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Accepted 76561198045824782 Billboardz ^eredita^ (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by .A| ^eredita^, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. .A| ^eredita^

    .A| ^eredita^ New User

    steamID: ɦɠ | ^eredita^ steamID32: STEAM_0:0:42779527 steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045824782 customURL: steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045824782
    Hello, I was reported for leaving a spycrab scam a while (like January) and I'd like to appeal.
    My reasons for appealing is that when I left the spycrab, I hadn't known anything about Steamrep, the conseqeunces of leaving, that leaving a spycrab was a scam, nothing, and barely anything about trading (I got premium in Late November, so I had like 2 months expireience of trading)
    It'd be awesome getting my tag removed because I'd honestly like a second chance, and I haven't done a spycrab since I left the last one when I got reported.

    Thanks for reading this and I hope you hear me out,

  2. rawrnerozero

    rawrnerozero New User

    "I hadn't known anything about Steamrep, the conseqeunces of leaving, that leaving a spycrab was a scam," So you're saying if you went to a casino to "gamble" and you somehow lost it's okay to just walk off? This is beyond ridiculous and you know it, being new to trading has nothing to do with your moral standards...


    This report shows that you knew what you were doing and that you knew the consequences of spycrabbing(the evidence was even shown to you and you just brushed it off like it was nothing).
  3. ^eredita^

    ^eredita^ New User

    had to make a new account due to forgetting my password here.
    You misunderstood, me a bit, I didn't know about this until 2weeks-1month away, and i started wondering why I was banned by many trade servers, so I added the admin of the server i left the spycrab and he said because you left a spycrab and he sent me to link you have in your above post. Also I brushed it off like nothing because I didn't know the consequences, how am I supposed to know about consequences when I don't know what steamrep is.
    "So you're saying if you went to a casino to "gamble" and you somehow lost it's okay to just walk off? This is beyond ridiculous and you know it, being new to trading has nothing to do with your moral standards..."
    I love your attitude, try doing it polite, watch how all the sr admins reply politely...
    If I can't get it removed, a downgrade to caution would make me happier.
  4. JJJJ

    JJJJ Retired Staff

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this appeal and reduce your tag to a caution.
    Continued good behavior over the next six months or so may result in a complete removal. Good luck!