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Accepted 76561197960327984 Calippo

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Brizbrenz, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Brizbrenz

    Brizbrenz New User

    |steamID: Mr. Pokerface
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50693737
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061653202
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IamProDotA2
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061653202

    |steamID: Calippo
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:31128
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960327984
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197960327984

    No screenshots available at present

    Description: Mr. Pokerface a member over at steamtrades created a topic to make this scammer known. The scammer offered paypal for 10 x Dota 2 tradables he convinced Mr. Pokerface to go first by providing a fake sourceop link. Mr. Pokerface didn't realize the slight spelling changes in the web domain and put trust in the user.

    Link to transcript from chat and additional details: http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/Mt...vermind-just-read-this-f✿✿✿ed-up-conversation

    Copy and paste of transcript:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Friday, October 05, 2012
    6:15 PM - Mr. Pokerface: yes /
    6:15 PM - Calippo: Hello.
    6:15 PM - Mr. Pokerface: how can i help you ?
    6:15 PM - Calippo: You accept paypal payment?
    6:15 PM - Mr. Pokerface: how much ?
    6:16 PM - Calippo: I need DOTA2 TRADEABLE.
    6:16 PM - Mr. Pokerface: how many you need ?
    6:16 PM - Calippo: 10.
    6:16 PM - Mr. Pokerface: all 10
    6:16 PM - Calippo: Do u have 10?
    6:16 PM - Calippo: How many do u have.
    6:16 PM - Mr. Pokerface: yah
    6:16 PM - Mr. Pokerface: i have 10
    6:16 PM - Mr. Pokerface: :)
    6:16 PM - Calippo: You have paypal?
    6:16 PM - Calippo: How much do u want for them all.
    6:16 PM - Mr. Pokerface: i have paypal.
    6:17 PM - Mr. Pokerface: 100$ because i sell each for 10$
    6:17 PM - Calippo: Ok whats ur paypal?
    6:17 PM - Mr. Pokerface: [email protected]
    6:17 PM - Calippo: Ok
    6:17 PM - Calippo: Who go first?
    6:17 PM - Mr. Pokerface: hmm.. you.
    6:17 PM - Mr. Pokerface: then i trade
    6:17 PM - Calippo: oh
    6:17 PM - Calippo: how much rep u have?
    6:18 PM - Mr. Pokerface: look my profile
    6:18 PM - Calippo: I have
    6:18 PM - Calippo: http://www.sourecop.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=108180&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
    6:18 PM - Calippo: 24 page
    6:18 PM - Calippo: ...
    6:18 PM - Calippo: ?
    6:18 PM - Calippo: Can u go first? I have 24 page rep on
    6:19 PM - Calippo: i dont like people comment on my steam wall
    6:19 PM - Calippo: haha
    6:19 PM - Mr. Pokerface: i dont know. :(
    6:19 PM - Calippo: ??
    6:19 PM - Calippo: Check lol
    6:19 PM - Mr. Pokerface: who go first
    6:19 PM - Calippo: I have over 24 pages
    6:19 PM - Calippo: did u check?
    6:19 PM - Mr. Pokerface: yah
    6:19 PM - Mr. Pokerface: i also want to have that sourceop
    6:20 PM - Calippo: its really good
    6:20 PM - Calippo: so can u go first?
    6:20 PM - Calippo: then i send u
    6:20 PM - Calippo: $100
    6:20 PM - Calippo: to
    6:20 PM - Calippo: ur paypal
    6:20 PM - Calippo: we both high traders with HIGH rep.
    6:20 PM - Calippo: but i am from sourop
    6:20 PM - Mr. Pokerface: wait a sec
    6:20 PM - Calippo: Ok
    6:21 PM - Mr. Pokerface: hmmm
