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Pending Report: 76561198060297779 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by ethanizer9, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. ethanizer9

    ethanizer9 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198060297779

    Victim profile: 76561198085957719

    What happened? Description:
    Ok, so I want to get to a level 10 profile on steam, and I see this guy's reddit post saying he's giving away 1 trading card per person for free. Of course, I sent a trade offer for the free trading card and he accepted. The weird part is when he added me. He said that he would help me get to level 10 and about 10 minutes later or so, he asked if he could buy my tradable keys for $25 steam wallet. At first, I was fooled by his high level and clean steamrep, that I was thinking about saying yes. But then I googled his user and this came up: http://www.reddit.com/r/FREE/comments/33bcmo/dont_trust_this_scammer/ stating that he was a scammer. That is an immediate red flag. Furthermore, the screenshots just nailed the coffin. When I said I refused to trade because it was too risky to trade with someone who was called a scammer by multiple people, I unfriended him. He immediately commented on my profile with, "give me my trading card then." and also added me. He opened with calling himself a valve employee and said, "look at my groups." You can see in his groups, there is one called valve which is an obvious fake group because the only discussion ever was "test." He started off with an aggressive tone and told me I would be trade banned if I didn't accept the next offer he sent(most likely my 6 unusuals and 10 keys). If there's one thing I've learned from the FAQs, it's that valve employees will never ask for your entire backpack. So instead of calling him out right then, I decided to see how it would play out. Turns out that was the right decision. That's why I'm here with all this evidence that I wouldn't have had if I had stopped right there. Once I finally decided to call him out on it, and said I had all the necessary screenshots for a steamrep report, he freaked. He immediately offered a trade with two extra trading cards with the comment "here. now don't." Is it just me, or is that a dead giveaway? I'm pretty sure it's not just me. Then he typed in chat, "now don't report steamrep." It's just so much hard evidence that I don't see how this report could be ignored. He legitimately ADMITTED to impersonating a valve employee. That's not me assuming or inferring, I have cold, hard EVIDENCE that this guy is an impersonator. There's just no other way to put it. I believe due to his fraudulent behavior, he should be permabanned on steamrep so that the community can easily know that he's a scammer. Of course, I said that I wouldn't report him so that he would be caught with his pants down. This way, he won't have time to prepare for this ban.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here are all of the screenshots I collected including chat, trade windows, his identity, and everything that I thought would be interesting. Please make the obvious decision and ban him.​

    Attached Files:

  2. LeveL

    LeveL New User

    just recovered my account and i see 2 pending reports. the phiser must have done some scamming on my account. the level has incresed and items missing. im needing these reports cleared effective immediatly.
  3. ethanizer9

    ethanizer9 New User

    Yeah, LeveL contacted me and showed me evidence with this support ticket: http://gyazo.com/34f3f677734e02235b4d08f00de2929b. It's legitimate as can be because it has the green lock with valve corp next to it. This guy just clicked on a bad link, which is my reason for taking down the report.
  4. ethanizer9

    ethanizer9 New User

    Ok so turns out you can't delete reports, but archive this as invalid ASAP because he got phished and isn't a scammer. Thanks SteamRep!