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Accepted 76561198035355556 (Stormy)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Theangryvideogamekid, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User


    steamID: ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50193112
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060651952
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/derpy7859373
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060651952

    steamID: StorMy De Jew
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37544914
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035355556
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Stormander
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198035355556

    Im uploading the trade history and the Text chat log

    I just found on outpost buying some buds and bills and then i add him and i ask him if he can buy some i offered to go first because he has some rep and i got scammed he was trying to say he has to verify his paypal i demand for my items then he went offline

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    StorMy De Jew: Yes?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: oh yeah
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: Do you need to buy any buds bills ?
    StorMy De Jew: Yes i love to buy bills and buds
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: Ill go first
    StorMy De Jew: np
    StorMy De Jew: give me your pp email
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: wait pirce?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: price
    StorMy De Jew: for bills and buds
    StorMy De Jew: 75$
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: 1 bud and a bill
    StorMy De Jew had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    StorMy De Jew: its okay 75|?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: yes sir
    StorMy De Jew: okay
    StorMy De Jew: PP email please
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: [email protected]
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: ok.
    StorMy De Jew: I send u the cash
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: Yes sir c:
    StorMy De Jew: Its take something like 6-7 min because i verify my pp account
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: can i have the items back
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: and after your done
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: i can give them to you
    StorMy De Jew: Its on the way
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: then you give me money
    StorMy De Jew: Quick than i think
    StorMy De Jew: Check the pp
    StorMy De Jew: ??
    StorMy De Jew: U get it ??
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: Im in Paypal
    StorMy De Jew: U see the pay?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: no
    StorMy De Jew: Wait something like 5 min its come
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: no
    StorMy De Jew: i waiting with u
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: i want my buds
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: back
    StorMy De Jew: I pay
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: because
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: its instant
    StorMy De Jew: I am not give u back
    StorMy De Jew: I pay
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: then you get reported to steam rep and marked as a scam because im not receiving the money
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©Selling BP for PP: i cant take a picture if want me to
    StorMy De Jew is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    I never received payment from this fellow.

    Attached Files:

  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking him- thanks for the report. :)