1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided Report: 76561198148739999 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by ツWrobbleツ, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. ツWrobbleツ

    ツWrobbleツ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198148739999

    Victim profile: 76561198104481130

    What happened? Description:
    The accused randomly added me, assuming from CSGOLounge. Obviously has an offer too good to be true, and tried to get me to give my items to 'an inspector from Valve'. He added him to a group chat on Steam.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Friday, March 18, 2016
    5:23 PM - ツWrobbleツ: hey, yes I am still trading it
    Saturday, April 02, 2016
    7:11 AM - marty mcfly: hello
    7:13 AM - marty mcfly: what can i do for you ?
    7:14 AM - ツWrobbleツ: hey
    7:15 AM - ツWrobbleツ: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/159098512/?l=english&o_url=Wrobble

    7:14 AM - marty mcfly: are you still trading?
    7:15 AM - ツWrobbleツ: are you interested in that?
    7:15 AM - ツWrobbleツ: the stickers are worth a ton
    7:15 AM - marty mcfly: whats that?
    7:15 AM - marty mcfly: i dont see anything :(
    7:15 AM - marty mcfly: do you have any c/o?
    7:16 AM - ツWrobbleツ: p250 Steel Disruption FN with these Stickers: Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | Katowice 2014, HellRaisers (Holo) | Katowice 2014
    7:16 AM - marty mcfly: i dont see dude
    7:17 AM - ツWrobbleツ: HR Sticker is worth 127 keys and the NiP sticker is worth 56
    7:17 AM - marty mcfly: do you have any knife?
    7:17 AM - ツWrobbleツ: I have a Karambit Boreal Forest BS
    7:17 AM - marty mcfly: okay
    7:17 AM - marty mcfly: so you want to trade or not?
    7:17 AM - marty mcfly: knife for knife?
    7:18 AM - ツWrobbleツ: what knife were you thinking?
    7:18 AM - marty mcfly: your Karambit | Boreal Forest right?
    7:18 AM - marty mcfly: wait sec
    7:18 AM - marty mcfly: check my vault http://steamcommunity.com/id/youreallymadbro/inventory/
    7:19 AM - marty mcfly: so you can see all my sthuffs here
    7:19 AM - marty mcfly: okay?
    7:19 AM - marty mcfly: then send me the name of knife do you want me to trade for your knife
    7:19 AM - marty mcfly: okay with you?
    7:20 AM - ツWrobbleツ: I would like the Flip Tiger Tooth
    7:20 AM - ツWrobbleツ: but I doubt you would 1:1 that
    7:20 AM - marty mcfly: oh so expensive
    7:20 AM - marty mcfly: wait im thinking right now
    7:21 AM - marty mcfly: this one?
    7:21 AM - marty mcfly: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/5533009661/?l=english&o_url=youreallymadbro

