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Accepted 76561198057779638 (parker.wickline)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by C r o s b y |SPG:S|, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. C r o s b y |SPG:S|

    C r o s b y |SPG:S| New User

    steamID: ✩ C r o s b y ✯ steamID32: STEAM_0:1:19667762 steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999601253 customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/icrosbyi steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197999601253

    steamID: ✩ C r o s b y ✯ steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48756955 steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057779638 customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/parkerw steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198057779638

    He tried impersonating me after too. [​IMG]

    I knew him before and was pretty decent friends with him. We were just chatting and he told me to go on teamviewer so I did. I pretty much forgot team viewer was up and he just took control of my screen and ran with 6 buds. I had a lot more than 6 so I'm not sure why he only took 6, but he did say to me many times that I'm lucky he didn't take more. When I saw that he was doing that I tried holding in the power button on my computer but it didn't work. When I reopened my screen it said trade completed. I reported this to Steam as well, and hopefully they can give me back my buds.

    From the screenshots I was toying with him to try and get him to say everything he could about the trade. I obviously couldn't take a screenshot of the teamviewer thing because he had control and I panicked.

    Oh and he traded the buds from that account to one of his accounts he said. I found some of his info too. IP I think- http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/
    facebook - http://www.facebook.com/tevon.maples
    skype - im1bicboi
    Please get someone to IP ban him from everything. I found out that his alts are all these too. He has more than these too...
    1. Scammer alts: 76561198057568264 & 76561198064929882
    Alts: 76561198057568264 | 76561198064929882 | 76561198067875951


    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: hmmm
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: there's no chance i could even get 1 bud back?
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: and how many times have you done this to people :/
    parker.wickline: wanna try it now
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: but how many times have you done this to people before?
    parker.wickline: ALOT.
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: like the team viewer thing
    parker.wickline: my whole bp
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: holy :/
    parker.wickline: and the one before that
    parker.wickline: and the one before that.
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: but there's no chance i could just get 1 bacK?
    parker.wickline: FFS.
    parker.wickline: I TOLD YOU  YOU HELP ME I HELP YOU.
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: im just curious.
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: wait how many did you take from me again?
    parker.wickline: 6
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: D:
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: so what exactly did you do?  i'm just trying to know.  with teamview, what was it
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: just explain what you pressed
    parker.wickline: I cant tell you :
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: why not im just wondering how you did.  like which button you pressed
    parker.wickline: all of them
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: :/
    parker.wickline: Well
    parker.wickline: Im gonna go for it ok?
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: nooooo
    parker.wickline: im going for ittttttttttttttttt
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: what is the alt that has mine in them?
    parker.wickline: Im not telling you cuz it has all my stoofs
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: why not?  cant i just add it
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: i dont need to chat with it
    parker.wickline: no
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: fine.  why did you have to scam me though :/ out of all people
    parker.wickline: Wasnt going to.
    parker.wickline: Till you became a doucherrr
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: that's still not a reason to steal from someone...
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: there will be many douchers in your life
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: which were the other accounts you used before?
    parker.wickline: why does it matter.
    ✩ C r o s b y ✯: im just wondering
    Your state is set to Offline.
    parker.wickline is now Offline.
  2. Skipper

    Skipper Partner Community

    He added me too asking if I wanted to dupe items. Umm no thanks.


  3. C r o s b y |SPG:S|

    C r o s b y |SPG:S| New User

    Update: I sent a ticket to Steam and they got me my items back. I LOVE STEAM <333333333
  4. Bacon

    Bacon Retired Staff Partner Community

    Thank you for your report. A steamrep admin will look at this shortly.
  5. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Marked. Thanks for the Report.