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Accepted Report: 76561198059537616 (RyanQ)(Impersonator)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by D'andèr, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. D'andèr

    D'andèr New User

    steamID: D'andèr
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:34202447
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028670622
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198028670622

    steamID: RyanQ
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49635944
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059537616
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198059537616

    Impersonating this guy:
    steamID: RyanQ
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30518882
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021303492
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RyanQ
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198021303492

    Chat: http://i.imgur.com/2M8bX.png

    Description: Added me to buy my buds for cash. Had zero playtime in tf2, so i already knew what to expect...

    I suspect this to be his main account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989714821
    because to the time RyanQ added me, he had 1 guy in his friendslist, BlueberryBud.
    BlueberryBud (Empty account with no games) had 2 guys in his friendslist, RyanQ and Trinitas.boomie.
    He probably wanted to be safe and made 2 alts and added those 2 friends on his RyanQ alt to protect his main account.

    RyanQ's friendslist: http://i.imgur.com/iv49W.png
    BlueBerryBud's friendslist: http://imgur.com/Zyln2
  2. D'andèr

    D'andèr New User

    EDIT: Yay, i still had my browser open with fake-RyanQ's profile before he talked to me:
    As you can see, he only had BlueBerryBud in his friendslist.
  3. Trinitas.boomie

    Trinitas.boomie New User

    lunedì 27 febbraio 2012
    22:41 - Trinitas.boomie: hiii
    22:41 - D'andèr: Hey there.
    22:42 - D'andèr: Still want to buy my buds?
    22:42 - D'andèr: lol
    22:42 - Trinitas.boomie: ? for
    22:42 - D'andèr: Oh, i think you already know the price - you added me on your alt account.
    22:42 - D'andèr: RyanQ.
    22:43 - Trinitas.boomie: lolol i don't have another account
    22:43 - Trinitas.boomie: give me the link of the other pls
    22:43 - D'andèr: Do you know a guy called BlueberryBud?
    22:43 - D'andèr: I bet you do.
    22:43 - D'andèr: Your second alt, right?
    22:44 - Trinitas.boomie: what alt means?
    22:44 - D'andèr: Alternative accounts.
    22:44 - Trinitas.boomie: lol no sorry
    22:44 - Trinitas.boomie: give me the link of that account pls
    22:44 - Trinitas.boomie: i'm corious
    22:45 - D'andèr: Don't try to talk you out of that now, i already reported you and your 2 alts on Steamrep ;)
    22:45 - D'andèr: Obvious ;)
    22:45 - D'andèr: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198059537616-ryanq.1117/
    22:45 - Trinitas.boomie: ahahah chick the ip joined there b✿✿✿✿ or my bakpack history i don't have another account
    22:46 - Trinitas.boomie: oh lol
    22:46 - Trinitas.boomie: you reported ryan
    22:46 - Trinitas.boomie: that's ok i don't know who is he
    22:47 - Trinitas.boomie: i thought you reported me
    22:47 - Trinitas.boomie: aha
    22:47 - Trinitas.boomie: hah
    22:47 - D'andèr: Read the report to the end.
    22:47 - Trinitas.boomie: i thought you wanted essential i'm selling
    22:48 - Trinitas.boomie: oh yes but i'm not bluberrybud did you noticed?
    22:48 - Trinitas.boomie: check the date i joined steam
    22:48 - D'andèr: Lol, it's so obvious, i knew that fake-RyanQ was a alt account, for scamming, cause he had zero playtime in tf2. He had 1 friend in his friendslist. -> BlueberryBud. BlueberryBud, another empty account had 2 friends. -> you and RyanQ ;)
    22:48 - Trinitas.boomie: his from 2012
    22:49 - Trinitas.boomie: hey man look at my friendlist
    22:49 - Trinitas.boomie: do you think i know all the people there?
    22:49 - Trinitas.boomie: i even add you
    22:49 - Trinitas.boomie: ahah
    22:49 - Trinitas.boomie: for what i know you can be a scammer
    22:49 - Trinitas.boomie: i trade bill
    22:50 - D'andèr: Plus your writestyle is exactly the same as fake-RyanQ's ;)
    22:50 - D'andèr: ahaha Spam
    22:50 - D'andèr: So funny :D
    22:50 - Trinitas.boomie: ok do what you want
    22:50 - D'andèr: Well, let the admins decide
    22:50 - Trinitas.boomie: i'm not him
    22:50 - Trinitas.boomie: don't give a f✿✿✿
    22:50 - Trinitas.boomie: you will win your war
    22:50 - Trinitas.boomie: ask my friend if i'm a scammer
    22:50 - Trinitas.boomie: i've a lot
    22:50 - D'andèr: 2000+ hours in tf2 and still stupid as f✿✿✿ .
    22:51 - Trinitas.boomie: they can't be all scammer
    22:51 - D'andèr: :D
    22:51 - Trinitas.boomie: you suck c✿✿k stupid detective
    22:51 - D'andèr: Gotya :p
    22:52 - D'andèr: Sooo, was that your first try or did you already scam somebody with another alt?
    22:54 - Trinitas.boomie: hey man.... i'm not that guy think what you want. if there a prove i can do to dimostrate that tell me and i'll do it
    22:54 - D'andèr: You're him ;)
    22:55 - Trinitas.boomie: ok
    22:56 - D'andèr: Wow, did you scam all those bills?
    22:57 - Trinitas.boomie: no check trade history
    22:57 - Trinitas.boomie: do a scammer has inventory public?
  4. Trinitas.boomie

    Trinitas.boomie New User

    22:58 - D'andèr: Yes, but he doesn's risk his main account to scam. He makes some alts :p
    22:58 - Trinitas.boomie: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198059537616-ryanq.1117/
    22:58 - Trinitas.boomie: i answer
    22:58 - Trinitas.boomie: good luck whit your report
    22:58 - D'andèr: Thanks mate, i would have posted this chat anyways.
    22:58 - Trinitas.boomie: better people know
    22:58 - D'andèr: Less work for me ;)
    22:59 - Trinitas.boomie: why are you so convinced?
    22:59 - D'andèr: Cause it's so obvious.
    22:59 - Trinitas.boomie: don't you think a smart scammer can do not add his scamm account?
    23:00 - Trinitas.boomie: and maybe add pepople to scam?
    23:00 - Trinitas.boomie: anyways he never talk with me
    23:00 - Trinitas.boomie: so dunno
    23:00 - D'andèr: Yeahh, i think we're done here. Let the admins decide.
    23:00 - D'andèr: Tired of this s✿✿✿.
    23:01 - Trinitas.boomie: me too bye
    23:01 - Trinitas.boomie: see ya
    D'andèr is now Offline.
  5. Trinitas.boomie

    Trinitas.boomie New User

    i would have the coversation with ryanQ's, you know, for the same writestyle
  6. Trinitas.boomie

    Trinitas.boomie New User

    oh lol there is....yes that's right the same write style conversation
  7. D'andèr

    D'andèr New User

    Hmm... But fake Ryan was last online 1 hour ago.
  8. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marked him and his alts. Thank you for the report. :)