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Archived Report: 76561197979060745 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Bembos, Jun 13, 2015.

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  1. Bembos

    Bembos New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Accomplice] Alternate account of hijacker or scammer
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561197979060745

    Victim profile: 76561198026659990

    What happened? Description:
    Bugs Buying Bunny #Reset added me today and said he was interested in the unusuals that I had for sale on tf2outpost. We discussed the pricing and then agreed to trade the items. There was a catch, however. Bugs wanted me to trade the items to another steam user so that he could confirm that they weren't 'bugged'. This should have been the first warning sign, but I admit I am not well versed in the trading world, so I figured trading it to one of my real life friends would be no big deal.

    So, I contacted my good friend Fly Molo (nick), and he agreed to be the third party in this trade. What I didn't know was that Bugs Buying Bunny #Reset ALSO had a third party waiting to trade. This third party ( http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198192802053 ) would then copy both my name (Bembos hamburguesa bandido) to impersonate myself to my friend nick, and copy his name (Fly Molo) to impersonate nick to me. I proceeded by trading the unusuals for sale to the real Fly Molo. Once Bugs saw that the trade was successful, he then conned me into trading my high tier unusuals (5 other unusuals that I had not put up for sale) to him as well so he could 'take a screenshot for his buyer'. He even said he would sweeten the deal by adding more keys just for me to transfer my other unusuals. This should have been another big red flashing light. Why would he want to see the other 5 unusuals? I definitely didn't think about it enough because I was excited by the additional keys he offered, and to sell my low tier unusuals, so I ended up letting my guard down quite quickly. I even messaged the Scam Fly Molo saying 'MONEY' because I was excited about the additional keys, all just for a simple screenshot. I should have noticed that the (nick) was not beside his name, as I have all my good friends real life names nicknamed to their steams, but my excitement drove me forward without double checking any specifics. This Buying Bugs Bunny put on a decently convincing nice guy attitude by conversing with me about Dota 2 and related things which made him seem more friendly, making it easier to scam me.

    He pulled off some pretty elaborate trickery by making group chats with myself and the Real Fly Molo, and the Scam Fly Molo. Right after I traded the low tier unusuals to Real Fly Molo, Bugs Buying Bunny invited Scam Fly Molo and myself to a different group chat. He talked about me trading the high tiers to Scam Fly Molo and I was then invited to a trade with said Scam Fly Molo. I gave him my 5 high tier unusuals for free, and he immediately went offline. Sometime after or before I completed that trade, the Scam Fly Molo changed his name to mine to impersonate me to Real Fly Molo (nick). Real Fly Molo traded my 5 low tier unusuals to the Scam Bembos, who was the exact same steam user as the Scam Fly Molo. This was all an elaborate plan straight from the start and they have probably pulled this off before.

    This is how the trades went down

    Real Bembos trades 5 low tier unusuals to Real Fly Molo.

    Real Bembos trades 5 high tier unusuals to Scam Fly Molo.

    Real Fly Molo trades 5 low tier unusuals to Scam Fly Molo / Scam Bembos.

    They both go offline and 2 people have run off with every last one of my TF2 unusuals. If you look elsewhere on the site, you will also notice Bugs Buying Bunny has been reported before. His steam account says its his 'trading account' AKA scamming account.

    Attached I have screenshots I took of the chats. Unfortunately I closed the chat with the Scam Fly Molo so I only have a cropped version of it, but the only thing to take from the photo is there is clearly no '(nick)' beside his steam name.​

    Provide Evidence:
    I apologized for the one cropped photo, I closed the chat before I could take another screenshot, the chat is not important but the fact there is no (nick) beside his name is.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Bembos

    Bembos New User

    I have found the item history and they have been traded to another steam account, Antosheek. However when I search his name on the steam community there is at least 6 Antosheeks all with a private profile . Here is the item history of the ones that I could trace.

    Bombing Run http://backpack.tf/item/2010241508
    Beret http://backpack.tf/item/1178592144
    Coppers http://backpack.tf/item/1336280532
    Fukimigasaa http://backpack.tf/item/1100331802
    Brigade Helm http://backpack.tf/item/2188828199

    http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561197978210095 Antosheek
    http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198083570878 domccas recieved at least one of my unusuals, and his profile is marked as caution and he already has one accepted report on him.
  3. =Artful Dodger=

    =Artful Dodger= New User

    He did the same thing to my friend thorn. Get this guy banned dude! you rock!
  4. Salmon

    Salmon Caution on SteamRep

    Always be wary when the other person invites someone to chat. Whenever you get a trade, always check who it's with.
  5. Bembos

    Bembos New User

    wow thanks for the heads up !!!
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    User is already tagged/banned - nothing more we can do to them here.
    Report is to be Archived for research purposes considering they already have multiple notes/tags at this time.
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