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Accepted 76561198040486258 (Assphault)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ZeBr@e, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. ZeBr@e

    ZeBr@e New User

    steamID: ZeBr@e
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41996402
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044258532
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044258532

    steamID: Assphault
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40110265
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040486258
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198040486258
    I just got scammed by this guy http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040486258

    I sent him a buds first then this is our conversation

    Assphault: I just bought some hats from some guy, and I went first. He just repped me on SourceOP, if you don't believe.
    ZeBr@e: send me you thread
    Assphault: http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=1352186#1352186
    ZeBr@e: what is that item?
    ZeBr@e: you bought
    Assphault: I just bought
    Assphault: a
    Assphault: purple energy merry
    Assphault: For
    Assphault: the worth of 4 buds
    ZeBr@e: where is that hat?
    Assphault: In my inventory.
    Assphault: my bp
    ZeBr@e: http://www.tf2outpost.com/backpack/119629
    ZeBr@e: I cant see it
    Assphault: Look on my
    Assphault: steam bp
    Assphault: it updates faster
    ZeBr@e: umm ok alright
    Assphault: OK.
    Assphault: So you want to do this?
    ZeBr@e: aha yes
    ZeBr@e: ok
    ZeBr@e: let do it
    Assphault has accepted your request to trade.
    ZeBr@e: [email protected]
    Assphault: I'll send you the money
    Assphault: it's from
    Assphault: [email protected]
    ZeBr@e: ok
    Assphault: I gotta run, I'll send the money when I get back from work.
    ZeBr@e: ...
    Assphault: I might be able to do one more bud later, too.
    Assphault: I'm only working half-shift today.
    Assphault: Thanks though
    ZeBr@e: so you cant pay now?
    ZeBr@e: man
    ZeBr@e: give me back first
    ZeBr@e: then we will do when we are ready
    Assphault: Fine, I'll send the money now.
    ZeBr@e: ok
    Assphault: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ s✿✿✿, if my power goes out while I'm selling this again, I'll be f✿✿✿✿✿✿ pissed. PayPal charged me double for something I wasn't even finished doing, and it didn't even send it to the right person.
    Assphault: Alright, money sent.
    Assphault: Gotta go, thanks,.
    Assphault: Wait, could we od one more before we go?
    ZeBr@e: wait
    Assphault: Before I go*
    ZeBr@e: nothing come to my PP
    ZeBr@e: i'm waiting
    Assphault: It usually takes a couple minutes to go through, my internet sucks
    ZeBr@e: i'm waiting
    ZeBr@e: nothing
    ZeBr@e: come to
    Assphault: The page is still loading, I don't want this to come out bad.
    Assphault: I'll refresh and attempt resend
    Assphault: ing
    Assphault: better not double charge me -.-
    ZeBr@e: aha ok
    ZeBr@e: It seems to be a word of scammer
    ZeBr@e: so
    ZeBr@e: ...
    Assphault: Word of scammer?
    ZeBr@e: ok I'm still waiting
    Assphault: It's loading, I sent it.
    Assphault: I'm not using PayPal anymore..
    Assphault: Damnit, switching to Google money transactor.
    ZeBr@e: how can u put the wrong email?
    Assphault: Your's is spelled oddly. No offense
    ZeBr@e: sent?
    ZeBr@e: nothing come to my account
    Assphault: You know PayPal takes several days, right? whenever I do transactions, it takes that long. It has to go from my bank accnt to paypal to yours
    ZeBr@e: no man
    ZeBr@e: instantly
    ZeBr@e: transaction will show in your account
    ZeBr@e: so...
    Assphault: The page is still loading, I gotta f✿✿✿in' go r I'm getting fired and that means no money at all
    ZeBr@e: so just send me back my buds
    ZeBr@e: we will do it later
    ZeBr@e: so...

    He traded an unusual from his friend (Purple Energy Vintage Merryweather) to make me believe that he has a good rep
    This is his rep thread : http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=1352186#1352186

    The guy name "wigglesrawr" made a fake rep on his trade
    This is wigglesrawr profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/datshade/

    He didnt send me money via paypal.

    Please do something. I dun wanna see this guy trading again. He will scam other trader.

    Thank you
    Screen Shot 2555-08-01 at 10.46.28 PM.png Screen Shot 2555-08-01 at 10.46.43 PM.png Screen Shot 2555-08-01 at 11.55.08 PM.png
  2. ZeBr@e

    ZeBr@e New User

  3. ZeBr@e

    ZeBr@e New User

  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Already marked but one of the admins added this as an additional note. Thank you for the report. :)