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Invalid Report: 76561198042752993 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [ToRn], Nov 7, 2014.

  1. [ToRn]

    [ToRn] New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198042752993

    Victim profile: 76561198029230462

    What happened? Description:
    I was selling some Australium Weapons, quite a few of them. I sold them all to the accused user as I came across his trade on TF2Outpost.

    There wasn't a problem at all, that is until he purchased my Australium Sniper Rifle. He stated he was purchasing them for 43 keys on his trade. As the trade was made, I had miscounted the number of keys he put in, this I admit was my short coming. Now this may seem innocent enough, but later you will see (with evidence) the accused is indeed a scammer.

    As I saw the trade completed, it stated that I only received 40 keys. By this stage, the accused had already removed me from his friends list. I added him back the following day but could not contact him until yet another day, where I questioned him about this.
    Now here comes the part where he shows his true colours. He claims his prices were outdated on his trade and that he was purchasing them for 40 keys instead of the original 43 keys. I proceeded to go to his trade seconds later to see that it was still stated that he was purchasing them for 43 keys.
    Now, first of all, don't you think it's unethical if you add someone to sell for their current price and they change their price mid-way during the deal ... cutting you short? I had done deals with him a day earlier, so he knew I was after his original prices, so if there was any changes, the ethical thing to do would be to notify me.

    Now as stated earlier, his trade still stated he was purchasing Australium Sniper rifles for 43 keys. I took a screenshot of this, just in case he decided to change it quickly. He then claims he tries to update them daily, then tells me that he indeed updated the price. I refreshed the page of his post ... and what do I see? 40 keys. So he indeed changed it minutes later to look legitimate.

    Now you may think, well yes it was indeed unethical to change his price mid-way during the deal, but what if he did change his price but failed to update this notes?
    Well I have an answer for that. Hours later, I went back to his trade only to see that he re-edited his notes on the Australium Sniper rifle back to 43 keys. This proves he only edited it to 40 keys hours earlier to get away with cutting me short of 3 keys.

    So in all, he cut me short during the deal, claims it's due to him changing his prices (even though he should have told me that during the deal), edits his notes minutes later to "prove" his innocence, then edits his notes back to the original price later after he removed me from his list. This is no doubt, fraudulent behaviour. At first glance, 3 keys may seem like a small number, but a scam is still a scam, big or small. If he was willing to steal 3 keys, who knows if he's willing to go for more towards another trader, if he hasn't already.

    I am currently banned from TF2OP for having a friends only profile at the time. I can only assume the accused was behind that report in order to deter me from viewing his trades or reporting him to TF2OP admins.

    I have attached images of the 3 stages of his changed trade notes and our conversation which correspond to the trade note screenshots. Please note on the trade notes, the number of keys on the Australium Sniper and the Date/Time the screenshots were taken. I have also attached a screenshot of the actual trade.​

    Provide Evidence:
    This being my second SteamRep report, I was unaware chat windows must not be cropped. I did crop mine as the rest was just me saying he scammed me, him responding with calling me a name and deleting me.

    Due to this I thought I would only keep the important information, though the other screenshots do prove that he indeed changed his notes back and forth, showing fraudulent behaviour.​

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  2. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    I uptate my prices every day... When i buy your sniper my prices is 40 keys, if you dont check .. I can not do anything
  3. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    I bought 4 days ago, bought via trade offers. YOU ACCEPTED ...[​IMG]
  4. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    here a image

    Attached Files:

  5. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    And what ????? i not your friend when i bought .... i only sent you a trade offer you said " the accused had already removed me from his friends list" wtf ......
  6. [ToRn]

    [ToRn] New User

    Your screenshot is pointless as I've already submitted it.

    You have shown fraudulent behaviour by editing your notes TWICE to get away with cutting me short. Yes I already admitted I counted wrong in my original post, did you not read that?

    I would like an answer, why did you edit your notes seconds later to "40 keys", then re-edit it back to "43 keys" later. It was not 4 days ago, it was 2 days ago according to our last encounter. You tried pulling the same stunt during our conversation which I also screenshotted above, claiming the trade was 6 days ago, attempting to extend the days in order to discredit what happened.

    This is the scenario in point form:
    1. You knew I was after the original prices, you knew that. If you change your prices, you should have notified me.
    2. You failed to change your notes, so your excuse of "if you dont check .. I can not do anything" - even if I did check, it would have still said 43 keys, you can't lie your way out of this, I provided screenshots above
    3. You then changed it to "40 keys" during our last encounter, as in point 2, checking could not have done anything as you changed it when I confronted you
    4. You then changed it back to "43 keys" after you removed me from your friends list after our last encounter

    Anybody reading this, he just cornered himself. Look at my screenshots of him editing his notes minutes after I confronted him ... and read his above posts about his claim of me failing to check days earlier. It makes no sense, how could I check for changes that were made in the future?

    The conversation image I posted above corresponds perfectly with the three images of you changing your notes, proving your fraudulent behaviour.
  7. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    I sent a trade offer. I did not force you to accept, I was buying 40 keys on the day.you added me on next day and saying "Oh i miscounting" I had already sold the sniper when you added me.I might even give it back if I was still with me. And i dont changed the trade when i traded with you.

    (I use google translate. so sry for bad english)
  8. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    I bought for 40 keys and sold in the same day for 45 (very fast) so i changed the price in same hour to 43.
  9. [ToRn]

    [ToRn] New User

    Yes, exactly I miscounted, as I stated, that was my short coming. But you have proven that you indeed practiced fraudulent behaviour by not informing me of the price change ... and then editing the notes minutes after our discussion, then coming on here and claiming it was my fault for not checking your edited notes ... despite once again ... they were actually unedited.

