1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided Report: 76561198106839086/ - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by ツWrobbleツ, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. ツWrobbleツ

    ツWrobbleツ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198106839086

    Victim profile: 76561197989754400

    What happened? Description:
    The guy added me, had an offer that seemed way too good to be true. He listed some 'steamrep official admin or reddit csgo admin' for our safety, claiming my items might 'bugged'. He then sent me a link to a 'Jessica' which is a steam rep middleman, but he linked me to an impersonator​

    Provide Evidence:
    This is our conversation.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    7:37 PM - ツWrobbleツ: hello
    7:37 PM - Kud Wafu: still trading your knife?
    7:37 PM - ツWrobbleツ: no I traded it earlier, sorry, I have a Karambit Boreal Forest BS now
    7:38 PM - ツWrobbleツ: If you are interested in that I am always down for trading
    7:38 PM - Kud Wafu: ok bye
    7:38 PM - ツWrobbleツ: aight, GL trading dude
    7:39 PM - Kud Wafu: i have good offers but ok bye
    7:39 PM - ツWrobbleツ: ? you are interested in my karambit?
    7:39 PM - Kud Wafu: yes in some skins
    7:39 PM - ツWrobbleツ: ok, lets talk then :) you said 'ok bye' so I thought you didn't want to trade anymore
    7:40 PM - Kud Wafu: lol hahah check my storage acct first
    7:40 PM - Kud Wafu: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GenocYda/inventory/
    7:40 PM - Kud Wafu: here
    7:40 PM - ツWrobbleツ: jesus, wish I had a storage account https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/steammocking
    7:41 PM - Kud Wafu: lol
    7:41 PM - Kud Wafu: so?
    7:41 PM - ツWrobbleツ: well, there is obviously things in there I want :) lol
    7:41 PM - Kud Wafu: ok try
    7:43 PM - ツWrobbleツ: I like Flip slaughter, any tiger tooths, dopplers
    7:44 PM - Kud Wafu: just pick one lol
    7:44 PM - ツWrobbleツ: but I feel like I dont have much to offer
    7:44 PM - Kud Wafu: lets try
    7:45 PM - ツWrobbleツ: Flip Tiger Tooth
    7:45 PM - Kud Wafu: but add the redline and zebra
    7:46 PM - ツWrobbleツ: I could do that
    7:46 PM - Kud Wafu: so deal?
    7:46 PM - ツWrobbleツ: I like my navi stickers, but I like the knife more lol
    7:46 PM - Kud Wafu: hahaha so deal??
    7:46 PM - Kud Wafu: rigght??
    7:46 PM - ツWrobbleツ: yeah
    7:46 PM - Kud Wafu: ok hold on
    7:47 PM - Kud Wafu: oh wait mate
    7:47 PM - ツWrobbleツ: sup?
    7:47 PM - Kud Wafu: can i ask?
    7:47 PM - ツWrobbleツ: ask away
    7:48 PM - Kud Wafu: how can i be assure that your stuffs is clean and not bugged?
    7:48 PM - ツWrobbleツ: check my csgo exchange, and you will see that they have been traded
    7:49 PM - Kud Wafu: i just want to assure this mate sorry
    7:49 PM - Kud Wafu: cause i already lost my dlore fn because of that bugged items and now i just want to check if your knife is clean or not ok?
    7:49 PM - ツWrobbleツ: ok
    7:50 PM - Kud Wafu: s that ok for you that we hire from steamrep official admin or reddit csgo admin for our safety
    7:50 PM - ツWrobbleツ: sure, as long as I dont have to pay, assuming it is not free
    7:51 PM - Kud Wafu: yeah im the to pay
    7:51 PM - Kud Wafu: no worries
    7:51 PM - Kud Wafu: wait
    7:52 PM - Kud Wafu: http://steamcommunity.com/id/_Someone_/ ., http://steamcommunity.com/id/IPenguinePrincee/ ., http://steamcommunity.com/id/EastLight/ http://steamcommunity.com/id/steamvalveadmin_Jessica/
    7:52 PM - Kud Wafu: so here are the list of the admin from the steam community ., we can add them and well wait if whoever accepts us we can ask for their service is it okay ?
    7:52 PM - Kud Wafu: help me to add them all mate
    7:52 PM - Kud Wafu: tnx
    7:53 PM - Kud Wafu: im done adding them
    7:54 PM - Kud Wafu: hwo about you?
    7:53 PM - ツWrobbleツ: working on it
    7:54 PM - Kud Wafu: ok
    7:55 PM - Kud Wafu: mate one admin already accepted me
    7:55 PM - ツWrobbleツ: which one?
    7:56 PM - Kud Wafu: http://steamcommunity.com/id/steamvalveadmin_Jessica/
    7:56 PM - Kud Wafu: that one jessica
    7:56 PM - ツWrobbleツ: dude, are you seriously trying to scam me?
    7:57 PM - Kud Wafu: what??
    7:57 PM - Kud Wafu: are youi crazy??
    7:57 PM - ツWrobbleツ: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TTYOG/ is the proper Jessica
    7:57 PM - ツWrobbleツ: the one you just linked me is banned on steam rep for inpersonation with intent to defraud
    7:58 PM - ツWrobbleツ: http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/11230-76561198111900842-jessica-13-year-old-girl.html is the proof
    7:59 PM - ツWrobbleツ: I dont want to have to report you too, unless this was a simple mistake
    8:00 PM - ツWrobbleツ: dude?​

