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Rejected 76561198014361466 K o R k Y (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by K o R k Y, Jul 14, 2012.

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  1. K o R k Y

    K o R k Y New User

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27047869
    SteamID64: 76561198014361466
    Custom URL: 0910322229
    Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/0910322229
    Profile Permalink: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014361466
    Steamrep URL: http://forums.steamrep.com/members/k-o-r-k-y.4746/
    Steamrep Scam report: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198014361466-korky.902/#post-2918

    Hello! I'd like to ask if is possible to untag me as scammer. I was reported Feb 21, 2012. It is long time and I alredy regret my act. It's very hard to try be trader when you are tagged as scammer and I cannot connect at most of servers. Anywas I like really like tf2 and thats why I still wanna be trusted trador, not a scammer. Before I made this topic I wanted to talk about it with person wich Im scammed. He told me he is OK with that becouse as he told "well i'm always one for giving people a second chance." I hope Ill get second chance and Id like to say sorry to Yokienshi again. Im sure Ill never scam anyone again. I get lesson wich maybe help me onetime.

    Thank you!
  2. Cloudy

    Cloudy New User

    Generally second chances aren't permitted in this community.
  3. K o R k Y

    K o R k Y New User

    Well,...anyways... Id like to be untaged.. its horrible... and Im sure Ill never do any scam anymore ... I get a lesson... so... its half of year so I ment it is long time and I can be untaged now... I didnt asked for untag before becouse I know I made a stupid thing and I wanted punishment, so.
  4. K o R k Y

    K o R k Y New User

    Today is 20/08/2012... its more then mounth from last reply... can I ask how long I need to wait? Also I saw I have new "proof" on my scammer tag... I dont rly understand what is on screen cuz I dont see there nothing what isnt allowed... I offered my hat witch worth 2 buds for scorching steel toe wich is 2 buds too... he has better offer well.. I saw price check on www.tf2pricecheck.com --> http://www.tf2pricecheck.net/Thread-PC-Scorching-Flames-Stately-Steel-Toe ... I dont understand how I scammed in that conversation.
  5. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Hi! I am a scam reports admin and I added the additional offense but not the additional tag because we were waiting on additional evidence. I highly recommend you contact the admins at TF2 Outpost as they were the ones who reported it. It was reported that you were trading with people then once the trade had gone through you were blackmailing them into giving you more items. We were not going to add the TF2OP scammer tag until they received more definitive screenshots. As a courtesy, I went ahead and removed that picture and you only have that one offense now. However, if the Outpost admins do have screenshots of you blackmailing people, you will receive another offense and a TF2OP tag. Glad I could clear things up for you. :)
  6. K o R k Y

    K o R k Y New User

    Well thank you. Anyways I want to ask what to do to get untag. As I wrote before... I added that guy wich I scammed... I could pay back that hat or something in same worth... I said sorry to him and he said he have no problem with me... Anyways its long time ago. I was new in unusual trading etc. I didnt know I cannot do something like this. Now... when I know much more Im sure I dont do it again and I want to ask for second chance.
  7. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    I am handling this. Please reply to this thread so I know that you still wish to have this appeal considered.
  8. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Appeal denied indefinitely.

    You will never scam anyone again? I barely scratched the surface, found multiple alts which have been flagged for a number of scams, one alt on valve probation since october 2012.

    As prolific as you are, giving you a second chance would be doing the community a disservice.
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