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Pending Report: 76561198216401148 - ([DOTA2] Dota2 Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by Shketri, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Shketri

    Shketri New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Accomplice] Alternate account of hijacker or scammer
    Virtual item type involved: [DOTA2] Dota2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198216401148

    Victim profile: 76561198011478828

    What happened? Description:
    Well, ive been scammed for my Demon Eater arcana for shadow fiend. The accused added me for trade and offered me 2 of his Terrorblade arcanas, but he wanted me to give the arcana to a friend of mine first so he can see that the arcana doesnt dissapear, becuase he said there are scams where items can dissapear after trade. I agreed, he should have added my friend to a group chat but instead he added someone else with the same name and profile picture like my friend's. Ive traded with that person not knowing its not friend. Ive traded with that person from the group chat, not even knowing that you can trade with people that are not in your friend list ( if using the group chat ). After the trade was done both the acused and the profile that looked like my friend removed me from their friend lists and blocked me.

    Pictures named SCAM11.png - SCAM22.png are the pictures of our chat (including the group chat with the other person). TRADEHISTORY.png is the picture of the trade history showing the item i gave to the other scammer. Pictures BLOCK1.png and BLOCK2.png are the pictures of me trying to add them to friend list. Picture MYFRIEND.png is the picture of my real friend's profile.
    I couldnt send the whole chat because i can upload 15 pictures max so ive picked the most important parts.
    I hope this report does the most damage possible to the scammer and prevents other people from making the same mistake as i did.
    Thanks in advance, Shketri​

    Provide Evidence:
    Pictures named SCAM11.png - SCAM22.png are the pictures of our chat (including the group chat with the other person). TRADEHISTORY.png is the picture of the trade history showing the item i gave to the other scammer. Pictures BLOCK1.png and BLOCK2.png are the pictures of me trying to add them to friend list. Picture MYFRIEND.png is the picture of my real friend's profile.
    I couldnt send the whole chat because i can upload 15 pictures max so ive picked the most important parts.​

    Attached Files:


    DONT TRY TO SCAM ME!!! New User

    please banned this account he is scamer and copy my profile and picture
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Account is already banned if you took the time to look. Reports are worked on as we can get to them.