1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Accepted 76561198062365336

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Super Mecha Death Christ, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Super Mecha Death Christ

    Super Mecha Death Christ New User


    steamID: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51049804
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062365336
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ololosh23
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062365336

    steamID: Super Mecha Death Christ 2000
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:11809663
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983885055
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nikephoros
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197983885055

    I was buying point and shot on tf2 outpost for 1 key, he added me, opened trade. Then asked me to add 1 rec more. I said no, I said the price is firm. I added 1 key and selected ready to trade the same exact moment he removed point and shot. I havent noticed he removed it and clicked ready to trade and then make trade. He got a key for free. When I tried to retrade he declined. He scammed me for 1 key.

    Attached Files:

  2. Super Mecha Death Christ

    Super Mecha Death Christ New User

    We managed to get equivalent of my key back: I traded for Vintage pytovision googles, G. Companion cube, S. Pistol, Southern Hospitality and Eyelander.
    The case is closed IMO.
  3. Melkor

    Melkor New User

    Confirmed. Item returned.
    Chat 1
    Spirit of FHTS: Hey!
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: hi
    Spirit of FHTS: You've been accused of scamming
    Spirit of FHTS: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/scammed-for-1-key-by-76561198062365336.9830/
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: no
    Spirit of FHTS: Unfortunately yes
    Spirit of FHTS: and the person does have proof
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: no
    Spirit of FHTS: You have 3 options:
    Spirit of FHTS: 1. You will trade the victim back
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: or?
    Spirit of FHTS: 2. Will trade me so I can give it him back
    Spirit of FHTS: 3. Will keep the item and get banned from all communities affiliated with the SteamRep
    Spirit of FHTS: I had to once add you
    Spirit of FHTS: It's me - Melkor
    Spirit of FHTS: You've scammed once
    Spirit of FHTS: Do not make admins to give you the Scammer tag
    Spirit of FHTS: Is that really needed? Get it for 1 key?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dont scammer!!
    Spirit of FHTS: and what the proof?
    Spirit of FHTS: Is it faked?
    Spirit of FHTS: remove the items or get your bans
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i say tru
    Spirit of FHTS: Your choice
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: @
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: !
    Spirit of FHTS: *pay back the items
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dont scammer
    Spirit of FHTS: What the proof?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: what is proof?
    Spirit of FHTS: I will post our chat on the SteamRep
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i am ruusian
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: russian
    Spirit of FHTS: Can you give the scammed items back?
    Spirit of FHTS: I know
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dont scammer
    Spirit of FHTS: We've met once
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dont understand you
    Spirit of FHTS: http://forums.steamrep.com/attachments/1scam-png.3796/
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: hey
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: 1 min please
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: ok?
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: do you need point and shoot?
    Spirit of FHTS: after the trade where you have scammed him:
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: haha
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: lol
    Spirit of FHTS: Could you return it back?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dont have ley
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: key
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: please
    Spirit of FHTS: Can you give the replacement?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i can give...
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: mmm
    Spirit of FHTS: You will be banned dude if you do not return it
    You have accepted the trade request from [ŠħõŤ]Василёк.
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i give this
    Spirit of FHTS: I will post there again
    Spirit of FHTS: That you have returned the items
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: 2.66
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: key
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: ok?
    Spirit of FHTS: Let me check
    Spirit of FHTS: No
    Spirit of FHTS: It's 1.66 ref
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: ok
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: this is key
    Spirit of FHTS: no this is 2.44 refined
    Spirit of FHTS: key is 2.66
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: ok
    Spirit of FHTS: and you scammed key so you have to give little more
    Spirit of FHTS: If you do not have it anymore
    Spirit of FHTS: Can you give the key?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: no
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dint have
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: dont
    Spirit of FHTS: Think about what you want
    Spirit of FHTS: if ban or trading
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: go?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: this is?
    Spirit of FHTS: This is 2.55 ref
    Spirit of FHTS: No
    Spirit of FHTS: Not crates
    Spirit of FHTS: Stranges or metal
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: whi
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: whis
    Spirit of FHTS: Or give the key
    Spirit of FHTS: hmm
    Spirit of FHTS: This should work I guess
    Spirit of FHTS: give me a moment to contact the victim
    Your chat with [ŠħõŤ]Василёк is now a multi-user chat.
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк has been invited to chat.
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 has been invited to chat.
    Spirit of FHTS: I've invited the victim you've scammed
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 entered chat.
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Genuine Companion Cube Pin 19:22:35
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Mildly Menacing Pistol 19:23:14
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Scarcely Lethal Back Scratcher 19:23:43
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк is ready 19:24:12
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк is not ready 19:24:16
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added The Southern Hospitality 19:24:31
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added The Eyelander 19:24:37
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added The Cloak and Dagger 19:24:43
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:42
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:43
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:45
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:46
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк removed Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:48
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк removed Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:49
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк removed Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:50
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк removed Mann Co. Supply Crate 19:25:51
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк added Vintage Pyrovision Goggles 19:25:56
    Spirit of FHTS: hold on, please. 19:29:47
    Spirit of FHTS: The current items are around 3 refineds as [ŠħõŤ]Василёк does not have the items anymore
    Spirit of FHTS: If [ŠħõŤ]Василёк will refuse to pay back he will get marked and banned
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: hm
    Spirit of FHTS: Super mecha now your turn
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dont have key
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: hm so I dunno, you dont have this key or point and shot
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: I can take troublemakers instead maybe
    Spirit of FHTS: Troublemaker is 1 key
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк could you trade Mecha and give him Tossle?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: what?
    Spirit of FHTS: The hat on the scout
    Spirit of FHTS: This: http://backpack.tf/item/973209021
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: no
    Spirit of FHTS: Why not?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i dont give you this
    Spirit of FHTS: Do you want to get the tag?
    Spirit of FHTS: You dont have the point and shoot or key anymore
    Spirit of FHTS: So Mecha wants something of the replacement
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: go for trade
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: look
    Spirit of FHTS: [ŠħõŤ]Василёк trade Mecha
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: or manage to get a key, its not my fault you spend it on something
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк left chat.
    Chat 2

