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Invalid 76561198000681611 Mooch (UHC Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Mooch, Jul 13, 2012.

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  1. Mooch

    Mooch New User

    steamID: Mooch
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:20207941
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000681611
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jasonmonk
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198000681611
    I have absolutely no idea why my account was tagged with the UHC Scammer label. I've looked over this forum and then visited UHC (now UTC) forums, but it appears they are no longer handling UHC bans so I am making my appeal here. Please help me with this and thank you for your time.
  2. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

    Invoked 02-23-11 for 'gambling fraud'

    Probably for spycrab or something
  3. Cloudy

    Cloudy New User

    You had months and months to appeal last year.
  4. Mooch

    Mooch New User

    I still fail to see why my account was tagged for this as I don't even know what "spycrab" refers to. Is there any evidence tied to this ban that would indicate I have actually done anything against the rules?
    As far as the timeliness of this request, I don't see why this would be an issue in my appeal. I don't see anything in the guidelines where you must file your appeal within a certain time frame.
  5. The Scammer is the spy

    The Scammer is the spy New User

    Spycrab is gambling to see who does this spy taunt first win this item. Guess you left before the winner got it
  6. Cloudy

    Cloudy New User

    UHC has been shut down for just about a year now, we gave a long final warning to all people marked as a UHC scammer to appeal within that 3 month grace period.
  7. Mooch

    Mooch New User

    I have never visited your site until yesterday when I was following the guidelines for filing this appeal; hence, I never saw the notice you spoke of. Again though, what does this have to do with my appeal? There are no time restrictions mentioned in the appeal guidelines.
  8. Mooch

    Mooch New User

    A week has passed since the last admin response to my appeal. I have perused this forum and based on what I've seen, any appeal that does not receive admin attention appears to be ignored forever. I don't feel this is a reasonable approach to this situation. If you're (streamrep.com) going to set up a system to brand steam users with a negative tag, then there must be a fair system of appeal in place to resolve issues of this kind. I have stated and continue to state I feel this tag was placed on me erroneously.

    The fact that UTC failed to accept the UHC database for whatever reason they choose to give is highly irresponsible given that it would contain the proof (or lack thereof in my case) to properly judge my appeal (and any others who find themselves in a similar situation). In a real court of law (which I know this isn't), if evidence was lost (or destroyed -- which by UTC failing to accept responsibility for the UHC data is essentially the same thing), then my case would be thrown out and I would be cleared of any wrongdoing.

    I implore the administration here and at UTC to revisit their intentions and rules for this system as I find it quite unfair especially for someone in my situation. I would appreciate an admin response on this appeal and the issues I have raised.

    Thank you for your time.
  9. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I'll be taking up the appeal.

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  10. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    The tag resides with UHC/UTC. The UHC community stopped, a majority of their admin excluding the UHC owner started up UTC. There are a number of reasons why they couldn't take over the old forum/evidence. Whats done is done, cant help it, the grace period consisted of the time Google had still their cache of the UHC forum.
    You had 1,5 year to appeal your status. That is a long time to be "unaware".

    The time restriction came forth from the UHC situation, and that the tag lies with them. As such, SR has no say on this for your tag, there may be exceptions and then a appeal can be handled by SR, but has more to do on a failure of the community to handle a appeal correctly. Your appeal lies with UTC if applicable, if they set a time limit, then that is their prerogative. They also could have chosen to don't do any appeals, and with the end of UHC that would have ended any possibility of appeal for UHC bans. The 3 month grace period was therefore a additional chance to appeal a ban.

    Not knowing why you got banned isn't a excuse. Fact is that it states "Gambling Fraude" which means it was for spycrab running/failing to pay up on that.


    As such, I cannot accept your appeal, and invalidate it, for your appeal isn't with SR but with UTC.
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