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Accepted Report: 76561198193053226 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by GLiTCheD |, Jun 29, 2017.

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  1. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198193053226

    Victim profile: 76561198173392907

    What happened? Description:
    All screenshots will be found in the evidence block
    User Geloo :) cs.money added me for a trade. I already knew that he was a scammer initially but saw that he didn't have a ban on here so I decided to play along with him to gather evidence.
    He offered me an AK-47 fuel injector on opskins.com for a couple of my valuable items, i.e my AWP | Asiimov. He provided me with a screenshot of the opskins item instead of a link to the item which was fishy and then said that I should deposit my items into the opskins inventory to see if they where listable on there. I agreed and clicked on the deposit button on the site. One of the Opskins OFFICIAL bots then added me. I declined the trade and then the scammer said that there where normally 2 bots that would've added you for the items. He then sent me an offer with HIS fake bot and I saw through his ruse and exposed him as a scammer. He then unadded me right after.​

    Provide Evidence:
    (NOTE: Using a Steam Skin)
    Chat log 1:
    Chat log 2:
    Chat log 3:
    Chat log 4:

    The Scammer's fake bot:

    Scammer Bot Profile:
    As you can see, the bot is not in the official Opskins bot group.
    All Official Opskins bots are usually in-game in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    My trade history:
    Screenshot 1:
    Screenshot 2:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    June 29, 2017
    2:22 PM - GLiTCheD |: Reason for add?
    2:22 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: Hello man
    2:22 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: are you interested in trading ? :)
    2:22 PM - GLiTCheD |: Yeah sure
    2:23 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: what items do you preffer as an offer man ? skins or knife ?
    2:23 PM - GLiTCheD |: Skins
    2:23 PM - GLiTCheD |: Though I will take an occasional knife
    2:23 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: okay what skins do you preffer? ak or m4?
    2:24 PM - GLiTCheD |: Both are good to me
    2:24 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: okay man let me check :)
    2:27 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: ill be sending you a screenshot of my offer man is it fine ?
    2:27 PM - GLiTCheD |: okay
    2:27 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: http://imgur.com/aK01uvl
    2:28 PM - GLiTCheD |: Alright
    2:29 PM - GLiTCheD |: How are we going to be trading?
    2:29 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: your awp, ak and some keys is it fine man ?
    2:29 PM - GLiTCheD |: Yeah
    2:29 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: okay so we deal?
    2:30 PM - GLiTCheD |: Deal
    2:30 PM - GLiTCheD |: .
    2:30 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: okay man can you give me your trade url so that i can send you a trade offer on my storage account that linked on my opskins :)
    2:30 PM - GLiTCheD |: It's on my profile
    2:31 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: oh i see man . :) okay man ill be checking my opskins right now man. ill be sending the trade offer about 5mins :)
    2:31 PM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    2:39 PM - GLiTCheD |: You done?
    2:39 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: almost man. i have a little problem on my internet.
    2:39 PM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    2:40 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: http://imgur.com/3OD03NF look man
    2:40 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: im stuck at here
    2:40 PM - GLiTCheD |: Ah,
    2:40 PM - GLiTCheD |: I'll give you the tradelink myself then
    2:41 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: i got it man dont worry. im buying the ak now man :)
    2:41 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: but i cant accept the trade offer of opskins because of this
    2:41 PM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    2:45 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: hey man. ill be out for work can i send you the trade offer later ?
    2:45 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: i hope its fine :(
    2:45 PM - GLiTCheD |: Sure.
    2:45 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: just reserve it for me okay ? :)
    2:45 PM - GLiTCheD |: How long will it take?
    2:45 PM - GLiTCheD |: Approximately?
    2:45 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: i dont know maybe ill try to send you a trade offer later at work
    2:45 PM - GLiTCheD |: k
    2:46 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: by the way man where did you get those items. trading or unbox ?
    2:46 PM - GLiTCheD |: Trading, mostly unbox
    2:46 PM - GLiTCheD |: And one with a contract
    2:47 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: okay man. are you familiar with opskins right ?
    2:47 PM - GLiTCheD |: Yeah
    2:47 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: Nice because after we trade ill be selling your stuff at opskins and get a profit on it.
    2:48 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: could you check man if youre items that were trading is listable at opskins? the would really helps me alot :)
    2:48 PM - GLiTCheD |: they are listable
    2:48 PM - GLiTCheD |: Done it before
    2:49 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: did you sell it man ?
    2:49 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: i mean you will just only put it on your opskins inventory man
    2:49 PM - GLiTCheD |: Yeah I know
    2:50 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: do you know how to do it man ?
    2:50 PM - GLiTCheD |: Yep
    2:50 PM - GLiTCheD |: I do
