1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198074427788 (<The Walking Zombie>)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by playermatthewh1, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. playermatthewh1

    playermatthewh1 New User

    Subject: 57081030 (<The Walking Zombie>)

    |steamID: playermatthewh1
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41469267
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043204262
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198043204262

    |steamID: <The Walking Zombie>
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57081030
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074427788
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/meat_sl1cer
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198074427788


    I was playing a little bit of Team Fortress 2, as I normally do in my spare time. However, today I had stumbled upon an individual called <The Walking Dead>. The player had been asking to buy people's hats, as I had a few to spare, I sent him a trade request. Once I was in the trade, <The Walking Dead> had proposed that I add him to my friends list as he would drop out of trades at random, as I had a considerable amount of hats to trade, I obliged. However, once we began chatting, he had stated that he could not trade the keys and would gift wrap them to me after the trade had concluded. Noticing that this was obviously an attempt to commit thievery, I continued the chat with <The Walking Dead> to possibly gather a little more information. I eventually explained to the scam artist that I would have to take appropriate action for his wrongdoings and despite his pleas, felt it was it in the best interest of the Team Fortress community to promptly send this report.

    <The Walking Zombie>: hey[/SIZE]
    playermatthewh1: hi
    <The Walking Zombie>: send a trade on here
    <The Walking Zombie>: im buying all hats
    <The Walking Zombie>: im also buying stranges and festives
    playermatthewh1: How much you paying for the fed?
    playermatthewh1: Lets start with that.
    <The Walking Zombie>: 1 ref
    <The Walking Zombie>: its worth 1 ref
    <The Walking Zombie>: show me all hats ur offering
    <The Walking Zombie>: i can probaly buy them
    <The Walking Zombie>: i have 30 keys
    <The Walking Zombie>: the keys arent tradable cuz their beta
    <The Walking Zombie>: but i can solve the problem
    <The Walking Zombie>: cuz i have gift wrap :D
    playermatthewh1: Hmm, depends if you're sending em first.
    <The Walking Zombie>: well i can send 5 keys at once\
    <The Walking Zombie>: we trade then i send
    playermatthewh1: Yeah, right, mind if I see your inventory then?
    <The Walking Zombie>: how long u've been playing?
    <The Walking Zombie>: obvisouly not long
    <The Walking Zombie>: i played since 2006
    <The Walking Zombie>: im a beta tester and steamrep mod
    playermatthewh1: I've played long enough to know a scam when I see one.
    <The Walking Zombie>: wow ur very smart
    <The Walking Zombie>: lol r u a beta tester 2?
    playermatthewh1: No.
    playermatthewh1: I highly doubt you've beta tested.
    <The Walking Zombie>: i was
    playermatthewh1: Feel free to make your inventory public.
    <The Walking Zombie>: no
    playermatthewh1: And I'll check your sign up date.
    <The Walking Zombie>: i dnt trust u
    <The Walking Zombie>: i had multiple accounts'
    <The Walking Zombie>: this is the newest
    playermatthewh1: Uh huh.
    playermatthewh1: Sure it is.
    playermatthewh1: I'm sure you'll understand what I'm going to have to do in terms of steamrep.
    <The Walking Zombie>: dude cum on
    playermatthewh1: ...
    playermatthewh1: I might not...
    playermatthewh1: If you give me one good reason not to...
    <The Walking Zombie>: im a friendly trader
    <The Walking Zombie>: im nice
    playermatthewh1: Scamming is hardly friendly...
    <The Walking Zombie>: i have rep..
    <The Walking Zombie>: ur one of the smart ones
    <The Walking Zombie>: i only scam dumb people
    playermatthewh1: That's because only dumb people will fall for it.
    playermatthewh1: Regardless, that's hardly fair to the person.
    <The Walking Zombie>: im sorry dude :/
    playermatthewh1: You're sorry...
    <The Walking Zombie>: hmm :/
    playermatthewh1: I'm going to have to report this and please don't do attempt to do this again.
    <The Walking Zombie>: plz dnt
    <The Walking Zombie>: ill never do it again 

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2016
  2. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report, an admin will investigate shortly.

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  3. Aesop

    Aesop New User

    This Guy tried to Scam me too,Later we crabbed and he ran, I will start My forum on that later. this guy needs to stop.
  4. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for filing a report, the accused user has been banned.