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Pending Report: 76561198170637051 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by InvaderToast, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. InvaderToast

    InvaderToast New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198170637051

    Victim profile: 76561198058022598

    What happened? Description:
    This guy added me and offered to buy my knife. Went first sent me an invoice. This wasn't a textbook scam though I was slightly impressed. He has me add the accused and the accused vouches for him. I asked for the trade history between the two and this is the good part: the accused trades his knife to the guy trying to scam me and then the scammer sends it back to the accused, then he takes a screenshot. Pretty impressed actually. I wanted to make sure I got this guy because I only saw one report in his Steam Rep and wanted people to be more aware. full chatlogs with both people provided.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here are the chatlogs. I do not have inventory screenshots of them trading the knife but I do have the screenshot of the guy admitting that they traded the knife recently. It's in the last screenshot with the accused's friend, just before I deleted and blocked him. I do not believe that my paypal is necessary in this instance but I will put it on my report with the accused's friend (the guy who tried to scam me) and I can provide it here if necessary.​

    Attached Files:

  2. tilled

    tilled New User

    why am i involed in this????
  3. tilled

    tilled New User

    Im not avade lol idk why your using my profile link for something i have no involment in lol
  4. tilled

    tilled New User

    you should have this profile not me bud http://steamcommunity.com/id/SeeeevID/
    me and that guy did a deal like i told you he is a different person and you dont need to involve me in something i have no involvement in thanks. i have that kids ip as well we are not the same f✿✿✿✿✿✿ person but ya thanks for report me for what someone else did cool bro
  5. InvaderToast

    InvaderToast New User

    Ight fam listen up. Last screen shot. All the way on the right. When you think you're there, make sure you find the one to the right of it. You got it? Good. Look at it and read the chat log. You vouched for the guy. I know you're not Avade chief Avade tried to scam me. Avade is the one you helped try to scam me. Side note though: needed to post the entire chat log to keep it in context. Ya feel? Avade even admitted to exchanging the knife so he could get a quick screenie of it. Screenshot here is to prove this chomo here is Michael (it's under alt names and his friggin profile says his name is Michael). So I think I covered the "why am I involved in this????" part as well as the "I'm not avade yada yada yada garbo sorry too lazy to quote it. So I do need to involve you with something you have involvement in. And no problem for reportin you dude anytime ;)

    Attached Files:

  6. InvaderToast

    InvaderToast New User

    Uh sorry in summary this guy in involved the screenshots prove it. Forgot to add that I didn't accuse you of being the same person I just accused you guys "with pretty decent accuracy" of working together. That is all. It's also "thanks for reporting me" not "thanks for report me". :D
  7. tilled

    tilled New User

    i bought that knife from him three days ago today, regardless of what he asked. WHERE IS HIS info why are you mainly report me wtf dude. you got me f✿✿✿ed bro. i didnt do this wrong, and your not gonna sit here and blame me. i bought from that kid, you cant say i didnt and ya he asked for a screen of trade thats not my problem, iu bought what i bought, i didnt know he was scamming dont f✿✿✿✿✿✿ sit here and bring me down. learn the facts. this report is useless i did nothing wrong, i bought a knife from a guy who needed to get a screen to prove he was selling knifes HOW IS THAT MY FAULT.
  8. tilled

    tilled New User

    honestly u need to get your facts before involving me. ya i vouched for someone i bought a knife from, there is no wrong doing in that, next time bring it up to me ill report this kid too, dont just f✿✿✿✿✿✿ report me for no logical reason be a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ man and talk to me. period bud
  9. InvaderToast

    InvaderToast New User

    Now now hun there be no need for profanities ;) but the guy admitted to you getting the knife back from you and then sending to you again in order to get a fake screencap of the transaction. I mean hey I wanna believe you dude but I would not trust someone who I just bought something from if he said "hey can I get the knife back for no reason whatsoever for like 5 minutes? I'll send it right back." Now either you were in on it (probably the only logical conclusion) or you have as I like to say "Weapons-Grade Autism". Judging from your grammar you probably have that. Hmm maybe I'm wrong. But I didn't f*** you either. I f*** your dad. The first report someone filed against you f***** you. Oh one last thought about the whole "be a man" thing your friend was one of the biggest weasels I have ever met. Just found out that his friends are a lot like him #haventevenchirpedtoday. So I think I covered the f*** part pretty well, proved I have a logical reason to bone you in the pooper (metaphorically), I boned your dad for no reason (literally) and uh yeah.
  10. tilled

    tilled New User

    myu last report i called that guy out for stealing screens lol thats all i did wrong you need to drop my report cause i did nothing wrong here not a damn thing. i request this thread top be deleted as i did nothing wrong here. So f✿✿✿ off and stop crowding my steamrep with lie you a✿✿✿✿✿✿
  11. InvaderToast

    InvaderToast New User

    I accept your invite so you can explain your fundamentally flawed case but you still call me an a✿✿✿✿✿✿. Capitalize your "I" by the way. You probably don't know this due to your autism but you haven't provided any proof that you "did nothing wrong here not a damn thing." You need to provide evidence before you can request that the threat be deleted. hahahahaha
  12. InvaderToast

    InvaderToast New User

    Hahahahahaha so you're not denying that I f✿✿✿ed your dad?
  13. InvaderToast

    InvaderToast New User

    Oh just viewed the report, you got reported because you suck at scamming and had a ripped off profile. You waddled around (I just called you obese get at me) and called the same crap you're doing now.