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Accepted Appeal: 76561198137642249 - (MK Killa / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by MK Killa, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. MK Killa

    MK Killa Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198137642249 (MK Killa)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Evidence] Fake - Report had falsified evidence
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    I had posts on csgolounge trying to sell my gloves on opskins, as a result I have had a huge increase in scammers adding me like morgan who happened to report me on steamrep with fake proof he produced. You can clearly see he has been banned for multiple offense on steamrep already here: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197964665929 Thankfully I have chat logs saved on my phone which is through the steam app. As you can see in the attached files that is the correct conversation we had, I can't provide proof of my trade which was posted on csgolounge since my account is now banned and everything has been removed. You can find the gloves listed here: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=100407311 and a screenshot showing they are in fact mine here: https://gyazo.com/f3032d28edf0b86814b33a5f4885b35c

    I receive a good 5 adds per day from people like morgan who all have high steam leveled accounts 50-200 asking to buy my gloves, requesting that I go first because their steam level is higher than mine. After the 3rd attempt from someone wasting my time I got fed up and started to add them and troll them as you can see in the chat history which is attached with this post. You can also see that I am from the US, and I speak English as my primary language. It is a nigh and day difference if you read this post that I am actually writing compared to the bogus chat proof he created to get me banned on steamrep.​

    Attached Files:

  2. MK Killa

    MK Killa Banned on SteamRep

    Further more, my profile is set up like that to deter scammers from adding me like Morgan. I figure if my profile looks blatantly obvious and identical to a scammers profile which I copy and pasted it from, they would not add me and waste my time. This apparently is not a deterrent and they still add me religiously.
  3. Sinou

    Sinou New User

    Well, as Morgan has previously mentioned, Killa is a repeated offender - no matter how gullible or outright stupid I was, the fact that I was scammed by him still stands - while it may not conform with SRs updated policy, most people with a brain can figure out that Killa is a scammer - just check my report.
    Also interesting to note how he's trying to make excuses with his profile - saying he copy/pasted it and stuff? Yeah, in the screencaps of his profile on the thread where he got successfully banned, there's a lot of similarities between your profile and the description - Adam from the US, a Level 20 Steam user with 2000+ hours in steam, talking about the +rep, his proof of previous transactions screenshots, etc. I'd like for you to revise your statement, so that it actually reflects your profile's state.
  4. Sinou

    Sinou New User

    I'd also like to ask as to why the heck any scammer would go through such means to simply get rid of a fellow scammer - would he really be arsed to make some more or less elaborate photoshop log to wrongly get someone banned? I highly doubt it.
    Just my two cents as the dickwaffle who stupidly got scammed though.
  5. MK Killa

    MK Killa Banned on SteamRep

    Creating a second steam account and changing a name to mine and saving my avatar then uploading it to the new account and calling that "elaborate", you can't be serious dude. These scammers do that on the regular with the good ol "trade your item to a friends account so I can trust you/see that it's a real item/no duped/etc." bullshit. Then they make a second account look identical to the friends account, please don't chime in unless you know what your talking about. This morgan guy is a known scammer I see him adding people all day off of csgolounge. By the way I did copy and paste the information off of a scammers profile I encountered, simply removed their name and changed the info to reflect to my profiles stats changing the hours on csgo, as well as my steam level to match. I guess you can say that's pretty "elaborate" as well, huh?
    Sinou if your new to trading that's fine, but when you add anything for sale on csgolounge for "real money" you should see the amount of these moronic scammers that add you. Half of them can't even speak english correctly and send the most f✿✿✿ed up messages that I have to try and decipher. So yes, in my opinion if your profile looks like a scammers profile theoretically speaking they shouldn't add you and waste their time. Which saves me time wading through the 5+ friend request's a day I would get from people trying to scam my gloves. PS, you weren't scammed you received your codes like you can see in the text logs. I sent them directly from the email when I received them shortly after buying them which I showed you, I don't know which account you redeemed them on but you received the wallet codes like we agreed on.
  6. MK Killa

    MK Killa Banned on SteamRep

    Furthermore you can go ahead and compare the chat logs from Sinou's topic and the chat logs that morgan has provided as proof, night and day difference. You can clearly determine that the chat logs morgan created are in fact not written by myself, I do not speak like that at all and it looks like someone who is not from the US wrote those messages on another account pretending to be myself. If you want even more proof that morgan is full of s✿✿✿, I can almost guarantee if you look at the IP logs from which morgan has accessed this site and you search where the IP is from it will be located somewhere out of the US. Yet on his profile he stats he is from the US, which is another lie.

