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I need an admin to reply asap

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by gukingofheart, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. gukingofheart

    gukingofheart New User

    Alright, someone just sold me level 100 earbuds for 28 keys.
    I accepted his offer.
    I said after the trade was over "I guess you don't care about levels".
    He realized that he made a mistake.
    So, if it's his fault, and he made a mistake, why should I be punished for it?

    I'm holding onto the buds for now, and keeping the guy in my friends list.
    He said I scammed him, when I did no such thing. He placed the buds in the trade, and did not realize it was level100.
  2. IkebotXP

    IkebotXP New User

    and FYI, this is not at all what happened.
    I was trading 4 earbuds with this buyer and during one of the trades my level 100 earbuds got mixed up.
    Once I found out I offered to give a key back for my mistake.
    Here is the chatlog.
    Pay attention to where he says this:

    9:02 PM - KillerOfHumans: sorry, no deal
    9:03 PM - KillerOfHumans: you made the mistake
    He admits it was a mistake he got the earbuds, but not only rejected the key, he demanded more or he would sell it. This is simple fraud, he clearly said he understood it was a mistake and wanted me to pay a ransom for the item even after I offered to give him a key. I will link a scammer report here once it is made, he has been banned on other gaming sites for similar behavior.
  3. IkebotXP

    IkebotXP New User

  4. gukingofheart

    gukingofheart New User

    Like I said. You traded me level 100 earbuds but did not realize they were level 100 until after we traded.
    I promised not to sell them til I get an admins decision.

    I see no rules against this, so I want to see what an admin says.
    I will give the buds right back if it's against the rules for no profit.
    I'll even give him an extra key if an admin thinks it's wrong.
  5. gukingofheart

    gukingofheart New User

    76561197981939534 said it was not against the rules but felt it was in the wrong. So gave the buds back + key
  6. IkebotXP

    IkebotXP New User

    Issue resolved, he gave it back once we spoke to a steamrep admin.
  7. ¦∞¦ Fusion ٩๏̯͡๏)۶

    ¦∞¦ Fusion ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ Partner Community

    Glad to see you guys managed to work it out :)
  8. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Good, however this should not have been required.

    To the OP I say that reputation is everything in this game, and while there is no onus upon us to trade back such items, it should be patently clear that a good trader will always reverse such a trade for a myriad of reasons, chief among these honest fair dealing with others :)
  9. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    agree on Venganza, just want to give another reason:

    While now you would make an profit on it, you make a bad rep with another known trader. This effects negatively your later trading. While being straightforward and helpful in such situations will gain you more rep with said trader which would be in a next trade more friendly with you, resulting in a better profit, or better opportunities later on.
  10. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Agree with Venganza here also, not only is intervention by a steamrep admin unnecessary but even posting this thread asking what to do is unnecessary.

    Regardless of the how known the trader is, its not hard to use your own moral compass. It's not about "him making a mistake and you being punished for it". It's obvious as to what was right here, he made an error, you as an honourable trader rectify it.

    We're not here to babysit your trades.
  11. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    I would like to add. If you had sold it for a profit and then the original seller who made the mistake (IkeBotXP) came up to you and said he wanted part of the profit for accidentaly giving you the wrong buds during a multi bud trade, then you can open a thread here and ask what to do as it is after the fact and you have long sold the buds. But if the person approched you within the same conversation saying. something like "wait. i just reviewed the trade and realized i sent the wrong buds. Can you please swap them for non-level 100 buds" there should have been no discussion other then "hey, i understand. it happens. trade me and we will rectify this mistake". But taking the buds hostage and saying "sorry, you made a mistake" is just a childish negative thing that in most eyes would make you look like a sleazy trader. Glad you came here, and gave this a chance to get rectified. Shows you are willing to learn and improve your trading skills. Hopefully next time you will know how to act immediately without having to ask for a second opinion. Happy trading to both of you.
  12. fxu

    fxu New User

    Knowing the full story, I can safely say OP is an a✿✿✿✿✿✿. The fact that it wasn't instinct to right the wrong and return the buds, it clearly shows your shitty ethics.
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