1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Pending Report: 76561198075134997 - ([DOTA2] Dota2 Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by San|ty, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. San|ty

    San|ty New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [DOTA2] Dota2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198075134997

    Victim profile: 76561197976032324

    What happened? Description:
    Gift scamming. The accused said that he will gift me the items after I go first. After which, he deleted and blocked me when done.​

    Provide Evidence:
    This happened around a month back, but I think he shouldn

    After putting up a trade (gifting) on /r/dota2trade, said person added me on steam to trade a Zeus immortal for some bundles. It was a little suspicious at first that he offered the Zeus immortal, but I didn't too much of it and thought it was my lucky day. We discussed a little on steam chat and he eventually selected the "Three Virtues Bundle" & "Cryogenic Embrace Set" for trade.

    He refused to go first as he claimed that it was "Stupid" to go first in a 2 for 1 trade which I kinda agree at that point of time at the back of my mind that I would have done the same. At that point of time, I decided to do a simple SteamRep check and saw that he had a pending report from last year, 2014. When I brought that up, he said that it was "a while ago" and that he has traded with several people in the past few days as evident from the +Reps on his profile. What I failed to see was the "Rep Boost" steam group that he was a part of. This group exchanges "Profile +Reps" without doing a trade. So basically I +Rep you, you +Rep me.

    After receiving the "Cryogenic Embrace Set", he told me to give him a moment to send the Zeus Immortal over to which he promptly deleted and blocked me.

    Lessons learnt:
    1) A leopard never changes its spots.
    2) If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    I've attached the entire trade conversation below, together with a screenshot of the Ursa set that he scammed me of, and several other stuff that will hopefully help you guys in listing him as a scammer.

    *The set has been unbundled, but all the individual set pieces still has my name on them as of today, 2/8/15.

    *There are a couple of immortals that aren't giftable in his inventory. He might have scammed those as well.​

    Attached Files:

  2. San|ty

    San|ty New User

    Just in case you were wondering, my usual name was San|ty but it was f✿✿✿ THIS GAME at that point of time and ever since.
  3. San|ty

    San|ty New User

    And I apologise for the cutoff at the line in my report:

    Provide Evidence:
    This happened around a month back, but I think nobody should have to go through what I had.

    After putting up a trade (gifting) on /r/dota2trade, said person added me on steam to trade a Zeus immortal for some bundles. It was a little suspicious at first that he offered the Zeus immortal, but I didn't too much of it and thought it was my lucky day. We discussed a little on steam chat and he eventually selected the "Three Virtues Bundle" & "Cryogenic Embrace Set" for trade.
  4. Crawlpaw!

    Crawlpaw! New User

    report it on r/dota2trade they work a lot faster. gl :)