    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: ?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: what
    Spirit of FHTS: Trade Mecha
    Spirit of FHTS: You dont have to trade me when the victim is there
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: blocked
    Spirit of FHTS: Blocked what?
    Spirit of FHTS: Mecha is blocked?
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: yeah
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i unclocked
    Spirit of FHTS: oh then trade me the tossle and I give it to him
    Spirit of FHTS: oh
    Spirit of FHTS: Okay
    Spirit of FHTS: Trade him!
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: ssory me
    Spirit of FHTS: No problem
    Spirit of FHTS: just trade him
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: i give hm
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: him
    [ŠħõŤ]Василёк: bb
    Spirit of FHTS: Good
    Spirit of FHTS: Do not scam again!
    Spirit of FHTS: If you do that you WILL receive the tag
    Chat 3

    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: yes?
    Spirit of FHTS: Hello!
    Spirit of FHTS: This is Melkor from SteamRep
    Spirit of FHTS: I help SR staff
    Spirit of FHTS: and mostly victims to get their items back
    Spirit of FHTS: this is my alt account and I managed the scammer to pay you back
    Spirit of FHTS: However he doesnt want to give you the key
    Spirit of FHTS: but the items priced at 3 ref
    Spirit of FHTS: I had to add him once because he scammed and I made him pay back
    Spirit of FHTS: Now that's up to you what to do as he is scared from SteamRep
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: well I wanted to buy point and shot
    Spirit of FHTS: His backpack: http://www.tf2items.com/id/ololosh23?p=all
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: so he wants to actually give me this point and shot?
    Spirit of FHTS: He doesnt have anything of this
    Spirit of FHTS: I will invite you to the chat with him
    Spirit of FHTS: Look for the invite, please.
    Spirit of FHTS: Is he trading you?
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: yep, we traded
    Super Mecha Death Christ 2000: the case is solved i think
    Spirit of FHTS: Yes
    Spirit of FHTS: again
  4. Melkor

    Melkor New User

    This guy has scammed twice and I've always made him to return the scammed items.
    Does he deserve some tag now?
  5. Super Mecha Death Christ

    Super Mecha Death Christ New User

    I'd give him a chance. He must understand that it doesnt pay to scam people. He must understand that he crossed the line and next time it happens then it is over.
  6. Melkor

    Melkor New User

  7. Super Mecha Death Christ

    Super Mecha Death Christ New User

    Hmm, so it wasnt my lack of attention, he used some bug i didnt know existed to purporsely scam. Very interesting.
    Then I think that - pardon my french - his arse deserves to be kicked.
  8. Bacon

    Bacon Retired Staff Partner Community

    Thank you for your report. A steamrep admin will look at this shortly.
  9. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Tagged. Thanks for the report.