    Attached Files:

  7. Sinou

    Sinou New User

    Alright, I'm not gonna fight for getting my report through - not even worth it.
    First of all, nice going dodging my main question - why the f✿✿✿ would anyone go through the trouble of falsifying evidence to that degree to simply get a cuntwaffle who trolled on you on CSGOlounge or in the steam client itself or where the f✿✿✿ ever to get banned?
    Secondly, if our trade did go as planned - which it didn't - why the f✿✿✿ am I blocked? Proof as seen in the picture I uploaded. Not even a minute after me saying "Uh?" you removed and blocked me. Also, as seen in the picture, the codes I have entered were "invalid", not "already redeemed". In fact, I'd be more than willing to talk this one out - if you didn't block me.

    Attached Files:

  8. MK Killa

    MK Killa Banned on SteamRep

    You seem like you're a bright guy, seriously though if you look at your chat logs and the chat logs provided by morgan do they not look like two different people wrote them? You also got blocked when you started joining my stream/broadcasts on steam spamming s✿✿✿, do you not remember that buddy? I'll wait for an admin to respond, I'm not getting into it with you when your harassing me on steam. So yeah, that deserves a block.
  9. Sinou

    Sinou New User

    So, blocking me on steam right after a trade while getting invalid, I repeat invalid codes, equals you blocking me after I went on ahead and dropped by a cute little greeting a few comments on one stream of yours? Mighty nice of you, telling the truth like that. Welp, no use crying over spilled milk right now.
    What I do want is the admin to respond to this appeal - and hopefully I'll be able to enjoy the outcome.
  10. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    temp lock to prevent flaming.
  11. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Unlocking upon request to add more information
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  12. MK Killa

    MK Killa Banned on SteamRep

    From doing further investigation on Morgan:http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197964665929 He reported my account here: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...ke-global-offensive-items.159599/#post-423958 From conclusion of my investigation I happened to come across multiple alt accounts he has which includes this account, which was also reported and banned on steamrep. His alt account can be found here: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198139205779 You can load up his page and look at his past names for proof it is the same user, I happened to screenshot it in case he changes it after this post has been made ( https://gyazo.com/a4714b1ae88c0fbf6b669ad22f0d52f6 ) Morgan also reported and happened to get another person banned on this thread: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...ke-global-offensive-items.150456/#post-405641 . If you look at the chat log proof he provided in both threads you can see that the conversation is nearly identical. I copy and pasted it for convenience but you can also find the below chat logs in both threads I have provided above.

    The chat logs he provided to get myself banned: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...ke-global-offensive-items.159599/#post-423958
    21:56 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: Hello... why did you added me ?
    21:56 - MK Killa: Hey , i see you have a knifes
    21:56 - MK Killa: i want to buy it from OPSkins may be
    21:57 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: Okay, via OPSkins i will do this no problem
    21:59 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: So are you interested?
    21:59 - MK Killa: Yes, i am sec
    21:59 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: ok
    22:03 - MK Killa: i want to buy your all knifes for 320usd
    22:03 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: Hm.. for 330 i will do it
    22:04 - MK Killa: Ok lets make $330usd man
    22:05 - MK Killa: but i have 1 issues ... I want to be sure that your knife isnt stolen or dupped , for that i am ready to overpay a little bit ,If you proof me that . You can install the extension in google chrome for opskins and then take a screenshot and show it me. Then i am ready to buy. Its safe
    22:05 - MK Killa: i got banned in trade once, for stolen items which i bought.. you know
    22:06 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: extension? what this mean i dont know
    22:06 - MK Killa: yeah plugin bro
    22:06 - MK Killa: in google
    22:06 - MK Killa: for opskins
    22:07 - MK Killa: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clean-items-csgo/nidjcdflhjdfhecjheagoajajnacogpb?hl=ru
    22:07 - MK Killa: it will help us to make clean trade
    22:07 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: hmmm... :D
    22:08 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: Do you mean it will help you (to get my knifes and scam me)?
    22:08 - MK Killa: scam ? what do you talking about ?
    22:08 - MK Killa: i am a legit trader
    22:08 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: legit XD
    22:09 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: stop this man....
    22:09 - MorgaNHeart [2k13] [$]: i am going to report you on SteamRep
    22:09 - MK Killa is now Offline.