    7:21 AM - marty mcfly: are you still there?
    7:22 AM - ツWrobbleツ: yeah, that one
    7:22 AM - marty mcfly: okay can we proceed now?
    7:22 AM - ツWrobbleツ: sure
    7:22 AM - marty mcfly: wait sec
    7:23 AM - ツWrobbleツ: ?
    7:25 AM - marty mcfly: okay just give me your trade url so i can use my storage account to steam offer you
    7:25 AM - ツWrobbleツ: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=144215402&token=TKcn80RH
    7:26 AM - marty mcfly: okay wait for a while , i am going to steam offer you
    7:26 AM - marty mcfly: But wait im a little bit confused while i am sending you the offer i saw a discussions that about in duped item disappear after the trade.
    7:27 AM - ツWrobbleツ: ?
    7:27 AM - marty mcfly: I just want to make sure that your knife is not unclean
    7:28 AM - marty mcfly: okay?
    7:28 AM - ツWrobbleツ: csgo.exchange/item/337556955 is the item, it has been traded 11 times before it got to me
    7:28 AM - marty mcfly: It means after we trade it will disappear on our inventory because of some glitched items or dupped which means bugg items that comes from bad/stolen that will results both of us to Trade banned Permanently. So I dont want to get trade banned.
    7:28 AM - marty mcfly: what do you mean
    7:28 AM - marty mcfly: ?
    7:29 AM - marty mcfly: i just want to make sure our deal safety
    7:29 AM - ツWrobbleツ: if you open csgo.exchange/item/337556955 that is my knife
    7:29 AM - ツWrobbleツ: how?
    7:30 AM - marty mcfly: okay if we ask one of the steam inspector to inspect our both knife here,
    7:31 AM - marty mcfly: okay with you?
    7:31 AM - ツWrobbleツ: whats a steam inspector?
    7:32 AM - marty mcfly: is to inspect our both knives here if have a problem or bugged items etch.
    7:32 AM - marty mcfly: okay?
    7:32 AM - ツWrobbleツ: you mean like a middleman?
    7:33 AM - marty mcfly: not is a inspector from Valve imployee
    7:33 AM - ツWrobbleツ: ok
    7:34 AM - marty mcfly: okay wait a sec i see who's online now
    7:34 AM - marty mcfly: okay?
    7:34 AM - ツWrobbleツ: k
    7:34 AM - marty mcfly: just a sec
    7:34 AM - marty mcfly: dude?
    7:35 AM - marty mcfly: i got one now
    7:35 AM - ツWrobbleツ: ok
    7:35 AM - marty mcfly: okay can i invite him now into the group chat?
    7:36 AM - ツWrobbleツ: sure
    7:36 AM - marty mcfly: okay wait a sec
    Saturday, April 02, 2016
    7:37 AM - Your chat with marty mcfly is now a multi-user chat.
    7:37 AM - Zoid entered chat.
    7:37 AM - Zoid: Hello traders.
    7:37 AM - Zoid: How may i help you both here ?
    7:37 AM - marty mcfly: hi sir
    7:38 AM - marty mcfly: can you help me here sir?
    7:38 AM - marty mcfly: we need you as assistance to check our both items if its clean or not from bug items
    7:38 AM - Zoid: Okay surething,
    7:38 AM - marty mcfly: could you help us ?
    7:38 AM - Zoid: So what's deal all about ?
    7:39 AM - marty mcfly: i want to trade my Flip Knife | Tiger Tooth to his Karambit | Boreal Forest
    7:39 AM - marty mcfly: right dude?
    7:39 AM - marty mcfly: but can you please inspect it first sir?
    7:40 AM - ツWrobbleツ: yeah thats the trade
    7:40 AM - Zoid: Okay so i guess both traders already discuss about this trade ?
    7:40 AM - ツWrobbleツ: yeah
    7:40 AM - marty mcfly: yes sir please
    7:41 AM - Zoid: By the way i want both of you to know that i am recording this transaction for evidences/safety purposes by the admins rules. Understood traders?
    7:41 AM - ツWrobbleツ: k
    7:41 AM - marty mcfly: okay sir thanks
    7:41 AM - Zoid: I will inspect and trace the history of each of it. After i confirmed it is clean and safe. I will crosstrade it to you as well. Are we clear? Both traders understood?
    7:41 AM - marty mcfly: okay sir
    7:41 AM - marty mcfly: understood sir
    7:41 AM - Zoid: By the way i want both of you to know that im here to assist your deal for 10minnutes because i have a lot of CLIENTS to supervise.
    7:42 AM - Zoid: So both traders ready to Proceed now ?
    7:42 AM - marty mcfly: okay sir
    7:42 AM - marty mcfly: yes sir
    7:42 AM - Zoid: How about you Mr.Wrobble ?
    7:42 AM - ツWrobbleツ: one second
    7:43 AM - Zoid: Is there any Problem Mr.Worrble ?
    7:44 AM - ツWrobbleツ: yes there is
    7:44 AM - ツWrobbleツ: you are steamrep banned
    7:44 AM - ツWrobbleツ: and this is a scam
    7:44 AM - Zoid: Excuse me ?
    7:45 AM - ツWrobbleツ: http://steamrep.com/search?q=76561198168194915/
    7:45 AM - ツWrobbleツ: you are steamrep banned
    7:45 AM - Zoid: I am not going to ruin my reputation and also ruin the Steamreddit's reputation by stealing your items, and I will see to it that both of you will receive your items back after I check whether your items are safe to trade.Understood ?
    7:45 AM - ツWrobbleツ: Impersonation of Steam Staff with intent to defraud and Scam Attempt
    7:45 AM - Zoid: I am going to check both of your items using the admin item bug identifier using this account of mine which has admin privilege's to steam and valve's documented information about your items.
    7:46 AM - Zoid: This is a recorded transaction. Any scam attempts in here will result to trade ban permanently and will be tracked by using your ip address , You can also record this or save screenshots Traders
    7:47 AM - marty mcfly: so what now sir ?
    7:47 AM - Zoid: So Mr.Worbble are you willing to trade , then to check it first ?
    7:48 AM - ツWrobbleツ: you will both be reported to steamrep, as Zoid is already banned for fraudulent activities, marty you will also be banned
    7:48 AM - marty mcfly: huh?
    7:48 AM - marty mcfly: why?
    7:48 AM - Zoid: Don't worry trader , you can rely on me here.
    7:48 AM - ツWrobbleツ: and after steamrep accepts all of my evidence, I will also report you both to valve for fraud and scamming
    7:48 AM - Zoid: Im here to assist your deal safe and clean
    7:48 AM - Zoid: Okay ??
    7:48 AM - marty mcfly: okay sir thaks
    7:49 AM - Zoid: So Mr.Worrble do you want to cancel this trade ?

    This is our chat history, I took screenshots as well​

    Attached Files:

  2. ツWrobbleツ

    ツWrobbleツ New User

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks for report - moving to review.
  4. ツWrobbleツ

    ツWrobbleツ New User

    is there anything else I could provide? I still have the chat and profiles up, as I was blocked and deleted.