    The fact still stands, you knew I was after 43 keys, yet you believed changing the price mid-way and not informing me was an ethical thing to do.

    Your lies are getting worse and worse. So let me guess this straight:
    1. They sell fast for 45 keys, giving you a 5 key profit ... so you change your price back to 43 keys for a purchase in order to make less profit?

    Refer to my last post, it clearly shows you behaving in a fraudulent manner.

    You never changed your notes to say "40 keys" yet I was meant to know that was your new price ... how, by reading your mind? You then edited your notes after I spoke to you about this, then you deleted me, then you changed it back to 43 keys. You always seem to be dodging answering my queries directly and always making up new lies.

    If the Rifle sold fast at 45 keys, wouldn't you keep your purchasing price at 40 keys, as that gives you more profit? Your digging your hole deeper.
  10. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

  11. [ToRn]

    [ToRn] New User

    As I stated earlier: "You always seem to be dodging answering my queries directly and always making up new lies."
    Why have you not answered why you chose to reduce your profit?
    Why have you not answered why you told me I should have checked your edited notes when they were actually unedited?
    Why have you not answered if you think changing your price mid-way during a deal was fair?
    Why have you not answered why you only edited your notes only minutes after I confronted you about it?

    You keep avoiding answering these questions. You're only proving yourself guilty with each response.

    Because of this, speaking to you is a complete waste of time and I don't have time to keep repeating the same thing over and over only to end up speaking to a brick wall.

    Because of this, I will summarize everything in this post and wait for an admin to respond.

    Summary of all events (Some are repeats of above, because like I said, I have to repeat myself to Tito as he never responds directly and dodges questions):
    1. You knew I was after the original prices. If you changed your prices, you should have notified me.
    2. You failed to change your notes of said price changes, so your excuse of "if you dont check .. I can not do anything" - even if I did check, it would have still said 43 keys, you can't lie your way out of this, I provided screenshots above.
    3. You then changed your notes to "40 keys" during our last encounter, as in point 2, checking previously could not have done anything as you changed it only when I confronted you.
    4. You then changed it back to "43 keys" after you removed me from your friends list after our last encounter.
    5. You claim you changed your purchasing price back to 43 keys instead of 40 keys because you sold the item fast for 45 keys. This makes no sense, why would you reduce your own profit? If the item sells fast at 45 keys, you would maintain your purchasing price at 40 keys, as this means more profit. This is proof that you only edited your trade notes to get away with cutting me short. Proof is above in my original post within the first four screenshots.
    6. In an above post of yours, you said "I had already sold the sniper when you added me.I might even give it back if I was still with me". This is an outright lie! If you were actually willing to give back my item, then you would have no issue giving me three keys. Yet you called me names, then deleted me. So what are the chances of your statement of willing to return my item if you still had it, being a lie? Pretty much 100%.
    7. Three keys may seem insignificant compared to other scams, but a scam is still a scam. What's stopping him from scamming larger amounts if he hasn't already? He has already shown and been proven to show that he behaves in a fraudulent manner. This is a risk for any trader dealing with him.

    As anyone reading this can see, there is no need for me to bother responding to him. I have provided screenshots and detailed responses, yet he never answers anything, he just dodges the questions and queries and he constantly lies. My screenshots provide clear evidence of him tampering with his notes only minutes after being confronted about the prices, then he comes on this thread claiming I should have checked the notes earlier. He claims he changed his purchasing price back to 43 keys in order to .... hurt his own profits? Nothing he says adds up, only dodging and saying one-liner rebuttles that are pointless.

    Because of this, I will wait for an admins response.
  12. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    Why have you not answered why you chose to reduce your profit?
    I not your friend when i sent you a trade offer.

    Why have you not answered why you told me I should have checked your edited notes when they were actually unedited?
    I did not understand the question.

    Why have you not answered if you think changing your price mid-way during a deal was fair?
    Same the first. "I not your friend when i sent you a trade offer."

    Why have you not answered why you only edited your notes only minutes after I confronted you about it?
    i not edited the notes when you said this.

    "Some are repeats of above, because like I said, I have to repeat myself to Tito as he never responds directly and dodges questions)"
    dodges question ? what ? english is not my lenguage. i dont know all you saiyng.
  13. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Caution on SteamRep

    By accepting the 40 key trade, you agreed to sell to the "accused" at 40 keys. Ergo, the buyer is perfectly justified in refusing a refund. IMO, he got a bit spooked and went through all these measures to make it look like the trade was legit, but it was legit in the first place. If I'm buying Aussie Snipers for 43 keys and someone comes and lets me buy for 40, I'd accept in a heartbeat.

    Your miscounting is your own fault. He didn't quickswitch or anything either. Maybe your miscounting excuse is a way to guilt the accused into refunding your sale.

    Your evidence, being cropped, is also invalid.

    In conclusion, this report is null and void.
    NCPereira likes this.
  14. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    Very thanks .... he can't understand this ... oh god
  15. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    Where is a mod ?
  16. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @[ToRn] Do you have any screenshots of a conversation with the accused, showing their agreement to pay 43 keys for the Australium Sniper Rifle? Screenshots from an Outpost listing do not count as a trade agreement because people forget to update them, change/barter/negotiate in Steam chat all the time.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  17. T i t o

    T i t o Banned on SteamRep

    @Lava Really this report it will not be closed? is open four months ...... omg
  18. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:

    Seeing that no trade agreement has been provided by the reporter, I am going to archive this report. We don't enforce prices at SteamRep. If the accused trades the items as agreed, and you confirm, then it's not a scam. In cases of buyer's remorse like this, it's at the accused's discretion whether they wish to trade back.