    The chat logs he provided to get the other user banned: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...ke-global-offensive-items.150456/#post-405641
    4:05 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): Hey
    4:05 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): Why did u added me for?
    4:05 - Twice: Hello bro!
    4:05 - Twice: i was looking to buy your knife
    4:05 - Twice: bayo dopp via OPSkins
    4:05 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): Via opskins sure;)
    4:05 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): what the price?
    4:06 - Twice: $170usd
    4:06 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): Hm... its sounds fair to me
    4:06 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): so can i put it on ?
    4:07 - Twice: I want to be sure that your knife isnt stolen or dupped , for that i am ready to overpay a little bit ,If you proof me that . You can install the extension in google chrome for opskins and then take a screenshot and show it me. Then i am ready to buy. Its safe .
    4:07 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): what do you mean extension?
    4:07 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): Your english is bad
    4:08 - Twice: i am talking about this : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clean-csgo-skins/dbkpikiejanaagdjaiegdkljjhngdoab?hl=eng
    4:08 - Twice: it plugin will help us
    4:08 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): do you mean will help you? (to scam me) ?
    4:08 - Twice: why?...
    4:08 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): hahah, stop it
    4:08 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): i am going to report you on SR now^^
    4:09 - Jamthegreat (#1 P2 Bayo Doppler): Happy new year
    4:09 - Twice is now Offline.

    After doing some digging I came across what seems to be another person wrongfully banned on steamrep by morgan who is a banned individual himself, who has multiple alt accounts all of which are banned as well. The other guy he got banned on steam rep posted an appeal on Jan 1st 2017, it has been 3 months and nothing has been done about his appeal. You can see how I am typing out this reply and you can look at other messages on the forums I have wrote myself. I have been clearly framed for something I have not done by a user who has been banned on steamrep on multiple accounts. It is just beyond frustrating someone can make fake proof like this and get someone banned without any thought to it. I know the admins on this site do this on their spare time and none of the admins are paid for the work they do, but there should be something done about morgan who can just make topics and get anyone he chooses banned by copy and pasting extremely similar chat logs for other users. It just isn't right, a simple solution to prevent this from occurring in the future would be to simply IP ban him from steamrep to prevent other innocent people from getting banned.

    Thank you for your time, MK
  13. MK Killa

    MK Killa Banned on SteamRep

    Want to point out that the money transaction rules in the photos for both of the profiles morgan, as well as bryan are exactly the same. As well as the last paragraph "I am doing this thing....."
    They are the same person, both accounts owned by the same individual. Both banned on steamrep, yet he is still allowed to post reports. I don't understand it.

    You can also clearly see in the 3rd photo I uploaded that one of the past aliases is identical to his current name. bryan=morgan. bryan's reports and morgans reports on other users are nearly identical, all are poorly written English, all include a bogus google chrome extension link. I've even checked every link he has submitted as proof and every single one has 404'ed, which means its a fake link that has been made up. If you look in the url it is clearly button mashed digits. Steamrep admins, please open your eyes and see that this is a user abusing the system, he got banned for scamming on both of his accounts with proof. He then continues to scam and in the process is getting other innocent users banned as well.

    Attached Files:

  14. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Relocking, this time will stay locked until addressed.
  15. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Talked to user, sorting out appeal issues, agree their seems to be some shenanigans going on with reporter that is being looked into internally.
  16. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    @Sinou you may add me on steam, you should also add @MK Killa on steam too. Lets resolve this ASAP.
  17. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Hidden Content:
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  18. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a review, their is enough doubt for the banned tag to be removed, saying that, their is a second case that was archived where you did commit an offense, I attempted to mediate with both of you to resolve the issue but apparently that did not fall through last you told me. Due to extenuating circumstances, I am going to honor what I originally told you and hold you to resolve it, as per policy, repayment is required for appeals, but for now you will still have a caution tag for the second offense.


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