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Archived Report: 76561198073900449 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud

    Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198073900449

    Victim profile: 76561198113239993

    What happened? Description:
    I was joining a earbud raffle, bought about 180 slots, with 10 keys, and he was 100% i was gonna win
    I asked for a refund then he complained with refund policy of HIS GROUP, i never knowed about his group, i added a admin and talked about this, and both deleted me, and removed me from the raffle group.


    Provide Evidence:
    A little talk with the raffle group owner

    View attachment 180082 View attachment 180083
    The kick of group

    And the trade history View attachment 180084

    Attached Files:

  2. Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud

    Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud New User

  3. L0ST 1N T1M3

    L0ST 1N T1M3 New User

    Ok, first and formost. you tried to ban an admin-----> which leads to be an instant ban first off.
    Next i shall post the groups rules
    When you are taking part in a raffle, you automatically agree to:
    - Know it's a game of risk, and you may lose your item
    - Not complain if you lose
    - There are no refunds
    - Not reporting the host for a scam, this is how raffles work
    - Once you enter, you can't go back
    - If the slot you wanted isn't valid, you will get the closest available one
    - Do not bribe the host
    - Respect others that took part as well

    Do not include the item being raffled in the trade offer!

    We had a hour chat with 3 different admins and after a long hearing the admins decided to take adequate actions towards the situation
  4. Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud

    Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud New User

    That your raffle group's rules.

    Theres the real of the group i joined:
    About TF2 Raffle Lottery
    This group is all about TF2 raffles. So, join in, invite friends, and win the lottery! Have fun!

    How To Become An Admin
    Step 1 - Leave a comment on the groups owners profile saying you want to be admin
    Step 2 - Wait for approval and keep watching to see if your admin on this group. Also, you must be a raffler to be an admin. If you're not going to raffle then being an admin is useless.

    How To Become A Moderator
    Step 1 - Leave a comment on the groups comment section saying you would like to be a moderator and why.
    Step 2 - The group owner will comment back on the comment section that you left your comment on. It will either tell you if your approved or disapproved for the posistion.

    1 - 10 minute grace period between raffle announcements. I'm sick of people stealing everyone's thunder.

    2 - do not change your price entry or number of slots if you have begun the raffle. If it is necessary, refund the entries and start a new raffle.

    3 - Include what is being raffled, the number of entry slots, the price of entry slots, and who has already entered the raffle. Update this when someone joins the raffle.

    4 - Do not scam, phish, or ask stupid questions to anyone. If you have a question about a raffle, look over the announcement again. If it wasn't answered, ask the raffler.

    1- If you are a raffler and it is found out that you have "rigged" the raffle, you will be demoted from your posistion as admin and be kicked out of group. No acceptions.

    2-If you are a raffler and you scam someone and it is found out within the group, you will be demoted and possibly kicked from group. (depends on the type of scamming and/or how.)

    3-If you are to spam announcements or event notifications, you will be demoted from admin.

    4-If you are to join a raffle and try to get free slots, you will be kicked from group and not allowed to join back in.
  5. Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud

    Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud New User

    1.- Im talking about tf2 lottery raffle group
    2.- I dont care about your group, i didnt agreed these rules.
    3.- U just deleted me from the group
    4.- U didnt refund me back.
  6. L0ST 1N T1M3

    L0ST 1N T1M3 New User

    What he leaves out is that he entered via my groups rules, therefore unless he has an adequate reason and evidence why he deserves a refund he will not receive it, following rule#3
    Its fairly simple, all he has to do is provide a valid reaso
  7. Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud

    Darwin[KCR] #RoadToBud New User

    Woah, Srsly? More proof

    Attached Files:

  8. L0ST 1N T1M3

    L0ST 1N T1M3 New User

    It appears some things are lost in translation. here is the conversation
    [KoD]DarwinW: in any part of the group says that.
    [KoD]DarwinW: 1.- Im talking about tf2 lottery raffle group
    [KoD]DarwinW: 2.- I dont care about your group, i didnt agreed these rules.
    [KoD]DarwinW: I didnt knowed u has a group.
    [KoD]DarwinW: i swear...
    [KoD]DarwinW: and if u didnt gived me back the keys
    [KoD]DarwinW: that obviusly a scam
    inadequate trader: well, according to you and i quote " will i win 100%" even after i said you are undergoing through our rules
    [KoD]DarwinW: I asked u if i was gonna win
    inadequate trader: even after i said you are in contract with our rules
    [KoD]DarwinW: and?
    [KoD]DarwinW: i still have right to a refund
    inadequate trader: not if you are in within our rules
    inadequate trader: as i said multiple times, provide a valid reason for a refund. as it is a policy of the pure raffles and trading you have to provide sufficient evidence why you should break the rules for a refund
    [KoD]DarwinW: Those are my keys, that i joined a raffle, and then i retracted and cancelled that offer
    inadequate trader: after you broke the rules, even though bribing an admin is an offense. but then you tried to get a refund after you realized you broke the rules
    inadequate trader: and there was a no refund policy
    inadequate trader: as i said multiple times, provide a valid reason for a refund. as it is a policy of the pure raffles and trading you have to provide sufficient evidence why you should break the rules for a refund
    [KoD]DarwinW: i didnt agreed to these rules
    [KoD]DarwinW: i just joined the raffle.
    inadequate trader: therefore agreeing to the rules
    [KoD]DarwinW: I know i broked the rules, but these are my items, and i want them back.
    inadequate trader: as i said multiple times, provide a valid reason for a refund. as it is a policy of the pure raffles and trading you have to provide sufficient evidence why you should break the rules for a refund
    inadequate trader: PROVIDE A VALID REASON FFS
    [KoD]DarwinW: I provided a lot of reasons.
    inadequate trader: what are the reasons
    inadequate trader: then
    [KoD]DarwinW: 1.- I didnt agreed to rules
    inadequate trader: if you provided alot of them
    [KoD]DarwinW: 2.- Idc about your group
    [KoD]DarwinW: 3.- i dont even knowed u had a group
    inadequate trader: 1- you obviously did because i wouldnt of let you to join
    inadequate trader: 2- that has nothing to do with a reason
    [KoD]DarwinW: 4.- the owner kicked me from the group
    inadequate trader: 3- you joined my group
    inadequate trader: i have valid proof you joined it
    inadequate trader: i kicked you from the group
    inadequate trader: has nothing to do with the owned
    [KoD]DarwinW: 5.- i got the slots, but then i got kicked and all these keys to the trash
    inadequate trader: no, you are still entered and if you win i will add you back
    [KoD]DarwinW: but i want my refund
    inadequate trader: as i said multiple times, provide a valid reason for a refund. as it is a policy of the pure raffles and trading you have to provide sufficient evidence why you should break the rules for a refund
    inadequate trader: just write a small letter in your own language why you should get it back
    inadequate trader: proper reasons
    inadequate trader: thats it
  9. L0ST 1N T1M3

    L0ST 1N T1M3 New User

    Can we get a closure on this?
  10. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Evidence was all too cropped to accept, out of context unacceptable to start with
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