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Accepted 76561197966418367 =O

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [BN] Kung Yii, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. [BN] Kung Yii

    [BN] Kung Yii New User

    steamID: Kung Yii
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39223433
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038712595
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/KungYii1994
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198038712595

    steamID: =O
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:3076319
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966418367
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197966418367

    Screenshots: 1. http://imgur.com/AFFNx
    2. http://imgur.com/B2iwV

    He add me , i post my offer in steamtrade. He have fake reputation , he profile is private and he block me after i get him my game.

    Monday, 13 August, 2012
    11:51 PM - =O: hi
    11:51 PM - Kung Yii: hi
    11:51 PM - =O: have something to sell ?
    11:51 PM - Kung Yii: payday for awesomenaut
    11:52 PM - =O: i got one key of awesomenaut
    11:52 PM - =O: want ?
    11:52 PM - Kung Yii: how i know it not fake?
    11:52 PM - =O: i got rep's :D
    11:52 PM - Kung Yii: you sent me first
    11:52 PM - =O: no D: i got more rep than you, sorry
    11:53 PM - Kung Yii: or middleman
    =O is now Offline.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    =O is now Online.
    11:55 PM - Kung Yii: how i know key was unused
    11:55 PM - =O: i got rep with key trades
    11:56 PM - =O: you can see it in my steam profile
    11:56 PM - Kung Yii: what if key was activated
    11:56 PM - =O: ...
    11:56 PM - Kung Yii: you can give back?
    11:56 PM - =O: i give other key
    11:56 PM - =O: ...
    11:56 PM - Kung Yii: link where you buy the key
    11:56 PM - Kung Yii: need proof first
    11:56 PM - =O: i bought in a real life shop
    11:56 PM - =O: ...
    11:57 PM - Kung Yii: where is you steamtrade profile?
    =O did not respond to the trade request.
    11:58 PM - Kung Yii: helo
    Tuesday, 14 August, 2012
    12:00 AM - Kung Yii: helo you there?
    12:01 AM - =O: back, sorry
    12:02 AM - Kung Yii: where you steamtrade profile
    12:03 AM - =O: i dont use my steamtrade profile
    12:03 AM - =O: but you can see my rep's in my stem profile
    12:03 AM - Kung Yii: not beta key right?
    12:03 AM - =O: correct
    12:04 AM - Kung Yii: ok
    =O has accepted your request to trade.
    12:04 AM - Kung Yii: key?
    12:05 AM - Kung Yii: helo
    12:05 AM - =O: sec, picking
    12:06 AM - Kung Yii: why take so long
    =O is now Offline.
  2. [BN] Kung Yii

    [BN] Kung Yii New User

  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marked- thanks for the report. :)