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Rejected Appeal: 76561197970281818 - (bOzz_DK / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by bOzz_DK, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. bOzz_DK

    bOzz_DK Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561197970281818 (bOzz_DK)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    Hi. My name is Wajid Ahmad. I have now been steamrepbanned for 299 days.

    So first of all the reason I tried to i tried scam other people was because I got scammed my self.

    I used to have a huntsman fade FN ST and someone tricked me with "the midden man scam" and I stupidly fall for it.

    After that day I felt very mad and vindictive over i got scammed. So I Google " how to scam" and a guide appeared with the "steam money scam"
    so I started adding many people and send them a steam offer, where I wrote something like this:
    " Steam Guard: Your account will be credited the amount of $25..00 USD, it will be available after the exchange. If you refuse the exchange amount will be refunded to the buyer. Sincerely administration SteamCommunity Pay: $25.00 USD Registration number:B65880M
    VAT ID: PO22531916
    IBLT Number: 26819754"
    (Found this text on: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/que...omebody-wants-to-send-gift-money-with-my-item)

    Today after almost 300 days being steamrepbanned I have learned my lessons about the consistencies of doing it.

    I hope your guys will understand my situation and help me getting clean again. And I promise that I never will do any fraud in the future.

    Sincerely Wajid Ahmad 11-2-2015
    PS. Sorry for my bad English.​
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    bOzz_DK likes this.
  3. bOzz_DK

    bOzz_DK Banned on SteamRep

  4. bOzz_DK

    bOzz_DK Banned on SteamRep

    Hi. I just wanted to know when I can get the results from your guys about my appeal? :)
  5. Ellamer00

    Ellamer00 Banned on SteamRep

    To be honest you will need to wait like everyone else here so 1 year maybe a little more ,maybe a little less. As stated in some other appeal , they are taking care of 2013's appeals now
  6. Teeny Tiny Cat

    Teeny Tiny Cat SteamRep Admin Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @bOzz_DK,

    Your appeal has been reviewed and it has been rejected for the following reason(s):

    - No evidence of any genuine change of heart
    - Steamrep does not, by policy, grant change of heart appeals for real world currency related offences

    Despite your appeal being rejected, it's recommended that you avoid future situations that might appear to be fraud with Steam trading. Sometimes people reported to Valve by its users can get their accounts trade banned by Steam Support.

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