mean only me - I couldn't give a phuck, as has been said a lot of times, but not understood at all, but especially the 5 supposed 'alts') to trade.

    quoting from your signature - "Insert here the joke you never got. Oh, its not funny for you? It was for me :D"

    and the same person's argument is that it takes 2 for a joke. for such a one, as well, lol. man. how dumb can you be, I wonder. Do you even consider being wrong, sometimes, or do you have a fixed set of rules you abide by and worship even thought you don't actually test them in the real world? I only don't know if I should laugh or pity you. A prank is wrong and up to 6 innocent people (depending on if those 5 accounts each have a different owner) are banned, racism and insults which obviously transfer to real life and say a lot about the dangerousness of the individual's thinking are condoned and even SUPPORTED by the admins. Well done. I just hope it dawns on you, sometime.
  19. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Bewegungsunschaerfe blahblah, grabbing straw figure arguments and nothing to solve this situation. Not going to answer on all that bullshit for self justification.

    Hello @weasel *Fanatics,

    Your report was accepted and the accused is flagged for caution in all future trades.

    Thank you for submitting this report to SteamRep.
    Ursus likes this.
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