    6:21 PM - Calippo: ?
    6:21 PM - Calippo: I'm not a scammer dude lol
    6:21 PM - Calippo: why i risk for all that?
    6:21 PM - Calippo: 24 page
    6:21 PM - Calippo: zz
    6:22 PM - Calippo: Hello?
    6:23 PM - Calippo: You there?
    6:23 PM - Mr. Pokerface: hmm.. can't tell.
    6:23 PM - Mr. Pokerface: im just scared to be scammed
    6:23 PM - Calippo: -.-...
    6:23 PM - Calippo: go to page 1...
    6:23 PM - Calippo: that is me...
    6:23 PM - Calippo: ....
    6:23 PM - Calippo: Hello, Welcome to my reputation thread.
    1.) Please leave a message on this thread once we have a done a trade.
    2.) Please click the direct links below to my steam account
    3.) I have over 23 pages of sucuessful trades.
    steamID: Calippo
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:31128
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960327984
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Glasses201
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197960327984
    6:23 PM - Calippo: click them
    6:23 PM - Calippo: that is me man
    6:23 PM - Calippo: ...
    6:25 PM - Calippo: hello?
    6:25 PM - Mr. Pokerface: hi. wait.
    6:25 PM - Mr. Pokerface: hmm.. ok.
    6:25 PM - Mr. Pokerface: ill go first
    6:25 PM - Mr. Pokerface: just don't scam.
    6:25 PM - Mr. Pokerface: please
    6:25 PM - Calippo: -.-
    6:25 PM - Calippo: i have
    6:25 PM - Calippo: 24 page
    6:25 PM - Calippo: ...
    6:25 PM - Calippo: why scam over that?
    6:25 PM - Mr. Pokerface: ill go first
    6:25 PM - Mr. Pokerface: ok
    6:25 PM - Calippo: alright
    6:26 PM - Mr. Pokerface: my paypal email again
    6:26 PM - Mr. Pokerface: [email protected]
    6:26 PM - Calippo: Yes
    Calippo has accepted your request to trade.
    6:26 PM - Mr. Pokerface: btw
    6:26 PM - Mr. Pokerface: the other 1 is untradable
    6:26 PM - Mr. Pokerface: wish it's ok to you
    6:27 PM - Calippo: can u gift me that one?
    6:27 PM - Calippo: gift to me that one
    6:27 PM - Mr. Pokerface: gifted
    6:27 PM - Calippo: hey
    6:27 PM - Calippo: u selling another more?
    6:27 PM - Calippo: yes
    6:27 PM - Calippo: $100 x 10 dota
    6:27 PM - Calippo: u selling anything else?
    6:27 PM - Mr. Pokerface: the other
    6:28 PM - Calippo: other?
    6:28 PM - Mr. Pokerface: games i have
    6:28 PM - Calippo: How much for 6:28 PM - Mr. Pokerface: sleeping dogs pre order(RU) not region lock
    6:28 PM - Calippo: How much for all 3?
    6:28 PM - Calippo: Cyrsis 2
    6:28 PM - Calippo: sleeping dog
    6:28 PM - Calippo: terraria?
    6:28 PM - Mr. Pokerface: just don't know yet
    6:28 PM - Calippo: $60?
    6:28 PM - Mr. Pokerface: ill think of that later
    6:28 PM - Calippo: So total $160 paypal
    6:28 PM - Calippo: Ok
    6:28 PM - Calippo: Trade
    6:29 PM - Calippo: Ok sending to ur paypal
    6:29 PM - Mr. Pokerface: should i add rep on sourceop ?
    6:29 PM - Calippo: later
    6:29 PM - Calippo: :)
    6:29 PM - Calippo: ur name is?
    6:29 PM - Calippo: just to make sure on paypal
    6:29 PM - Mr. Pokerface: [email protected]
    6:31 PM - Calippo: Sorry spend all my money already.
    6:32 PM - Calippo: Bye.
    6:32 PM - Mr. Pokerface: huh ?
    6:32 PM - Calippo: I have no money
    6:32 PM - Calippo: Bye.
    6:32 PM - Mr. Pokerface: what
    6:32 PM - Mr. Pokerface: my dota's
    6:32 PM - Calippo: I am ppor
    6:32 PM - Calippo: poor
    6:32 PM - Mr. Pokerface: oh man.
    6:32 PM - Mr. Pokerface: i dont want this kind of jokes
    6:32 PM - Calippo: haha jks sending u now man
    6:32 PM - Calippo: relax.
    Calippo is now Offline.
  2. Brizbrenz

