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Pending Report: 76561198038115292 - ([Steam] Steam Games)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by €rlendz™, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. €rlendz™

    €rlendz™ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Accomplice] Trading with marked scammers or hijackers
    Virtual item type involved: [Steam] Steam Games

    Accused profile: 76561198038115292

    Victim profile: 76561198125551262

    What happened? Description:

    I got scammed. I traded H1z1 gift with this guy http://steamcommunity.com/id/djox11 and next day he took this gift back. He trading all skins to his another account http://steamcommunity.com/id/no-sleep. He is a very big scammer, you should do something with him. I took all pictures, my trade history (where is a m4a1-s guardian fn with 3 sticekrs and same m4a1-s is in his inventory now) and so on...

    http://gyazo.com/08b3c6d0f37fb581d4f932d38b4b1891- Scamming account.
    http://gyazo.com/9fc7d63059e6352fca7905b808fc6750 - H1z1 is removed.
    http://gyazo.com/7bd8c640d978918155fccec592b2e2c8 - Same m4a1-s is in his inventory.
    http://gyazo.com/e492d552073b9f770208cdc7c3d771fd - Account where he trade all scammed skins.
    http://www.upload.ee/image/4795127/Scammer.png - Trade history, where is same m4a1-s guardian fn with same stickers what is in his inventory now.

    I`m actually not sad of this H1z1 gift, but I`m sad of this scammer.
    Please do something with him! trade ban, lock all his scammed things!
    I`ll do same topic to steamrep.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. RealCop1993

    RealCop1993 New User

    Hello, I'm responding to this report after my account is mentioned here the no-sleep id. My previous id realcop1993.
    I'm on steam for 1 year and around 10 days, if my inventory is big that does not mean that I'm scammer, I'm only an experienced trader, buying high tier knifes for qs selling for decent ammount etc, etc after I've invested pretty nice ammount so I can even start trading and ofcourse I like games and levels thats why spend so much on it.
    So lets get on the point, The Victim in this case Mr. €rlendz™ added me last night calling me scammer, while he wrote on my wall that I better accept him etc and then when I did from the same spot he started insulting and crying and he didn't even want to hear my part of story.
    chat1.png chat2.png chat3.png

    Pcture that we become friends like 1-2 hours before victim added me.

    Reported subject in this case DjoleX added me last night after his friend contacted me on facebook asking for the price of keys (to sell him keys for real cash) we did menaged price and made deal (with our common) friend, after he added me after I'm known in my country as trusted seller and normal guy who won't stole a peny he asked me do I know somone who sell steam trading cards for level up, and I've answered affirmative, after that he sent me M4 Guardian FN to trade for keys and then to buy him card sets, since I'm experienced in trading and he don't know for what to trade etc.
    And I did traded M4 for keys today after I get steam trading cards I will send him cards for what he asked me to do for him.

    About the keys he wanted from me, yes I've sold him and this is a proof from the local post that he paid me money 1000 rsd for the 5 keys. 11637890_1090087184336203_1747958867_n.jpg
    You can noticed the upper name of the subject is Đorđe while nick for that would be Djolex ''Dj becomes Đ''.
    Anyway my name is Nikola as you can see in other phase of picture.
    Proof that I've send him for what he added me on the first place: tradeeee.png

    So I have nothing to do with reported subject or that we are even same persons, if Victim thinks that I've made my inventory by scamm he can think whatever he wants, I'm sorry for him and for all peoples who trade for gifts, that why steam made them untradeable for 30 days to make check on them while they become tradeable, it's your fault that you gave some skins for some untrusted gifts/gift and after you made mistake you cry, better ask parents if you are not old enough to add you wallet from credit card and so you can buy gifts on it's own and not like this.

    If steamrep Administration has any question for me please inform me, thanks for reading.
    - No Sleep.