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Archived Report: 76561198164369386 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by rust an peeses, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Which one is it?

    Do you have proof?

    @rust an peeses Do you have any proof of the terms for this raffle, particularly screenshots of the conversation in Steam? If it was rigged, can you prove it? We need proof of an agreement, and proof said agreement was not upheld.
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Mattie! likes this.
  2. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    I truly can't prove if it was rigged or not, but I have a few people that can say it like it is.

    I have proof I sent him the AWP, I also have proof of the conversation the day after, kinda mentioning why I gave him the awp

    This can really all be over if you would return the scammed items back to the owners. You don't have to get the red X, you don't have to get trade banned. You don't have to scam again.

    Also, @segel Do you mind posting a picture of your first three pages of your Trade History? I have an image of you sending the M4A4 asiimov to an account, yet that account doesn't seem to be anywhere when searched up on Steam Community.
  3. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    P.S, the Agreement was made over Voice Chat. It was almost impossible for there to be any proof as I had no clue what type of a s✿✿✿-storm segel was getting me into. It all started like 3 hours after I caught one scammer, this guy came along. I just did what he asked me to do because I never really thought I'd get 2 scammers knocking at my door in one day. Out of nowhere, segel comes, and tells me to rig a giveaway. I've given full screenshots of conversations and almost everything I could, and unless I was using my future-predicting skills that I don't have, there is no way I could have gotten a proof of any agreement.

    I'm terribly sorry for being so rude, but at one point, you start connecting the dots. That's honestly now. I want to act like you mods and admins are a friend to me, rather than somebody who rules me. So as a friend to a friend, I'd like to say, it really is time to connect the dots, put 1 and 1 together.

    I'm miserably sorry for being rude, but please. Take this as maybe advice; a friend to another friend, like I mentioned. I'm not saying this to insult you guys/gals, I'm saying this because I don't want a scammer to go on scamming other people. This topic hasn't even come to a conclusion and he's scammed someone else. He knows that there are specific things that you guys need that he doesn't give. That's why he got in a voice chat with me. He will go on and on and as long as he doesn't give 1 vital information to the victim, he's scot free. That's not right.

    I know I may be going a bit far out. But please. Say I'm begging because I am. I've been framed far too many times in far too many places. I've been framed in real life and been suspended. I've been framed in stupid ol' MINECRAFT and banned for a year from my most favorite server. (Call me a nerd) I am NOT going to be framed over here, and I'm NOT about to let the predator get away. Tell me it's not enough information and I will go out of my way to get what you need. I've tried to keep my cool and I may be cracking it a little (a lot) here, but please hear me out. I'm not going to let someone get away this easily.

    Sorry for wasting your time. I thought I'd get it out.
  4. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I don't know why you're jumping to the conclusion that you're getting "framed" but scammers insist on using voice chat or Skype or whatever just so they have a plausible deniability all the time, and from my time in administrating a TF2 trade server I can tell you that itself is a red flag.
  5. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    This is my first time doing any sort of trade/agreement like this, and I never knew what type of a s✿✿✿-storm he was getting me in, so I couldn't tell if I was being scammed if God came down and told me.
    P.S He just scammed someone else, here's the profile of who he scammed. You can talk to him if you'd like.
    So far I've gotten 3 people adding me and telling me they've been scammed by Segel. I guess this just has to continue, huh?
  6. Its Paces

    Its Paces New User

    Guys, there is no proof besides Segel saying he DID scam a scammer. This argument will get you nowhere and so far has wasted much of your time. Its up to SR to decide if he will be punished for "scamming a scammer"
  7. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Then tell them to fill out reports, or we can't consider it.
  8. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    Oh also, metromac is the only one that took all the pictures he needed and he posted a fully-detailed report. Like at one point, like I mentioned, you connect the dots. I realize this is a very busy website and many, many reports come in every day, but putting even the slightest bit of effort into putting it all together takes about 10 minutes. You've got 2 reports, 3 people so far saying that segel's scammed them, but yet he will continue to scam others because time was too valuable.

    Meh, who am I to care. He'll probably go on whatever vault account he's using right now and start scamming there. Segel's current account is probably a vault for an older one too.
  9. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    Segel just added me and decided to act like he doesn't know what the hell is going on.
    Here's the chat, and I also have a picture of me leaving a -rep on his account because he's a scammer. He'll remove it, of course. And if he doesn't, he'll probably just say something like "Salty because *didn't win giveaway* *got an offer he didn't like* *etc etc*"

    Attached Files:

  10. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    Here's a bit of it.

    Attached Files:

  11. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    There's your proof. He's evading everything I say, and when he does show me a picture of his trade history it's fake. I know I can't get the trade history from him but I know you can. It's up to you now.
  12. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    Also, you can see that all his rep is like really close together. You've got to be one damn insane trader to do like 100 trades in one day, don't you think?
  13. segel

    segel New User

    How is that relevant at all? Just wondering haha
  14. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    Fake rep. You wanted Rep for the giveaway. Why would someone say "+rep Good luck everyone!" That's not what you say after a trade.
    Also, every other rep is just a plain old "+rep" and we all know you delete your "-rep"
    There's proof. poof, it's not there anymore. So magical!

    Attached Files:

  15. segel

    segel New User

    I revert to my previous statement, how is fake rep or rep in general at all relevant in this report?
  16. segel

    segel New User

    Oh ok, so YET AGAIN how is this relevant to rust wanting to rig a giveaway? Just because I am a trusted, or untrusted user
    doesn't prove anything.
  17. drblue2

    drblue2 New User

    Wait, Wait, Do you have ANY proof that rust wanted to rig the giveaway? Because there isn't any proof of him wanting to rig it or to not rig it, because there is no proof of him physically asking you to rig the giveaway.
  18. segel

    segel New User

    Just a quick question for any admin or mod that reads this, what is the punishment for someone that makes a report thats completely unfounded? Are they just allowed to make as many "bs" claims as they want until one gets accepted and the person gets banned? Or are there actually consequences for making false claims and accusations?
  19. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello all,

    Please don't hold discussions in this report. Go wherever you like, but reports are NOT intended as a discussion thread. If you have something constructive to add, like EVIDENCE that proves or disproves the report, you are welcome to reply. But opinion that a report is false, or repping or whatever, is NOT wanted.

    Specific things we do not want to see are:
    • Repping, the report stands by itself, any "repping" is void in relation to a report.
    • Opinions on the report as a whole.
    • Speculating or debating what did/could have happened without evidence.
    • Discussing whatever between posters and keeping replying for no reason. A report is NOT a place to win your argument.
    • Posting "he scammed me too" testimonies - fill out your own report for this.
    • Petty replies.
    Things that we DO want to see are:
    • Asking reporter to complete evidence for they forgot some screenshot, or screenshot is not up for scrutiny, etc.
    • Accused party replying, settling the report by either counter evidence (trade history), . (don't keep accusations go back and forth, resolve the issue or get out).
    • If there is a argument about the evidence provided, being fake or w/e, NAME the evidence, and tell what is wrong with it exactly.
    • People adding evidence, for example item history on backpack.tf or tf2items.
    People violating this, will get:
    • 3 warning points for 6 months.
    • Keeping up such infractions will end up in a perm ban from our forums at admins discretion.
    Be advised, at 5 or more warning points you are temporarily banned from the forums, and each additional warning increases the length of your ban.
  20. rust an peeses

    rust an peeses New User

    Are you saying all of us get 3 warning points?
    Also, what would be an example of petty replies? I'd just like to know :)