    Brizbrenz New User

    Screenshots from Mr. Pokerface:

  3. IamProDotA2

    IamProDotA2 New User

    tnx for your report. :)
    Brizbrenz likes this.
  4. Sandwich-OPeration

    Sandwich-OPeration New User

  5. Brizbrenz

    Brizbrenz New User

  6. Brizbrenz

    Brizbrenz New User

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Copy and paste of transcript:
    1. Never tell your password to anyone.
    2. 5. lokakuuta 2012
    3. 17:15 - : hello
    4. 17:15 - Calippo: Hi
    5. 17:15 - Calippo: I want to buy your steam games.
    6. 17:16 - : oh, which ones and what you offer? :)
    7. 17:16 - Calippo: Dues Ex
    8. 17:16 - Calippo: Red Orc
    9. 17:16 - Calippo: Hearts
    10. 17:16 - Calippo: Them 3
    11. 17:17 - Calippo: for $45?
    12. 17:17 - : oh, red orchestra 2 are only guest passes :(
    13. 17:17 - Calippo: oh
    14. 17:17 - Calippo: just
    15. 17:17 - Calippo: dues
    16. 17:17 - Calippo: and heart
    17. 17:17 - Calippo: u have tf2 keys?
    18. 17:18 - : you pay me in keys?
    19. 17:18 - Calippo: nono
    20. 17:18 - Calippo: paypal
    21. 17:19 - : right
    22. 17:19 - : I have 4 tf2 keys
    23. 17:19 - Calippo: So how much for 4 tf2 keys
    24. 17:19 - Calippo: and the 2 games?
    25. 17:20 - Calippo: ?
    26. 17:20 - : $15
    27. 17:20 - Calippo: Ok how about can i add
    28. 17:20 - Calippo: the scrap medal?
    29. 17:21 - : what do you mean?
    30. 17:21 - Calippo: I want ur refined metal aswell
    31. 17:21 - : nah I need that
    32. 17:21 - Calippo: ok
    33. 17:21 - Calippo: how about
    34. 17:21 - Calippo: unusualy horsleess heads?
    35. 17:22 - : not selling other tf2 items than the keys atm
    36. 17:22 - Calippo: ok
    37. 17:22 - Calippo: $15?
    38. 17:22 - : yeah
    39. 17:22 - Calippo: for those items before
    40. 17:22 - Calippo: whats ur paypal
    41. 17:22 - : [REMOVED]
    42. 17:22 - Calippo: USD?
    43. 17:22 - Calippo: AUD?
    44. 17:22 - Calippo: EUR?
    45. 17:22 - : usd is fine
    46. 17:22 - Calippo: ok
    47. 17:22 - Calippo: how many rep u have?
    48. 17:22 - Calippo: i will not go firstu nless u have more rep
    49. 17:23 - : you can check my profile, plenty of rep
    50. 17:23 - Calippo: http://www.sourecop.com/modules.php...pic&t=108180&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
    51. 17:23 - Calippo: i have some
    52. 17:23 - Calippo: check pls
    53. 17:23 - : yeah, but I'm not a scammer unlike you, so you really gotta go first buddy :p
    54. 17:24 - Calippo: how am i scammer?
    55. 17:24 - Calippo: ?
    56. 17:24 - Calippo: y u call me scammer?
    57. 17:24 - Calippo: ?
    58. 17:25 - : you do realise people report you when you scam and try to scam them, dont you
    59. 17:25 - Calippo: how come i am scammer?
    60. 17:26 - : you don't think I can f✿✿✿✿✿✿ spell sourceop and not sourecop
    61. 17:26 - Calippo: scammer
    62. 17:26 - Calippo: reported
    63. Calippo is now Offline.
  7. Brizbrenz

    Brizbrenz New User

  8. Elyanes

    Elyanes New User

    He would buy 250 keys from me too. But see the warning post on sourceop so don't sell him.
  9. [N]inja Chris

    [N]inja Chris New User

    Brizbrenz likes this.
  10. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Already marked but adding to offenses. Thanks for the report. :)
    Brizbrenz likes this.