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Pending Report: 76561198104381019 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Archimo, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Archimo

    Archimo New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198104381019

    Victim profile: 76561198061530704

    What happened? Description:
    So we agree don a price as seen in screen shot and presumingly he puts it higer then we agreed on and apoligizes for doing such but then when i ask if he could give me a key(back since i paid him abit more extra then a key in steam wallet funds) to make up for the value diffrence he says he feels bad about it but won't give me that key diffrence makeing it seem like it were very intentional.
    it seems abit silly to report him like that but it's technicaly still me being scammed intentionaly for a key and i would feel bad not reporting him for doing such.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. Archimo

    Archimo New User

    Seems abit silly maybe compared to me buying unusual and him scamming me for a little key via it and i dunno it doesn't seem like he is aware of him actualy scamming since we are dealing with bigger items but i got a strong sense of justice and would't be able to just turn a blind eye to and would like to have it reported and then valued by others eyes if it's actualy a scam or just a greedy attempt at getting the perfect price he wanted hopeing i would't pay attention to the increase in price.
  3. Archimo

    Archimo New User

    market history.PNG
    just thought i wanted to include the purchased thingy on steam community market of course i paid 150.56 euro with the fee so remove fee and transfer to canadian dollars since the seller used that as his currency.
    i bought it then realized he ripped me off of atleast a key.
  4. pry lft

    pry lft New User

    dude are you serious? you bought it knowing the price i put it up for.... talk to me on steam
  5. pry lft

    pry lft New User

    you told me you bought it knowing the price, talk to me on steam
  6. pry lft

    pry lft New User

    if steamrep thinks i should refund you the extra i will but im unsure what to do
  7. Archimo

    Archimo New User

    as i said i find this inferior but i felt the need to report it nonethenless the way you said the last few sentences made it clear that you thought our agreement were not enough for you and that you wanted a higer price. and for stuff like this i'd rather have others opinions on it being a scam or not even though it's not so much it's still being quite slyly.
    so steam rep might ask you to refund it i guess or be like well if it's no big deal the case is closed for me it's not a big deal i just didn't like the way you said and put things and putting it up for a price higer then we agreed on and yes maybe i should have checked and calculated it up before just buying it but i had an estimate for example if it were way higer i would notice it instantly but a few euro's (for me) higer didn't made it noticeable.
    as i said i find this a minor inconvinience and if i get to judge it just close the case no harm done.
  8. Archimo

    Archimo New User

    anyways in my book this is not really a scam it's just an unfair way to do business. but if we took it down to other cases a key could be a serious offense and that the only reason i felt the need to post about it if you're sorry for it you can try and add me on steam and we can talk it over and i can maybe close down this post before anybody sees it?
  9. Archimo

    Archimo New User

    okey i decided to take a look around just in case we worked something out but i cannot find any place to take it down so guess steam rep will have to take action by closeing it for us if they agree with me on it being a minor offense or yeh...