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Accepted 76561198018399449 (That f****** dog)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Theangryvideogamekid, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    steamID: ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50193112
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060651952
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/derpy7859373
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060651952
    steamID: That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:29066860
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018399449
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198018399449
    Scammer Friend/Troll and Partner "collage"

    Screenshots are in the bottom:

    I made business with this before and i decided to go first he blocked me and then i was talking to some of his friend and i found this in particular that is obviously working with this guy and then he told me to go talk to him on skype and i said why is it necessary i didnt wanna talk to him because im sure im that im not gonna get my item back which are earbuds and he said he is "done" with me

    [ code ]Never tell your password to anyone.
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: hey
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: do you need buds?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: i have one more pair if you need any
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog: yeah hold up
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: how much can you do
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog: ?
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog: ill pay 30$
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: Really?
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog: Sure
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog: You gotta go first again thoigh
    You have accepted the trade request from That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog.
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: i hope i dont get scammed :eek:
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog: I wouldn't :D
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog: I was trustworthy last time right?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: eah
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: yeah
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: you were
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: [email protected]
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: Its USD remember
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: hello?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: hello?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: umm hey?
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog has declined your trade request.
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: you scammed me :(
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: PLEASE
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog has declined your trade request.
    That f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog has declined your trade request.
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: PLEASe
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: PLEAse [ /code ]
    chat log 2:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Biga: hello good sir
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: your friend
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: that f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dog scammed me
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: out of a bud
    Biga: who the f✿✿✿ is that
    Biga: ohhh you mean my boy JB
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018399449/
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: that guy
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: he scammed me
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: looks like you have connections with him
    Biga: ya hes a real meany hudeny alrigt
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: but he traded me before
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: legit
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: is it possible to get me that bud back i need it to sell for school.
    Biga: k
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: is there any way?
    Biga: i think i might have to prefor the old hindu richul but ill try
    Biga: btw
    Biga: whats your faverit pony
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: Octavia
    Biga: oh ya mine to
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: Ok.
    Biga: and what do you mean you need it for schoool
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: for school supplies and stuff books those things
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: are you 2 close friends ?
    Biga: howd you get the buds you got a mac
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: i traded my items
    Biga: hes my old collig budy
    Biga: he used to go bt radlarry
    Biga: *by
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: Oh i see
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: thats nice
    Biga: ya its rely sweet
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: yeah.
    Biga: ya
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: your talking to him?
    Biga: may i take this dance
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: ?
    Biga: i said may i take this dace
    Biga: *dance
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: with who?
    Biga: you
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: umm ok?
    Biga: hell ya
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: well like i was saying are you dealing the situtation with you collage?
    Biga: he wants his turtal bubu back b4 he will give back the buds
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: turtal bubu?
    Biga: idk thats what he wants
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: whats that
    Biga: for every single ieam and his buba back tthen he will give you the buds
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: so i have to give him everything?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: first?
    Biga: ya
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: no can do sugercube
    Biga: wait no
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: what?
    Biga: at the ame time
    Biga: *same
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: every item in my inventory?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: is that right?
    Biga: well like half
    Biga: hill take it
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: alright
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: that sounds alright
    Biga: so hows this going to work
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: wait who im going to be trading first?
    Biga: idk
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: your going to receive the bud?
    Biga: umm
    Biga: i think
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: why did he scammed me in the first place
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: why me
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: i really needed the money
    Biga: well give me the stuff then i can get it from him
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: well your friends with him
    Biga: ya
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: so that means you might be teaming up with him
    Biga: why would i do that
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: because you two have connections
    Biga: how old r you
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: why is that nessacary?
    Biga: he wants to know
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: old enough
    Biga: that is bullshit
    Biga: we would like to disscus these affares over skype
    Biga: would you be inclined to join us
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: to what?
    Biga: skype
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: team vedetia?
    Biga: wtf is that
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: nvm
    Biga: whats ur skype name
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: to join your 2?
    Biga: ya
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: for?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: scamming?
    Biga: no
    Biga: we would like to take about the buds over skype
    Biga: yo
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: look the buds werent suppose to be his in the first place.
    Biga: we can talk about this on skype
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: ok?
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: how would that help
    Biga: so he can talk to you
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: why not on steam?
    Biga: but then he cant
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: why?
    Biga: is there like a group thing
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: fine
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: whats your skype
    Biga: he is liam mcglinchey
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: there
    Biga: he didnt get nothin
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: probably the name is wrong.
    Biga: will add you whats urs
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: why is this nessacary
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: i mean
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: he got the buds
    Biga: yes he dose
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: i know he is not gonna give it back
    Biga: im done
    ★Mr.Tyber Zann©selling BP: Ok
    Biga is now Offline. [ /code ]

    Attached Files:

  2. Bacon

    Bacon Retired Staff Partner Community

    Thank you for your report. A steamrep admin will look at this shortly.
  3. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    Thank you :) I hope some one comes here soon
  4. Noobinator

    Noobinator Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  5. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Could you provide a screenshot of your Paypal to verify non-payment?
  6. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    Yes i could sorry for the late response never received payment

    Attached Files:

  7. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Tagged. Thanks for the report.