Well basically i was sittin in a trade server when a guy traded me for my bills, he traded me and put up a v. lvl 8 kritz and said it was worth a bills i dont have any pics but i do have the conversation we had so i was wondering if any1 could do anything about it [/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: yo 14:38:28SneakySpy: hi 14:38:33[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: i got something thats worth a bill 14:38:37SneakySpy: ugh 14:38:54SneakySpy: what is it 14:38:56[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash added Vintage Kritzkrieg 14:39:01[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: this 14:39:09SneakySpy: it is? 14:39:19[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: eyup 14:39:25SneakySpy: o.o 14:39:35[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: ? 14:39:51SneakySpy: just wow thats awesome 14:39:59[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: yah lol 14:40:07[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: im selling it 14:40:12SneakySpy: alright 14:40:32[/)(\]pilot rainbow dash: do you want it? 14:40:43SneakySpy: sure 14:40:53