Victim: steamID: Vasko1223 steamID32: STEAM_0:1:40599999 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Scammer: steamID: HelloMrJhewMan steamID32: STEAM_0:1:40151320 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Screenshots: Description: On August the 15th at 5:20pm my steam account was hijacked by this guy, I tryed loging in but my password was changed and my Email password was also changed. So I've retrived my email and contacted steam support. After they restored my password I logged in my account I found that my earbuds+8 refined metal have been stolen from my account on Aug the 15th at 5:28pm. He somehow added me as friend and traded on his alt account (HelloMrJhewMan) This is his alt acc. I can't find his original acc. I checked my earbuds history and he sold him to another guy. He is marked as a scammer on TF2OP and I checked his steamrep stats and he isn't marked as a scammer. Im tired of these russian hackers and hijackers...
I think I found his Alt account: He is banned on TF2OP for hijacking accounts and marked as a scammer here. Most of his items were hacked... I checked the item history and HelloMrJhewMan was also in there. Anyway valve could return the items to the original owner (me) ?
Thank you for your report. Do you think you can also include your steam support ticket so we can verify this?
I have only this picture. Closed the ticket unfortunately. There is already another report for the same guy. Please tag him as scammer. Other ppl got hijacked by this guy.
Thank you for the additional information, the report's status has been marked ready -- we apologize for the amount of time it has taken us to address your report.
Sorry for the SUPER long wait time, somehow this report evaded us Anyway, he proved to be hijacked at the time so we won't mark him. Thank you though.