    2:51 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: wait man ill send you a screenshot guide on how to do it man. just to be sure okay? because when you sell it. the items will not be sellable for 7days man. i cant directly sell it.
    2:51 PM - GLiTCheD |: Okay.
    2:54 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: here man
    2:54 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: http://imgur.com/IUABbbG
    2:55 PM - GLiTCheD |: yeah
    2:55 PM - GLiTCheD |: Done that before
    2:55 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: can you do it man and send me a screenshot ? :)
    2:55 PM - GLiTCheD |: list them?
    2:55 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: i want to be sure i hope you understand me man :)
    2:55 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: no you will just have to put it on your opskins inventory man.
    2:56 PM - GLiTCheD |: And that will confirm..?
    2:56 PM - GLiTCheD |: What's the point of doing that, I mean
    2:56 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: yes man. after you put it on your opskins inventory you will get it and i will send you a trade offer right away
    2:57 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: to be sure that your items is still listable at opskins man because ill sell it there. if it cant be listable i will lose alot of profit in it
    2:57 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: i hope you understand it man :(
    2:57 PM - GLiTCheD |: Ok!
    2:57 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: thank you man :)
    2:58 PM - GLiTCheD |: So, I just take back once I've deposited them in my inv
    2:58 PM - GLiTCheD |: and sent the screenie
    2:58 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: yes man. just follow the screenshot guide man :)
    2:58 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: to be sure that you wont sell it. so i can sell it right away
    2:59 PM - GLiTCheD |: I will just put them in my inventory
    2:59 PM - GLiTCheD |: no listing
    2:59 PM - GLiTCheD |: ?
    2:59 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: yes man.
    2:59 PM - GLiTCheD |: kk going to do that right now
    3:00 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: dont click deposit because you will sell it. just press CTRL+D then ENTER on your keyboard so OPSkins bot will send you a offer.
    3:00 PM - GLiTCheD |: k
    3:02 PM - GLiTCheD |: Which items did you want btw?
    3:02 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: your awp and the key. because some of your keys is not yet tradable
    3:03 PM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    3:04 PM - GLiTCheD |: http://prntscr.com/fppr0a
    3:04 PM - GLiTCheD |: Everything is indeed listable
    3:05 PM - GLiTCheD |: Is that enough confirmation?
    3:05 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: wait man my net is so slow.
    3:05 PM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    3:06 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: did you press CTRL+D on your keyboar ?
    3:06 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: keyboard ?
    3:06 PM - GLiTCheD |: A bookmark?
    3:06 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: yes.
    3:06 PM - GLiTCheD |: http://prntscr.com/fpps75
    3:06 PM - GLiTCheD |: Just did it
    3:07 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: now go to your steam man
    3:07 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: check if theres an OPSkins bot offer.
    3:07 PM - GLiTCheD |: k
    3:08 PM - GLiTCheD |: theres the offer
    3:08 PM - GLiTCheD |: http://prntscr.com/fppsuu
    3:08 PM - GLiTCheD |: http://prntscr.com/fppt1p
    3:08 PM - GLiTCheD |: Profile
    3:08 PM - GLiTCheD |: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198300441364
    3:09 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: oh you click deposit man
    3:10 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: i think there are two BOT opskins trade offer there
    3:10 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: one is for selling and one is for your opskins inventory
    3:10 PM - GLiTCheD |: Ah
    3:10 PM - GLiTCheD |: I see
    3:10 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: accept the one bot thats not online
    3:10 PM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    3:11 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: because its on your opskins inventory
    3:11 PM - GLiTCheD |: Yeah I see
    3:11 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: the BOT on playing is for selling
    3:11 PM - GLiTCheD |: Mhm
    3:11 PM - Geloo :) cs.money: yes man ?
    3:11 PM - GLiTCheD |: Ah I see
    3:11 PM - GLiTCheD |: That's all I needed
    3:11 PM - GLiTCheD |: Thanks for playing along, by the way, you forgot to offer the M4A4 | Griffin.
    3:12 PM - GLiTCheD |: Verify your trade offers before you try to scam someone
    3:12 PM - GLiTCheD |: Thanks
    3:12 PM - GLiTCheD |: By the way, aren't you supposed to be at work?
    3:12 PM - GLiTCheD |: Kek
    3:12 PM - Geloo :) cs.money is now Offline.
    3:12 PM - Geloo :) cs.money is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    3:12 PM - GLiTCheD |: aAHHAAHAHHA

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @GLiTCheD | ALL evidence must be hosted HERE to the report not prntscr or any other 3rd party hosting site.
  3. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Alright, should I post another thread or just comment on this one?
  4. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Screencaps of the chat logs

    Attached Files:

  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Confirm bot please also don't crop your screenshots - full screens only.

    Please provide a full screen shot of that trade offer again- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**

    Attached Files:

  7. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    ss of bot trades

    Attached Files:

  8. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Try again - read instructions pls
  9. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Ah, like this?

    Attached Files:

  10. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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