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2016
  2. Ekpilot

    Ekpilot New User

    The same thing happened to me too
    Ekpilot: hello
    Kud Wafu: hi
    Kud Wafu: srtill trading your knife?
    Ekpilot: yes
    Kud Wafu: ok what do you want for your knife??
    Ekpilot: what are you offering
    Kud Wafu: check my storage acct
    Kud Wafu: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GenocYda/inventory/
    Kud Wafu: here
    Kud Wafu: did you see it?
    Ekpilot: Im seeing it
    Kud Wafu: so what you want?
    Ekpilot: your m9 bayonet
    Kud Wafu: add your all keys and skin sand were deal
    Ekpilot: the keys are on cool down =(
    Ekpilot: Do i find a cheaper one?
    Kud Wafu: hm okj
    Kud Wafu: can you trade it if its ok to trade?
    Kud Wafu: but now we trade knife only
    Kud Wafu: deal??
    Ekpilot: deal
    Kud Wafu: hold on
    Kud Wafu: hey wait
    Kud Wafu: can i ask?
    Ekpilot: yeh
    Kud Wafu: how can i be assure that your knife is clean and not bugged?
    Ekpilot: Its a traded one
    Kud Wafu: i just want to assure this mate sorry
    Ekpilot: I will send you screen shots
    Kud Wafu: cause i already lost my dlore fn because of that bugged items and now i just want to check if your knife is clean or not ok?
    Kud Wafu: it cant help us to know if its bugged or not
    Kud Wafu: your not aware of bugged items?
    Ekpilot: nope
    Ekpilot: http://prntscr.com/ak6e6p
    Kud Wafu: those are items that disappear after trading session mate
    Kud Wafu: that why im afraid to get bugged
    Ekpilot: oh here is my flip knife doppler in the guy that I traded with inventory
    Ekpilot: http://prntscr.com/ak6ecm
    Ekpilot: His name is StenZ1
    Ekpilot: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084119978/inventory/
    Kud Wafu: hm sorry dude
    Kud Wafu: s that ok for you that we hire from steamrep official admin or reddit csgo admin for our safety
    Kud Wafu: i just want assurance here
    Kud Wafu: do you understsand me?
    Ekpilot: K get one I guess
    Kud Wafu: ok can you help me to pay?
    Ekpilot: no...
    Kud Wafu: ok
    Kud Wafu: im the one to pay
    Kud Wafu: all good?
    Kud Wafu: http://steamcommunity.com/id/_Someone_/ ., http://steamcommunity.com/id/IPenguinePrincee/ ., http://steamcommunity.com/id/EastLight/ http://steamcommunity.com/id/steamvalveadmin_Jessica/
    Kud Wafu: so here are the list of the admin from the steam community ., we can add them and well wait if whoever accepts us we can ask for their service is it okay ?
    Ekpilot: k
    Kud Wafu: im adding them
    Kud Wafu: help me please
    Kud Wafu: done
    Ekpilot: who did u add
    Kud Wafu: all of them
    Kud Wafu: oh i receive one
    Kud Wafu: http://steamcommunity.com/id/steamvalveadmin_Jessica/
    Kud Wafu: this admin accepted me
    Kud Wafu: maybe we can hire her
    Ekpilot: I went on steam rep Apparently she is a fraud....
    Kud Wafu: what you mean
    Kud Wafu: hm i have her service last week and its good
    Kud Wafu: maybe because of many impersonators
    Ekpilot: this is what I mean http://prntscr.com/ak6fs8
    Ekpilot: I gave you enough info
    Kud Wafu: i dont know
    Kud Wafu: but we can ask her what happen
    Ekpilot: also how do I know you and your storage account have same happen
    Ekpilot: Look down Additional Info from Administrators

    1. Impersonation with intent to defraud: http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threa...l.html

    Alts: 76561198182864886
    Kud Wafu: ha??
    Ekpilot: Its on her steam rep page
    Ekpilot: from the admins you are looking for
    Ekpilot: ....
    Kud Wafu: hm i dont know mate
    Ekpilot: this is her actuall account
    Kud Wafu: i just want to ask help thats all
    Ekpilot: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046493175
    Ekpilot: her friend list is full you can't add her
    Kud Wafu: f✿✿✿ i dont understad this
    Kud Wafu: :(
    Ekpilot: just send the trade offe
    Kud Wafu: i will cancel this
    Kud Wafu: im afraid
    Ekpilot: No one need this kinda of Bull
    Kud Wafu: no srry
    Ekpilot: your just trying to scam me
    Ekpilot: but i was too smart for you
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    | steamname: Kud Wafu
    | steam3ID: [U:1:29488672]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:14744336
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989754400
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GenocYda
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197989754400

    | steamname: Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl)
    | steam3ID: [U:1:151635114]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:75817557
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198111900842
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/steamvalveadmin_Jessica
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198111900842

    Do you have the rest of the chat in screen shot format? What you provided I'll accept but I'd really like to have the rest of it.
  4. ツWrobbleツ

    ツWrobbleツ New User

    I didnt think of screen shotting the chat, I saved a copy and paste of it into my word document if that is better, but I guess you are worried it has been tampered with... Sorry, Ill try and remember for next time. Unless there is a chat history I can open up
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I'm going to push this to review as I believe what you provided should do just would have liked to have had the rest.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  6. ツWrobbleツ

    ツWrobbleツ New User

    Alright, I will keep that in mind for next time
  7. Malfunction Hornrage

    Malfunction Hornrage New User

    Do you want me to report this guy? I know his facebook and everything about him
  8. Malfunction Hornrage

    Malfunction Hornrage New User

    Your steam url is wrong because that is the real admin here try this out
  9. Malfunction Hornrage

    Malfunction Hornrage New User

  10. Malfunction Hornrage

    Malfunction Hornrage New User

    Screenshot_2016-03-27-16-16-29.png Screenshot_2016-03-27-16-16-58.png

    Attached Files: