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Accepted Report: 76561198158178465 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by GLiTCheD |, Jul 9, 2017.

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  1. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198158178465

    Victim profile: 76561198173392907

    What happened? Description:
    PAGO added me, wanting to trade for my items. I looked in his inventory and there wasn`t anything but Dota 2 items, so I then questioned him why there was nothing in his inventory (To which he replied nothing and ignored it) He then linked me to another inventory belonging to a different profile that had several knives and items of high value.
    He then invited me to a call (Which I couldn`t record but I still tried to get as much info from chat as possible)
    I asked for the M9 Bayonet Damascus Steel and he instantly replied yes in the call which I thought was a bit fishy, considering my inventory is worth a bit over 100,
    He then asked me where I got all my items and I said from the opskins marketplace and steam community market, he then asked me if I could go on opskins and list the skins to see if they were tradable. He then asked me for my skype so he could `Guide`me through listing but I said it was unnecessary but he still insisted but I refused and told him I wasn`t available. Then he asked if we could do it in chat and I agreed.
    He then guided me through the whole process and I acted like a brain dead idiot to waste his time a bit.
    Once I had the AWP Asiimov put in my listings and was ready to deposit it he told me to not deposit it and told me not to press the deposit button. He then said that it was a `Private listing`and asked me to wait a moment (He was probably logging into his fake bot) I then received a trade offer from a fake opskins bot that belonged to him and declined the offer and told him to go f✿✿✿ himself.

    Note: On his profile bio he claims that the inventory he is impersonating is his `Storage account.​

    Provide Evidence:


    Scammer`s OPskins fake bot profile:


    The person he`s impersonating:


    Never tell your password to anyone.
    GLiTCheD |: Sup
    PAGO: hello
    PAGO: hey
    GLiTCheD |: ?
    PAGO: i was wondering if you wanna trade?
    GLiTCheD |: Uhh sure
    GLiTCheD |: But I just checked your inventory out
    GLiTCheD |: I don't take dota 2 items
    PAGO: check here okay?
    PAGO: http://steamcommunity.com/id/PAGO/inventory/
    PAGO: and tell me what do you want ok?
    GLiTCheD |: sure, I'm in game though so wait a bit
    PAGO: ugh but how long :/
    PAGO: are you still there?
    PAGO: how long??
    GLiTCheD |: Uhh like a couple minutes
    GLiTCheD |: Just one round left it looks like
    PAGO: okay
    PAGO: just leave me message
    PAGO: cause i dont have a lot time i hope you u nderstand me
    GLiTCheD |: Alright, I'm done
    PAGO: okay can i call you so that we can talk better?
    GLiTCheD |: Sure
    Call from PAGO started.
    GLiTCheD |: Sup
    GLiTCheD |: I have no microphone
    PAGO: speak
    GLiTCheD |: That M9 Bayonet Damascus Steel
    GLiTCheD |: FN
    GLiTCheD |: Alright
    GLiTCheD |: What do you want btw?
    GLiTCheD |: k
    GLiTCheD |: You want my trade url?
    GLiTCheD |: I can't hear you properly
    GLiTCheD |: type in chat
    GLiTCheD |: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=213127179&token=i8Zewa_U
    GLiTCheD |: Alright
    GLiTCheD |: Yeah.
    GLiTCheD |: ?
    GLiTCheD |: Buy?
    GLiTCheD |: What knife?
    GLiTCheD |: Oh, Opskins and steam marketplace
    GLiTCheD |: Mostly traded
    GLiTCheD |: Sure.
    GLiTCheD |: Yeah, okay
    GLiTCheD |: kk
    PAGO: wait
    GLiTCheD |: My volume is a bit off right now
    GLiTCheD |: We're going to list them on opskins right?
    PAGO: okay do you have skype so that i can guide you throusgh screensharing/
    PAGO: ?
    GLiTCheD |: I already know how to list them
    GLiTCheD |: I'll just tell you when I'm going to list them
    PAGO: no do you know private lists?
    PAGO: wait
    PAGO: let me guide you ok?
    GLiTCheD |: I already know how to
    GLiTCheD |: +++I don't have skype anyway.
    PAGO: okay create a skype so that i can guide you easily ok?
    GLiTCheD |: Eh, I can't skype anyway rn
    PAGO: okay maybe ill guide you here?
    GLiTCheD |: Sure
    PAGO: okay sign in to OPskins wth steam okay?
    GLiTCheD |: Already done
    PAGO: okay did you see the sell?
    GLiTCheD |: Yeah
    PAGO: okay click that
    PAGO: dont worry we will not sell your knife okay?
    PAGO: i mean your skins
    GLiTCheD |: kk
    GLiTCheD |: yeah
    GLiTCheD |: I'll list them at 999 just in case
    GLiTCheD |: ?
    GLiTCheD |: done
    GLiTCheD |: my inventory
    GLiTCheD |: yeah
    GLiTCheD |: yeah
    GLiTCheD |: kkk
    GLiTCheD |: done
    GLiTCheD |: kk
    GLiTCheD |: Wait
    GLiTCheD |: what is this?
    GLiTCheD |: Type it in chat please
    GLiTCheD |: I can't hear you
    GLiTCheD |: ???
    GLiTCheD |: My volume is broken
    GLiTCheD |: type in chat please
    PAGO: that is a private lists works
    PAGO: click the next but dont click the deposit ok?
    GLiTCheD |: oh the volume is back, alright I got you
    GLiTCheD |: I clicked
    GLiTCheD |: ok, I won't click the deposit
    GLiTCheD |: ah
    GLiTCheD |: yes I see it
    GLiTCheD |: it's a what?
    Call with PAGO ended.
    GLiTCheD |: My volume doesn't work
    GLiTCheD |: type in chat
    PAGO: okay
    GLiTCheD |: I just got the trade offer
    PAGO: accept that and lets go back to OPskins and se if marketble okay?
    GLiTCheD |: ah
    GLiTCheD |: Okay
    GLiTCheD |: btw what is this code it gave me?
    PAGO: and dont forget to confirm it on mobile ok?
    PAGO: respond it and con firmed it on your mobile okay?
    GLiTCheD |: what is that code btw?
    PAGO: tell me if done so that i can send the offer oky?
    PAGO: can you send me the code?
    GLiTCheD |: The code?
    PAGO: yes
    GLiTCheD |: It says it is a security token
    PAGO: yes maybe that one
    GLiTCheD |: ah
    PAGO: respond that
    GLiTCheD |: you want that code?
    PAGO: and lets go back to OPskins and se e if marketable ok?
    PAGO: and dont forget to confirmed it on mobile okay?
    GLiTCheD |: Oh
    GLiTCheD |: the code
    GLiTCheD |: It's:
    GLiTCheD |: Go f✿✿✿ yourself scammer
    GLiTCheD |: K E K
    PAGO is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    His fake opskins bot profile seems to have been deleted since. (I just checked)
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    NEVER give us CUSTOM URLs - I need the SR profile block to that bot
  4. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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