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If you're going to shark, shark properly.

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by Yours Truly, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. Yours Truly

    Yours Truly New User

  2. kemoli

    kemoli New User

    404 Error- Page not found.

    The directory you requested, "Shark_", was not found on this server.
  3. Yours Truly

    Yours Truly New User

    He wanted my beams kabuto btw.

    2:22 AM - Yours Truly: Hey?
    2:22 AM - BlazingWater: hey can i do a key for ur unusual
    2:22 AM - Yours Truly: What key?
    2:22 AM - Yours Truly: What unusual?
    2:22 AM - BlazingWater: idk
    2:23 AM - BlazingWater: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040747359/inventory/#440_2_1113471764
    2:23 AM - BlazingWater: ur kabuto
    2:23 AM - Yours Truly: ?
    2:23 AM - BlazingWater: ur have a unusual kabuto ill give u a ticket for it
    2:24 AM - Yours Truly: what ticket?
    2:24 AM - BlazingWater: tour
    2:24 AM - Yours Truly: i got 3
    2:24 AM - Yours Truly: i dont need
    2:24 AM - BlazingWater: ill give u my whole bp
    2:24 AM - BlazingWater: ??
    2:24 AM - Yours Truly: but your bp is a piece of crap
    2:24 AM - Yours Truly: why do i need it?
    2:25 AM - BlazingWater: i have about 4-5 keys of items
    2:26 AM - Yours Truly: But i dont want keys
    2:26 AM - Yours Truly: why would i trade you?
    2:26 AM - BlazingWater: want u want?
    2:27 AM - BlazingWater: ????
    2:27 AM - Yours Truly: what do you want?
    2:27 AM - BlazingWater: unusual
    2:27 AM - Yours Truly: cool
    2:30 AM - BlazingWater: so what can i trade u for it?
    2:30 AM - Yours Truly: what can you offer?
    2:30 AM - Yours Truly: i dont want your stuff
    2:30 AM - Yours Truly: atm
    2:31 AM - BlazingWater: what do u want ill try to get it for u
    2:31 AM - BlazingWater: ??
    2:32 AM - BlazingWater: 1?!?!??!!??!
    2:33 AM - Yours Truly: A cookie?
    2:33 AM - Yours Truly: im hungry
    2:34 AM - BlazingWater: o.o
    2:34 AM - BlazingWater: REAL INGAME ITEMS!?
    2:37 AM - Yours Truly: What about a scorching team captain?
    2:37 AM - BlazingWater: they arent even CLOSE to being worth the same
    2:37 AM - Yours Truly: Oh so you know the price of unusual
    2:37 AM - Yours Truly: ?
    2:37 AM - Yours Truly: How much is mine?
    2:37 AM - BlazingWater: yea
    2:38 AM - BlazingWater: not that much id say 2.5 buds
    2:38 AM - Yours Truly: Whats a bud?
    2:38 AM - BlazingWater: >.>
    2:42 AM - Yours Truly: How come you offer me 4-5 keys
    2:43 AM - Yours Truly: you said mine is worth 2.5 buds
    2:43 AM - Yours Truly: or something
  4. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User


    A goldfish perhaps, and most certainly floundering.
  5. SiickNastikillr

    SiickNastikillr New User

    OMG, man, I found this legit site, tf2items.com, and it shows all these people with unusuals! I also had this great idea....why don't I add people, and offer them items way under the hat's worth to make a profit! Original, right?
    Dronefly and Yours Truly like this.
  6. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    SHHHH... dont spill the secrets mate. Next thing you know there will be such a demand for it that someone will write some sort of utility to do this and charge real world money for it. shhhh.....
  7. Champelliot

    Champelliot New User

    I'm not sure whether to be delighted that the more unscrupulous members of our communities are absolute morons, or disgusted that members of our community are absolute morons.
    Either way, I always pray to be added by people like this, hilarity almost always ensues.
  8. a tasty serving of

    a tasty serving of New User

    I seem to be a magnet for them, want me to send them over to you? :D As someone intrigued by psychology, I always like to try to find out what is going through their minds. I have found that many of them are just tweens. Some know what they're doing, some just assume that since its a good deal for them that you're supposed to be like their mommy and just give them stuff that they want. It's like they lack a basic theory of mind.

    The kid ones are usually fun as they're usually more obvious and sometimes I feel like I've imparted just a lil critical thinking in them. The professional scammers, the ones with alts, scammer friends and other methods of ripping you off are the ones that are irritating. They usually try whatever it takes to take advantage of any vulnerability. They prey on inexperienced traders and are usually combative with the admins. Oh and when they have something for sale, they will always spam the crap out of a server or wherever they are....so eh.
  9. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    ^^ This.

    The "pros".. well kiss your s✿✿✿ goodbye, best you can hope is they get tagged. The "kids" on the other hand, in most cases I am able to retrieve the pilfered items and get them back to the owner, amazing how the little buggers quake in fear when they realize they won't have any servers left they can use.

    What is really sad however, are the "victims", they fall for the same s✿✿✿ day in day out, and in almost all cases it is due to not taking 2 minutes to perform basic checks or at bare minimum get advice from a trusted source.
  10. Mk.Ultra Mullet LagLord

    Mk.Ultra Mullet LagLord New User

    agreed, Some of the more unsavory characters in the community are not exactly the brightest. One guy who we've recently reported for quick swap scamming keeps on trying to scam people and I've left a post on his now banned "under investigation" account directing people to add their evidence to the report comments, you'd think he'd try to lie low for a while instead of building up more heat on himself. no there's almost a dozen posts and 9 screen caps of him attempting (and in one case succeeding) quick swap scamming, he even re-added someone he tried to scam before without noticing hehehe .
    most scammers/sharks dumb this one very much so.
  11. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    let those also report to valve, then the account will be shut.
  12. The Sandvich Delivery Guy

    The Sandvich Delivery Guy New User

    PFffff, tis' a new level of stupidity. Send that guy to the TF2wh forums, he'll be torn to shreds in 2 seconds flat.